Please separate twinks from leveling players.

10/22/2018 02:10 AMPosted by Samron

Twinks ruin gameplay and reduce the number of people who bother playing, increasing queue times. And the fewer players there are, the less likely there will be a balance of equally geared players at all times of the day.

Hi, i'm a restoration druid twink and I want to chime in here. Here's a little fact many of you may have missed. When we had our own brackets, queue times were garbage. Literally. You normally had to set up games on XPoff in order to get the ball rolling. Anyone, absolutely anyone who is a twink and posting here saying we should NOT have our own queue, you're a joke. You know damn good and well that twinks ruin the battleground experience for players because we hold all the cards. How can someone in leveling greens / blues go up a fully enchanted BIS Sul'thraze/Ramstien using fury warrior? By all means, please tell me, i'm all ears. I've seen one fury warrior in the above gear completely rip through half a team by themselves, no challenge at all.

The simple fact is, the battlegrounds were made with a purpose: So people could generally learn their class and how it operates as they level up so they have a better understanding when they hit 120. Telling people : "Hurp durp, just don't queue unless you have better gear!" is such a chicken !@#$ response, i'd be ashamed. Twinks in the current setting are bullies in a playground with nobody there to enforce them. They force people to avoid PvP until the higher levels or just enjoy getting graveyard camped 2 out of every 5 games. You can't compete against us, you can't even slow us down most of the time because we have stupid amounts of defensive abilities or offensive tools coupled with a broken class at the locked level, it's no contest. I watch health bars in battlegrounds, it's what I do as a healer, and let me tell you when pre-made 5 man twink squads get into a game it's absolutely realistic to watch people (6+) die in about a ten second span.

If you're fighting against twinks having their own bracket, then you're honor farming / or griefing. Take your pick, they both fit. If you want to fight other twinks or (skilled) players, then getting your own bracket helps you. Stop pretending you're twinking for competition, because let's be honest, that's a joke I can't stop laughing at.
No. This was already done a long time ago before and wasn't necessary. Why should twinks have to fight fair fights? That's totally not fair. They have just as much right to their playstyle as we have to ours.

You anti-twink people need to have some compassion for them. They've been through enough. Imagine not being good at anything in this game and never having a sense of accomplishment. How would you like it? At least twinking gives them SOMETHING to make them feel like they're good at something. Even if it is a plecebo, it's still good medicine.
Why? -_-
08/07/2018 02:07 AMPosted by Demoniclily
why? you're gonna level out of a bracket in a couple hours. let the twinks have fun.

Why not separate xp off and xp on brackets?

You're basically asking people trying to level characters to not level through Pvp unless they want to be eaten alive by twinks they can't compete against.

And I say this as someone with a twink.
10/22/2018 10:24 AMPosted by Yagarr
They removed templates from level 10-119 bgs?

I presume you do not have an understanding of how gear scaling works currently in BFA.
The gear disparity issues from the past have been removed.
x1 vs x9 Scaled Gear within the brackets, is at the most balanced state it has ever been in WOW.
10/22/2018 11:21 AMPosted by Willybrown
10/22/2018 10:24 AMPosted by Yagarr
They removed templates from level 10-119 bgs?

I presume you do not have an understanding of how gear scaling works currently in BFA.
The gear disparity issues from the past have been removed.
x1 vs x9 Scaled Gear within the brackets, is at the most balanced state it has ever been in WOW.

Gear scaling is hugely broken in the current system when it comes to enchanted gear and BiS.
  • Stat Stacking
  • Food and Potion Buffs
  • Weapon Procs
  • Trinket Procs
  • Player Buffs
  • All of this adds up to push a player from basic to excess when it comes to gear scaling. Gear scaling is absolutely fine when it comes to things such as dungeons and RDF because more the mobs you're fighting scale closely to your level, and even then it's pushed over the top. This is seen pretty commonly when you have people queueing up for dungeons as tanks when they are actually DPS and then easily holding aggro through the dungeon and staying alive through class mechanics. This is even worse when it comes to the battlegrounds where twinks look for the best item they can use in their level range and then throw the most effective enhancement on it to push it even farther.

    A good example, mark of the hidden satyr, an enchantment that is available in LEGION and used on characters at most brackets for a DPS boost. Couple this with Elemental Force on your weapons, which is a MoP enchantment, and you're front-loading a lot of damage on any duel wielding character or even a caster. The problem is that a person isn't going to buy new enchantments every time they level up and change their equipment so this puts them at a disadvantage when playing against twinks. Twinks on the other hand will always have the same equipment (maybe a few changes, nothing massive) and the same enchantments and the only thing they will truly cycle through is consumables. And don't even get me started on Legion PvP potions and how they give you a short lived but huge boost in DPS and overall destructive potential. I give you the example of orc racials with salt water potions at very low levels, such as the 20-29 bracket. It's disgusting.

    Again, I stand by my initial argument: Twinks don't twink to play against other twinks, they twink to dominate lower levels. If you're not active in the twink community in your own seperate bracket then you're farming honor / farming tokens against lower geared players. But hey, don't take my word for it, search Youtube for 'world of warcraft twinks' and look at the recent ones. Get a good taste of how "awesome" the twink brackets are and how balanced it is.
    10/22/2018 12:05 PMPosted by Ellowa
    Gear scaling is hugely broken

    Gear scaling is actually the most balanced it has ever been in WoW.

    As for enchants, you can easily farm some gold in one the myriad of ways.
    No time for farming? then you can buy a WOW token and use $3 worth of gold to enchant your BOAs (which last forever).
    Crafted items are another "Free" option, which are arguably BIS.
    10/22/2018 12:27 PMPosted by Willybrown
    10/22/2018 12:05 PMPosted by Ellowa
    Gear scaling is hugely broken

    Gear scaling is actually the most balanced it has ever been in WoW.

    As for enchants, you can easily farm some gold in one the myriad of ways.
    No time for farming? then you can buy a WOW token and use $3 worth of gold to enchant your BOAs (which last forever).
    Crafted items are another "Free" option, which are arguably BIS.

    So in essence :

    Spend time gearing up if you want to compete against twinks.

    That's not an answer, that's an excuse. It seems like you're refusing to face the elephant in the room, twinks don't want to fight twinks they want to fight undergeared players.
    10/22/2018 12:52 PMPosted by Ellowa
    twinks don't want to fight twinks they want to fight undergeared players.

    I'll fight anyone at this point, as long as I'm getting games. Not everyone was fortunate enough to have a vibrant bracket full of xp off players in xp off queues. Your bracket, for instance, died after segregation because there weren't enough xp off players to field the queues. Many other brackets were like this too.
    With the current number of twinks on the field playing against each other this just adds strength to my argument that current twinks don't want to fight other twinks. Current twinks only want to play against players who are undergeared so they can farm them. And no, the 50-59 bracket didn't die at all. Yes, all my 60's got pushed to the 60 - 69 bracket, but even then, gear disparity still causes huge issues with 60's in BiS going against random blue / green players.
    10/22/2018 01:18 PMPosted by Ellowa
    And no, the 50-59 bracket didn't die at all.

    10/22/2018 01:18 PMPosted by Ellowa
    Current twinks only want to play against players who are undergeared so they can farm them.

    With all due respect, was this ever not the case?
    10/22/2018 01:25 PMPosted by Greyhide
    10/22/2018 01:18 PMPosted by Ellowa
    Current twinks only want to play against players who are undergeared so they can farm them.

    With all due respect, was this ever not the case?

    In truth, you're right. Twinks never wanted to play against other twinks, they wanted to do what they are doing now. Statistics show that simply by looking at queue times when there was a twink bracket. They were awful, even during wrath, and you would rarely if ever see anything outside of certain times of the day. Not like the current queue times when you can queue at any time of the day and see a fight.

    10/22/2018 01:22 PMPosted by Myninja
    10/22/2018 01:18 PMPosted by Ellowa
    And no, the 50-59 bracket didn't die at all.


    I mean it is what it is, you don't have to like the truth it's just the truth. The 59 bracket is very active if you go to the XPoff forums and play it yourself. I never have issues with a lack of twinks there and in fact, they're more active with the gear skew there then they are elsewhere. With gemming become something you can look forward to when you hit 58 it adds a whole new level of Min/Max to your character stat wise.
    10/22/2018 02:16 PMPosted by Ellowa
    I mean it is what it is, you don't have to like the truth it's just the truth. The 59 bracket is very active if you go to the XPoff forums and play it yourself.

    I'm not talking about now dummkopf. All brackets are alive now since the remerge. Go back and read what I said.

    Maybe not a liar, but very obtuse.
    10/22/2018 12:27 PMPosted by Willybrown
    10/22/2018 12:05 PMPosted by Ellowa
    Gear scaling is hugely broken

    As for enchants, you can easily farm some gold in one the myriad of ways.
    No time for farming? then you can buy a WOW token and use $3 worth of gold to enchant your BOAs (which last forever).
    Crafted items are another "Free" option, which are arguably BIS.

    Everything you mentioned here adds up to one thing, spending money on a character to ensure he is able to fight in a bracket he will level out of within a day. Crafted items (I assume you mean engineering items) can cost hundreds, if not thousands, of gold to craft and create. This is and of itself is impossible for lower level players to accomplish due to material requirements on the items they want. Yes, they can farm for them however some of the items are out of their range without assistance. (Farming Thorium at low levels is nigh impossible) I also find it a perfect spotlight on the situation when you mention. "Just spend 20 dollars on a WoW token and get some gold to equip yourself". This isn't an answer, it's an excuse to a problem that could be fixed simply by pushing Experience Off players to their own PvP bracket.

    If the twinking community is as active then as it is now, queueing should continue to be instant and offer you a large number of games in any bracket. However let's be realistic, you and I know this isn't the case nor will it be if they remove the ability for players to stay in the current brackets. The Twink community as a whole will go back to the way it was prior to Legion and gear scaling and will dry up like a watering hole in the desert. Or you will have twinks who level through a bracket with BiS only to go farm the items again, and again (yes this was happening).
    there's no point in gearing up as a leveler, when you are leveling you goal is that, reach the max level, and if you decide to get gear to become twink you must off experience so...

    as a leveler don't list bg's , they give experience but to win 1 you have to disable experience bar or pray the twinks are your partners
    10/22/2018 02:20 PMPosted by Myninja
    10/22/2018 02:16 PMPosted by Ellowa
    I mean it is what it is, you don't have to like the truth it's just the truth. The 59 bracket is very active if you go to the XPoff forums and play it yourself.

    I'm not talking about now dummkopf. All brackets are alive now since the remerge. Go back and read what I said.

    Maybe not a liar, but very obtuse.

    Of course the brackets are active with twinks, why wouldn't they be? How ignorant do you have to be to honestly think twinks wouldn't jump at the chance to hop into a bracket with undergeared players and farm them for fun? That in itself is the problem, players who just want to experience pvp on an even footing with players in the same gear category as them are unable to do so because of twinks. I mean, you're pretty much agreeing with the things i'm saying.
    10/22/2018 12:52 PMPosted by Ellowa
    Spend time gearing up if you want to compete

    This is how an MMO works.
    10/22/2018 02:30 PMPosted by Ellowa
    I mean, you're pretty much agreeing with the things i'm saying.

    Um, no?

    Look, you sound like you want a FPS game. This is a MMORPG. Gear matters here. Only a brief period of time did gear not matter, and it was a disaster. It's why it was scrapped after less than 2 years. I'd actually argue that gear still mattered during these times. For crying out loud, white rings were BiS until around level 60, because their ilvl was higher than any green, blue, or purple of those levels.

    What everyone should be arguing for, imo, is less gear disparity. And to fix the over-tuned items (such as Rammstein). Blizzard can accomplish that with the current system they have now. That way everyone can get queues. Just unbunch your panties and wait because Blizzard historically has never been in a hurry to fix low level brackets.
    10/22/2018 02:44 PMPosted by Willybrown
    10/22/2018 12:52 PMPosted by Ellowa
    Spend time gearing up if you want to compete

    This is how an MMO works.

    There is a guy in Asia where there are no laws about assault on minors, he beat up all 150 kids during a school recess. He's now 150-0 on his fighting record. It's the kids fault for not beefing themselves up to take him on.

    This is how fighting works.