Please stop adding changes to classic era

I am a purist and almost every change that has been made since wrath classic came out has really rubbed me wrong. The version of the game is called classic era; -Era-. I quit for 2 months over the fact they added Cast bars to the game with out add ons. Their reasoning seems completely logicless. Basically saying since people get addons for it, we are going to add it to the game itself.

People get addons for alot of stuff. They get addons to see where go for quests, i heard they’re are addons to add maps to dungeons, and the ability to see mobs aggro radius. All to me are like bowling with the lanes up.

So what changes will be enough, Blizzard? What’s the line that you will stop changing classic era? Cuz im terrified that they are going to add something dumb like questie to the default interface, or something stupid (For the version of the game) Transmog.

For anyone who thinks UI doesn’t effect gameplay, i guess you don’t need an action bar
. . .

I have a deep hatred for addons in the first place. It was WoW’s Original Sin. The game is such an immersive and amazing rpg, and mmo out of the box. With no extra interface options on, classic era feels something kinda like an mmo version of Morrowind to me.

Please Stop changing classic era. Do what ever you want to SoD, Retail, and Cata/wrath classic, but please leave classic era out of it. Please.


Any citations for this? (not disputing your claim, just curious and tend to prefer completeness).

Since there are different flavors of Classic: Era, HC, SoD, I suppose one affects the other. I wonder if any hunters in HC died due to Scorpid Poison nerfs! for example.

Anyway, while I completely agree with the points you’ve made, and do not think any changes are particularly good changes, I do not think that we’ve seen the last of them.


Idk how to add a picture one second just scrnshot and edited the picture of the patch notes, just gotta add it. . .

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Oh, it’s from the patch notes!

With the explanation, as you mentioned above:

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Classic doesn’t mean original.

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This game is my gaming heart and soul. This is to me unacceptable. It’s wrong what they are doing to classic era. Idk why they are adding things to it. I feel like it would just easier to just leave it alone, but maybe it’s a code thing and the easier option for them is to let features bleed threw, idk. All i know is it’s not what i signed up for. It’s BS.


yes but its suppose to be a close enough replication, which it was, and it a bit lesser existent still is.

Which it is.


You say that as the continue to change it. The fact of the matter is, there are clear changes and i can list most of them off the top of my head; changes, they started adding around the time wrath classic came out. So it is, but to a lesser degree than before, that’s just a fact.


Right. “No changes!” died in 2019.


Changes is what destroyed the game in the first place to make it into an action mmo.


Pretty sure you’re still playing, which doesn’t indicate WoW was destroyed. Blizz is still making money hand over fist.


I’m done respond to your generic and mundane responds.


That’s fine, we’ve determined that I was correct.


I hear your opposition but they did make these things options. Not enabling those features you dislike isn’t enough?

Honestly I’m not trying to be provocative but trying to find a better space for you so you can play as you wish.


You make sound logic here; However, i see the icon of debuffs and dots tick away on the icon picture, and i dont think that can be turned off.
It goes beyond logic for me aswell. I cant feel but heartbroken everytime they add something; like, the ability to dismount without manually doing so, or the forementioned cast bars. I had to go threw them changing the game once i really dont want to go through it again. The cata pre-patch back in the day is i think the only source of trama i think i have ever experianced in a video game, and the subsequent changes that continued to break my heart, and its like its happening again.

I totally agree. I thought I would give my old Retail toon some attention after a LONG time ignoring that account (TBC and WotLK is where my attention was going). I logged on and thought the old ElvUI had taken over my account. I never liked that addon. There is probably a way of changing the UI, but I was already annoyed. I immediately turned off Retail and went back to WotLK to play a little bit more of that before I abandon those toons when Cata comes out. Why don’t I play Classic Era? I do, a little. I just enjoy my Blood Elves and Draenei. And I am holding out hope for a TBC server once Cata goes live.


Yea i hate the retail interface looks like a korean mmo ui.
I think dreanei and blood elves are cool. I think the out lands and northrend are really cool places. My only major issue is that they nerfed vanilla content into the geound; its why i personally cant play it or like it. Im a lvler by nature, i enjoy just immersing myself in the world and getting lost in its world concepts and machics.

I quit tbc classic at lvl 25. I reached argul with my group and just sat down and logged out and never really got back onto tbc classic.

Cata was the death blow anything i loved was dying fast then.
( i also really hate sommon stones but i coulda looked past that if they didnt nerf the content.)

“We want to reproduce the game experience that we all enjoyed from the original classic wow.” – J. Allen Brack, Blizzcon 2017.

I agree. They keep making changes that, to my mind, are not part of vanilla. To add them just because they are a widely used addon is no excuse. You want that qol, get the addon but don’t make it part of the game. It will never be the same as the original because the playerbase has changed (greed–>need), along with the meta (rpg → esport), and the servers (under-performing virtual servers with layers and shards vs. 1 hardware server/realm. I basically only play era now and I’ve a good guild. I am also a leveler and like to immerse myself rather than get all worked up about bis, dps counts, and whether or not I have all the world buffs. I expect my kind are a dying breed so they will continue to cater to the rest. If they keep screwing with the game I’ll just go somewhere else if I still need my vanilla fix.


It warms my heart to heard another like me. :slight_smile:

I believe Jesus said to stop to smell the flowers. I think gamers let there real life ambition sink into their gaming. The world is extremely materialist.
Here are some lyrics from my favorite rapper, Bones; whom also plays WoW fuuny enough.

“Break the truth of these B------, pay you for all of these digits
Do it cause love, don’t do it for bucks, the money ain’t leaving here with you
The memory of you is real, when you go on the feelings they feel
The stories they tell, the times that they share, with you will asure that you won’t disappear”