Please stop nagging me about unspent points

This situation is getting ridiculous.

  • “You have unspent talent points”
  • New one: “You have unspent Dragonriding Glyphs”
  • “You have aa PvP talent slot”
  • “You have a new PvP talent”
  • “You have unspent Profession Knowledge points”

Stop. Just stop. Across many toonsthis is beyond annoying. The talent one got particularly naggy recently where if you dismiss it, open your talent pane and close it then it will reappear.

I don’t care that I have unspent points. I don’t care. I don’t care. I don’t want to be reminded. How do I turn all of this off? Give me an account-wide option to disable every one of these things.

And if I dismiss one of these messages it should NEVEr appear again until something changes. So I don’t mind getting notified my mage talents changed in 10.1.5, for example, but please never, ever nag me about something I’ve already dismissed.


You spend your points. Just click a node and done.


Here’s one possible solution. I kept looking for a bit to see if there was something easier and cleaner but couldn’t find it. Turns out the plugin creator mentioned there is really neat.


I have 5 Dragonriding glyphs that it will not let me spend due to not being far enough along in the campaign on this one of my 5 toons. I should be able to turn the damn notifications off.


I have not once encountered this issue on any of my alts. As soon as they arrive in the Dragon Isles they can spend all the glyphs. An addon issue? Or possibly just bugged for that character, no idea.

Editing to add - zero progress on campaign except for getting on the boat.


Why do you have unspent points? Do you enjoy performing at your lowest potential?


Spend those points.


yeah I thought it was weird too, as I mentioned, 5th alt. Got to dragon isles and it would only let me spend half my pts. I didn’t remember that being the case on any of my other toons. Figured maybe I needed to level up? got to 63, still won’t let me spend em.

Regardless, I’m at the point where I can’t spend any more pts, unless i have 5 pts to spend. I have 3. I still wanna turn the notification off LOL.

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You still get those pop-ups if you cannot possibly spend any more points. My main is maxed in Mining/Skinning completely and I had to get an add-on to make those pop-ups stop.


i totally agree it can be really tiring, i wish they change something about it

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Are you aware that we got new “talents” on the tree? Did you start from the top and work your way all the way down? It’s just a thought.

Sounds like a problem you made yourself. You know the solution. You know how to get the notifications to stop, but you stubbornly won’t do it. Then you complain. Weird.


I think it only goes one way.

And your comment is completely unnecessary, un-insightful, and intended to provoke a negative response. Good day sir. Move along.


I’m being serious. Why not just spend the points to make it go away?

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Profession points can’t be changed.


Also add “are you sure you still wish to remain offline” to that list of annoying, perpetual messages that they keep throwing in your face regardless of how many times you give the same answer.


If you mean profession points, the vendor only buys in lots of 10? I think. So you get spammed regardless. I had to install a profession points suppression add-on to block the constant spam.

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turn off “tutorial mode/help” and it goes away


I would spend them if my profession had stayed as straightforward as it was in prior expansions.