Please separate twinks from leveling players.

08/07/2018 08:23 PMPosted by Forums
08/07/2018 05:32 AMPosted by Zahruk
this is a pretty fair point


Think about the twinks.

Not the new PvPers.

Yes, lets hold the new players hand and coddle them and give them a false sense of hope, that will retain them when they finally realize things such as gear/spec.

Also seriously doubt OP is a "new PvPer", especially being that they know where the forums are.
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08/07/2018 08:23 PMPosted by Forums
08/07/2018 05:32 AMPosted by Zahruk
this is a pretty fair point


Think about the twinks.

Not the new PvPers.

even before they separated que, the only level where there were a lot of twinks was 19

why? because it was the easiest to do and had the most people playing, you could always get a game

and even then, at the level with the most people twinked out playing you could take ANY class and buy auction hall greens for less than 5-10 gold and be very very competitive

all this stuff people are so worried about, it's a bit of a boogyman
Not to overpost, but if some of you don't know, the whole twink thing did come about because of circumstances that are mostly less present right now. There were long stretches in vanilla with nothing doing and a bit in BC as well. Also, the game was structured for guilds and raiding, if you weren't in 40 mans (which was a lot of people) you were kind of sol.

I'm not saying that if there's opportunity for some guy to make a level 39 and smash face while !@#$%^-*!@ people ... well certainly there are some guys who are going to race to do that like a house on fire.

But, in general, the vacuum's that created more people involved in the different battleground brackets, well they don't much exist today. Or to a much lesser degree.
Many, many, many years ago, my lil lvl 48 mage (in greens and a couple blues) made his way over to the portal to que into this battleground thing called Warsong Gulch.

I rolled in as a fire mage and got my teeth kicked in. Repeatedly. I can still see that Orc Shammy 1-shotting me over and over every time I got near him.

Did I hate it? No. Did it confuse me? Kinda. Did it light a fire in me to learn all about a part of the game I recently realized existed? YES!

I had twinks at 19, 29, 49, and 69. Right now, I have twinks at 99 and a couple 109s...with various semi-geared rogues and hunters in the mid levels that I play time to time.

Twinkings fun. Anyone can make one with a little time and effort (gold). Lowbie pvp is what really sucked me deeper into the game...and random bgs are still my fave thing to do, and pretty much all I do to this day.

Lowbies is the same as endgame in the fact that new players need to understand you have to know your class, know your enemy, and have the gear to compete. They can learn it now, or at endgame. Its still the same lesson.

Secondly, you either "get" pvp and like it...or you dont. Shielding someone from getting their butt handed to them early on really doesnt make that big of a difference.
85-100 bracket's hilarious if you just use some marks of honor to buy the old PvP sets as PvP power still works. You'll do 3-4 times the damage of everybody else.
08/07/2018 02:07 AMPosted by Demoniclily
why? you're gonna level out of a bracket in a couple hours. let the twinks have fun.

Probably because it's a better benefit for the people actually using the leveling system for leveling to have an enjoyable experience than a handful of jokes who want to lord over them.

Twink systems should have never been enabled to begin with.
08/08/2018 06:53 PMPosted by Dulcette
08/07/2018 02:07 AMPosted by Demoniclily
why? you're gonna level out of a bracket in a couple hours. let the twinks have fun.

Probably because it's a better benefit for the people actually using the leveling system for leveling to have an enjoyable experience than a handful of jokes who want to lord over them.

Twink systems should have never been enabled to begin with.
xp should have never been added to battlegrounds.
08/08/2018 06:53 PMPosted by Dulcette
people actually using the leveling system for leveling to have an enjoyable experience

Take the twinks away. It still wont guarantee an enjoyable experience. Wins do that.

And yeah, you do lose a few gms to twinks. Youre also winning just as many bc of them. It evens out.
08/08/2018 07:18 PMPosted by JoeboƓ
Take the twinks away. It still wont guarantee an enjoyable experience. Wins do that.

People dont realize this at all, its hilarious
08/08/2018 10:40 AMPosted by RoĆ½
I geared this guy up over the weekend and woo boy is it disgusting...not even fair but it's pretty fun :)

It is fair actually. Twinking today is so much easier than before, you just go to the ah buy a few op greens and blues, buy some old honor gear, a few dungeon blues and there you go, you're a twink. Even my priest was called a twink and all she had was dungeon blues and boas. Anyone can gear up now. Tired of getting stomped in bgs? Get some gear.
08/08/2018 07:01 PMPosted by Sun
08/08/2018 06:53 PMPosted by Dulcette

Probably because it's a better benefit for the people actually using the leveling system for leveling to have an enjoyable experience than a handful of jokes who want to lord over them.

Twink systems should have never been enabled to begin with.
xp should have never been added to battlegrounds.

I agree with this so much. Now we have people in bgs that aren't there for pvp, they're just there to get some fast exp. It's a shame really.

I remember how I took almost a month to go from level 44 to 45 because I was just in northern barrens queing up for wsg all day. I didn't care that I wasn't leveling up, I was having fun pvping. I faced twinks, my first experience in bgs was getting 1 shotted over and over by a ret twink, but I enjoyed bgs so I didn't care. I eventually twinked up my lock so I can stand a chance.

Now people are like " blizzard I'm trying to level thru bgs, and twinks are slowing me down, please remove them!"
Can someone explain the allure of lvl 19 twinks to me? I can understand 60+. Just played a full premade of lvl 19 twinks. How is it even fun?
I can feel this. The 90's bracket is completely disgusting ugghhh. I'm just questing through Dreanor instead of spamming battlegrounds.
08/08/2018 08:03 PMPosted by Ripshadow
Can someone explain the allure of lvl 19 twinks to me? I can understand 60+. Just played a full premade of lvl 19 twinks. How is it even fun?

Perhaps they ran out of sub time? I know I have a few 19 twinks set aside for those times of no sub.
08/08/2018 08:03 PMPosted by Ripshadow
Can someone explain the allure of lvl 19 twinks to me? I can understand 60+. Just played a full premade of lvl 19 twinks. How is it even fun?

They enjoy the unfair advantage that being a twink versing random clueless levelers brings.
08/08/2018 08:03 PMPosted by Ripshadow
Just played a full premade of lvl 19 twinks. How is it even fun?

Some players enjoy easy wins and no competition.
08/09/2018 06:42 AMPosted by Forums
08/08/2018 08:03 PMPosted by Ripshadow
Just played a full premade of lvl 19 twinks. How is it even fun?

Some players enjoy easy wins and no competition.

Yes, because clearly, all the twinks are on one side.
08/08/2018 07:48 PMPosted by Demoniclily
08/08/2018 10:40 AMPosted by RoĆ½
I geared this guy up over the weekend and woo boy is it disgusting...not even fair but it's pretty fun :)

It is fair actually. Twinking today is so much easier than before, you just go to the ah buy a few op greens and blues, buy some old honor gear, a few dungeon blues and there you go, you're a twink. Even my priest was called a twink and all she had was dungeon blues and boas. Anyone can gear up now. Tired of getting stomped in bgs? Get some gear.

I don't think it warranted a paragraph or arguement, i just feel dirty and i don't think it's fair to que up and get 22+ kills regularly, i'm 18-2 w/l so far but i'm still gonna because it's fun. But you are right that anyone with some luck, elbow grease and the time to put into a toon to get it twink status will dominate and have fun if it's your thing.
08/08/2018 08:00 PMPosted by Demoniclily
Now people are like " blizzard I'm trying to level thru bgs, and twinks are slowing me down, please remove them!"

This, a bg loss in the 20 bracket gives roughly 5 bars of xp, thats way to high and encourages the wrong type of play for pvp. I am actually surprised that ppl even care about winning and losing in bgs while lvling at the moment with how high the loss xp is.
08/08/2018 07:18 PMPosted by JoeboƓ
And yeah, you do lose a few gms to twinks. Youre also winning just as many bc of them. It evens out.

You. I like you.