Please separate twinks from leveling players.

08/08/2018 08:45 PMPosted by Rdord
They enjoy the unfair advantage that being a twink versing random clueless levelers brings.

You do realize the irony though, right? 110 is technically a twink cap by definition and theres an army of boosted/undergeared players. You stomping new players is absolutely no different from us stomping new players. Think about it.

Yes, because clearly, all the twinks are on one side.

Also this.
08/08/2018 08:45 PMPosted by Rdord
They enjoy the unfair advantage that being a twink versing random clueless levelers brings.

You do realize the irony though, right? 110 is technically a twink cap by definition and theres an army of boosted/undergeared players. You stomping new players is absolutely no different from us stomping new players. Think about it.

Yes, because clearly, all the twinks are on one side.

Also this.

No I don't see the irony in playing at level cap for a few weeks during a prepatch compared to making a low level twink.
This twink bull!@#$ needs to go, send them back into their own queue again. It wasn't needed during legion due to templates, but this %^-* is ridiculous right now.
08/09/2018 10:41 AMPosted by Whidow
08/09/2018 06:42 AMPosted by Forums
Some players enjoy easy wins and no competition.

Yes, because clearly, all the twinks are on one side.


It was a full premade of level 19 twinks.
08/08/2018 08:03 PMPosted by Ripshadow
Just played a full premade of lvl 19 twinks. How is it even fun?
08/09/2018 07:23 PMPosted by Raddikz
This twink bull!@#$ needs to go, send them back into their own queue again. It wasn't needed during legion due to templates, but this %^-* is ridiculous right now.


It was a full premade of level 19 twinks.

they're the most cancer of the most cancer of the twink community so that's no surprise.
Please no. Twinks are so much fun. With the stat squish they arent even that much better now.

The old days where twinks could literally one shot you were terrible. Well not if you were playing one i guess.

Its been enjoyable playing a few of my old characters. If you have decent gear on they arent all that much better geared than you.
Who in their right mind PvPs at anything but max level ?


Gearing is easier than ever before.
Take a look at stats between an req lvl 11 item vs req lvl 19 , 21-29, 31-39, 41-49 etc.. very very minimal.
Crafted pieces are amazing since 8.0. - Super easy to make???...
Dungeon loot scales to all levels, dungeon crate items are even better.
PVP crates are dropping BLUES more than ever since patch, which are awesome.
Work has been done by PVP devs in order to make the playing field super easy and balanced.
If they separate "Twinks" from levelers, "Twinks" will just gear up and PVP alongside levelers anyway (while dodging xp). How does this promote being clever and learning about stats and best gear slot options, after all the hard work done to ensure balance?

Minimal effort is all that players need as of 8.0.

08/07/2018 02:00 AMPosted by Potea
That is all ty.

leveling through bgs
Do not play low level battlegrounds anymore. Which is what happened last time twinks were present in low level general population battlegrounds.

Then they separated twinks.

BG participation increased dramatically.

Twinks complained, all but died out.

Now twinks are a thing again.

Guess what happens next? go ahead...just guess.

(hint: low level battleground participation will decrease significantly)
08/08/2018 07:01 PMPosted by Sun
xp should have never been added to battlegrounds.

i personally enjoy leveling through battlegrounds, but im also on the side of "use gold to buy all the best items since basically everything goes in random battlegrounds" as thats what theyve always been about, even in vanilla theres vendors who sold stuff specifically for battle grounds.
08/08/2018 07:01 PMPosted by Sun
08/08/2018 06:53 PMPosted by Dulcette

Probably because it's a better benefit for the people actually using the leveling system for leveling to have an enjoyable experience than a handful of jokes who want to lord over them.

Twink systems should have never been enabled to begin with.
xp should have never been added to battlegrounds.

Disagree completely, leveled 6 chars to 110 since the xp change. PvP should be a viable route to leveling. Questing is boring.
I've mostly used Pally's in the LV20 - 29 bracket, usually never been the best at DPS and they are pretty meh right now but still good as a support class. I mostly play low LV BG's as I think it's more fun then max level with less CC, this level has enough as it is.
08/10/2018 08:50 AMPosted by Shazaamann
Please no. Twinks are so much fun. With the stat squish they arent even that much better now.

The old days where twinks could literally one shot you were terrible. Well not if you were playing one i guess.

Its been enjoyable playing a few of my old characters. If you have decent gear on they arent all that much better geared than you.

Dude, I saw two twink fury warriors and a twink balance druid healing more than out healers and doubling the damage of all of ours. They're significantly better. They turn their xp off and sit at the highest most level they can for a bracket, enchant their gloves and boots (which most levelers aren't going to do) and pick up the best weapons with procs. It's dumb.
08/11/2018 08:05 AMPosted by PĂ ngmĂĄo
It's dumb.

dont knock it till you try it.
08/07/2018 02:00 AMPosted by Potea
That is all ty.

NO! Twinking is fun and the point of Twinks is skilled players taking a certain level character to the max gear possible to one shot and destroy entire BGs for lulz. So the Twinks need you common average player walking down the road on the way to farm trying to level.

The Twinks goal isn't to win the BG it's to massacre it. Twinks just want to farm you and that is exciting! Don't worry though you eventually will move on because you were just stopping by as you level. However the Twink will be there watiing in that bracket!! Lurking in the shadows to kill entire BGs and top the leader boards forever. Why go max level when you can just Twink.
Twink gearing has never ever been as easy as it is now though.
1 Like
The Twinks goal isn't to win the BG it's to massacre it. Twinks just want to farm you and that is exciting! Don't worry though you eventually will move on because you were just stopping by as you level. However the Twink will be there wati

[quote="207661881420"]Do not play low level battlegrounds anymore. Which is what happened last time twinks were present in low level general population battlegrounds.

Then they separated twinks.

BG participation increased dramatically.

Twinks complained, all but died out.

Now twinks are a thing again.

Guess what happens next? go ahead...just guess.

(hint: low level battleground participation will decrease significantly)

You have no clue what you're talking about.
08/11/2018 08:05 AMPosted by PĂ ngmĂĄo
enchant their gloves and boots

Oh no not the glove and boot enchants!ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
twinks were not the ones who wanted battlegrounds merged once again. Blizz did that with templates automatically.