Please revert the TW experience 'bug'

You’re right, it’s YOUR OPINION, evidently based on the many threads and many posters, your OPINION is in the MINORITY. Shouting it over and over won’t change that, it’s still just YOUR OPINION.

Do what I did and mute them and move on. They are one of many trolls that have recently infested the forums and not worth much more effort.

I am absolutely okay with my opinion being an unpopular one. I would rather be the one to voice an unpopular opinion than stay silent.

You do you. I will continue to level my toons rhe way i always have. I don’t want to exploit a bug to “make the game better”.

Which one? I think like 4 people have replied to me within the last 30 mins lol

In retrospect, i think you referring to me as a troll?

If having my own thoughts and opinions makes me a troll, then im happy w myself and you can label me w/e makes you happy - just know that doesnt make it truth.

It might’ve been a bit overpowered to be sure, but it was also a lot more bearable. It was another way to level that was enjoyable & felt like a good use of time, rather than doing the same quest content for the 10th time or working through the drudgingly slow process that is Threads of Fate.

I personally will feel better about this if Blizz takes note of the interest & adds in a new, faster way to level. But as it looks right now, it’s hard for me to see this as anything other than Blizz trying to funnel us into slow, grindy leveling setups that people are more or less done with.

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Hello all, what would your thoughts be on an achievement-based XP buff to keep things fair and balanced? For example, an account-wide achievement granted for completing the storyline that grants bonus XP in timewalking? This would be a good compromise in my opinion.

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Who is “y’all?” and where did I say I didn’t want you mentioning reality? This makes no sense and sounds crazy.

Nah I wouldn’t even call it facetious. Just dumb.

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I’m okay if i sound crazy uwu my ego isnt fragile. Yours… seems to be like a chicken egg. Bock bock hehe

Just let it go, pal. Be like elsa.

Bingo, I actually left work excited to actually be able to level some more alts yesterday, as I can’t stand the concept of doing another toon through ToF again (the same 4 dungeons a good 30+ times). And the campaign is a non-starter for me, that got boring the second time I did it. So the concept of being able to do something different (yes) that was also faster (double yes) was very exciting. Instead by time I got home, it had been hotfixed, and I spent the night not even logging into the game. I know they want it to be slow and me to rack up those in game hours (the metric they care about), but in reality, I would have spent way more time in game before the hotfix than I will now.


I was unironically going to log in and play my alts all day today. Instead I’m playing Magic Arena and trolling people with dice roll shenanigans.

If I must suffer, everyone must suffer.


And now with the personal attacks on people.

Just keep diggin’ your hole deeper.

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This is the thing I don’t get, and I’ve been hard put to log in and get engaged with anything substantial today. Being able to level via TW, like we used to be able to do, would have gotten me working on toons on my main account, and my WoW2 account.

I’d been talking about re-upping one of my other accounts as well, to have three accounts subbed and running at once.

Now? Just… blllaarrgghhh… Nah. Shadowlands leveling is not fun, and having to slog another 10 - 30 toons through that makes me not want to log in at all.

It just makes no sense.

Exactly, I spend way more time engaged gearing up my toons at max level, raiding, running mythic+, etc. than I ever do while leveling. So I don’t understand the artificial time gate of making leveling slow. 1-50 isn’t that bad now, but 51-60 is just not fun. Especially once you have done it > 10 times.

I’ve always found ways in past expansions to efficiently level my toons to max level, but this expansion has left me extremely frustrated. And it’s clear I’m not alone based on what I’ve read here, on Social Media, and various other 3rd party sites. It’s clear that there is a lot of us that want to play more, level more toons, but we just want something different than what they’ve given us so far.

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If they’re not doing that, then they need to stop making decisions that strongly indicate that’s what they’re doing.

This fixed in 24 hours but other bugs/problems with bots go on for months unchecked? Hard to conclude otherwise. I mean it’s a meme at this point but…that’s the only explanation I can come up with. Well that and it’s pretty clear at this point that no one working on the game actually PLAYS the game

Y’all are so butthurt that you cant exploit a bug - a mistake - and I find it hilarious.

Idk what else I have to say, at this point.

Bock bock little chickideesheeple

Yeop… making a post about how people are being negative, and what are you here doing?

gg. pot, kettle, etc.

Nothing i have said has been mean or an attack on anyone. You can quote me all you want. You can take offense to anything i say… that doesnt make it offensive.

Ive said all i have to say on the matter.

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


It’s because you’re so caught up in the ‘exploiting bug’ part of the conversation that you’re skipping over the actual issue people keep expressing: the leveling in SL is so absurdly dull and unfun that people are simply playing other games instead of leveling an alt, despite them wanting to and having fun at the max level. That tw gave a quick way to bypass all that unfun leveling - which was never so bad as it has been in SL - gave them hope of some fun. But it was hotfixxed almost immediately while more damaging bugs are left to fester for months