Please revert the TW experience 'bug'

Good Summary, hits the nail on the head.

Is that one still jabbering? I ignored them. Not worth the time.


There are no amount of amazing leveling bugs that will fix the fact that you still have to run choreghast once you cap :stuck_out_tongue:

Not if I plan on using those toons for other things, like professions… or running old content… or doing achievements … or etc etc etc.

(And, aye, Choreghast is one big huge ball of yuck)

The thing is, there is a myriad of ways to play this game, if players are given the chance. They nerfed that chance, which is way not cool.

It should be telling that people Didnt want to level before timewalking weekend with the bug, and now after it was removed. The leveling experience is garbage. And people will do anything they can to bypass it. From the stacking of potions to this. Even legion assaults gave basically 1 level per completion and that was basically 4 world quests and a boss.

The bug increased engagement to bypass a useless aspect of the game. You dont learn anything from it, its just a time sink for people to open their wallets to skip it. If you could level quicker it defeats the purpose of having a boost at all.

Mhm, sure, you can be insulting and attack me all you want, but im not allowed to respond lol

Bock bock little sheep

Edit: takr the dwarf’s high road and ignore me if you dont like my opinion. That way you never have to see my posts again. Crazy, clever, salty, or not.

Dont pretend youre innocent in all this, tho.

I am tired of defending myself to sheeple. Thats why i have nothing else to say.

You can run Torghast with your main and send the soul ash over. I haven’t run it yet this week, but I am close to the 10 kills per anima cell power and once I get that even level 12 will be super easy and fast that it won’t be that bad to get soul ash. 2K easy from both sides would be enough for an R2 for an alt and that should be plenty.

This bug in particular though didn’t (yet) skip the boost because you still need to get to 50 to even use TW. Maybe when they give us a level 60 boost it would be a different story, and maybe if they reduced the cost of the boost it would also help.

Right now I will pay more for the boost than I it cost me to just get the game, and if I paid for the game with the free boost it’s almost the same cost, why would anyone ever pay for a boost when the issue isn’t even the 1-50 levelling, it’s how bad the current 50-60 levelling is.

It’s hilarious that in the wake of all that’s been happening, this is what gets fixed immediately.

Whoever is working on nerfing player fun - err - bug fixes like this, should be transferred into an area like class design/balance or patch delivery.

Such swift responses deserve a better environment :laughing:

I wasn’t the one that’s sticking their nose in the air, saying I never said anything “mean or an attack” then you turn around and call people some weird hybrid between a sheep and a chicken, which I don’t even know what that’s supposed to mean.

Sheep I get but… a “sheep-chicken?” Once again you’re trying to be clever but falling flat.


Hate to say it, but yeah. Agreed. I had an army of alts I had in mind to level with friends, but we literally all canceled on that idea once the ‘bug’ was ‘fixed.’

Maybe we can get something akin to the Alterac Anniversary thing? Man, that was a blast. Genuinely fun and productive.

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Yeah I actually re-subbed when I heard about it, like an idiot, thinking it was intentional for fun.


If they REALLY want to encourage alts, they should make a simple, elegant solution to it:

For every toon you level to 60, the next one gets a 100% XP boost across the board. Get two to 60? The next alt gets a 200% boost, and so on…

People would be cranking out alts like mad… WHICH KEEPS THE GAME FRESH, Blizzard, GAH…

EDIT - if Blizz had an ounce of brainpower left, they’d do TW LFR with a massive XP incentive. When leveling? It’s the perfect time to let us do some old content and old raids would certainly be a challenge to make us ‘work’ for it.

But the simplest solution is the most elegant I listed at the top.

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Man I was gonna level my demon hunter since apparently the nerfs last expansion don’t matter in pve. I’ll probably get around to it before 10.0 but TBC is just getting cool to me so I’m in no hurry now.

Got exalted with ardenweald yesterday and my urge to play retail is fading fast.


Only grind.

It’s almost like they calculate these things as though you’re robbing the company if you go too fast and it’s silly.

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You are in a way.

If it sucks, you’ll pay for a boost.
They sell boosts.
They make the majority of their profit on microtrans now.
Took them microseconds to swing the nerf bat, why, it threatens their profit margins.


Thing is my dh is 52 nothing I can do but grind it out. Nevertheless I see your point.

Yea… this seems pretty blatant. Meanwhile spells like Shining Force still don’t have a proper Z-axis so if we try to blast anyone on slightly un-even surfaces, it fails.

It’s been this way for nearly 2 years.

Oh but !@%$ing TW? GOTTA NERF THAT as soon as possible!

What a joke.

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They are only going to fix things that provide them more income than they cost in dev time to fix.

Shareholder value is their only motivation.