Help hiding the "Unspent Profession Knowledge" popup (Solved)

Edit 2: Solved with a tiny addon that you can make yourself, see this post by Gello:

Edit 1: Partially solved, thanks to the two fine people in this thread, Arkayenro and Elvenbane:

Use this

/run C_CVar.RegisterCVar("hideHelptips", 1)

in the chat box, then relog, and it will be hidden for all characters. To renable, change the “1” to “0”. This will work to hide the popup, but only until the game is restarted. You’ll need to use it again when the game is restarted.

Can anyone give me a console command or addon that will hide this?

I don’t need to see this every time I log in. There was an addon called HideTalentAlert that someone created when we all got tired of seeing that popup, but it doesn’t block this newest annoyance.

This is what it says in the lua file:

function MainMenuMicroButton_AreAlertsEnabled()
return false

Is there some other command that will do this same thing for the profession knowledge popup?


Anyone have a way to hide this popup?

havent tested it but this should work. if it doesnt then youre stuck as the other case is a local so theres no way to get at it.

/run LoadAddOn( "Blizzard_Professions" )
/run ProfessionsFrame.unspentPointsHelptipAcknowledged = true
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So how do I use this? I tried putting it in chat, and making an addon out of it, but it doesn’t work either way. I know just enough about addons to be dangerous, but not enough to figure this out! Thanks for the help!

As-written would be put it in a macro/each line into chat.

Tried it both ways, and it doesn’t do anything that I can tell. Even if it did work, what I’m looking for is something that will hide it permanently, with no interaction from the player, rather than using a macro or putting lines in chat, since there’s little difference between doing that and just clicking the x to close the popup when I log in, or whenever it comes up.

Thanks though! :slight_smile:

Addon version would be to remove the /run commands and turn it into an addon :wink:

That said, if the script version was doing what you needed.

Yeah, it doesn’t seem to be doing what I want anyway, so I guess I’m just stuck with the annoying popup if I’m not ready to spend the KP yet.

Thanks for the help!

Does this do anything?

/console showTutorials 0

I’ve got unspent knowledge but I’m not seeing the popup, even if I disable ElvUI & Bartender.

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Not a thing. I feel like it doesn’t actually show the popup unless you have 5 or more KP to spend though. One of my characters has 3 and 4 KP unspent and no popup, but another has 5 with the popup, and others have over 5 with the popup.

If that’s not the case with you, please figure out what magic you used to make it stop! :smiley:

does this hide it?

/run HelpTip:HideAllSystem("MicroButtons")

Yes, it does hide it when I put that in the chat box after logging in!

So how can I turn this into an addon so it will automatically be hidden? I tried doing what Elvenbane said and putting it in a Lua file without the /run, but that didn’t hide it, because it was still there on login.


hooksecurefunc("MainMenuMicroButton_UpdateAlertsEnabled", function() HelpTip:HideAllSystem("MicroButtons") end)

Still not hiding the popup on login, sadly. Blizzard reeeeally wants us to spend those points. LOL

How about…

hooksecurefunc(HelpTip, "IsShowingAnyInSystem", function(system) if system == "MicroButtons" then HelpTip:HideAllSystem("MicroButtons") end end)

That didn’t work either. I hate to keep taking up your time, so I just won’t worry about it! Thanks for trying. :smiley:

lol this is why I stick to macros. Gonna shut up and let Ark keep doing their thing.

if you turned that command into an addon and its not working then i presume its a timing issue and your addon is loaded before the helptip is shown (so theres nothing to hide at that point)

this should be the nuclear option - its going to disable all helptips - again, i havent tested this

/run C_CVar.SetCVar("hideHelptips", "1")

to undo it run it again but change the "1" to "0"

Hmm. I logged in on a character that has unspent points, and used this in the chat box, and it didn’t hide the popup that was already there. It seems there’s just no way to hide this thing!

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sorry, that command wont hide it immediately, it should stop it from showing in the first place though.

ie run that command and then /reload