Please revert the TW experience 'bug'

But they are taking away play time by nerfing things. The corporate take on this is that “If it takes 8 TW dungeons to level from 50-60 than it will only take 2 hours to level, so if we nerf the experience gains to make it take 20 dungeons than we can increase the play time to 6 hours”.

Yet the actual outcome is that players who were looking forward to levelling 5, 10, 20+ alts and spending 10, 20, 40+ hours to level them all is now that we just aren’t going to play. The corporate thought that if someone has an alt and doesn’t want to level them, but will buy a boost later when they are a level 60 boost, is not something they should think about as that only hurts the game.

They really need to make the game engaging so players will resub first and foremost and get the numbers back up, than add store content and push tokens and whatever. They have to stop making the store their main priority and stop milking whoever is left, there will be no one left to milk soon enough.


The fixing of the TW bug left me completely deflated to be honest, to the point I didn’t even bother logging in last night.

Economically it doesn’t even make sense to fix it. You can only boost to 50, and Timewalking is only available to 50+ characters. If anything, being able to go from 50-60 in a handful of dungeons in Threads of fate (which means you’ve already levelled a toon to 60 the normal way) would probably incentivise some players to actually purchase boosts.


You can already do threads by dungeon spamming, but since it’s random and you don’t have all the dungeons to begin with it means some of your progress is faster than others. They could certainly optimise it and make it so you don’t have to do the same 8 dungeons every, single, time.

I can’t even put my finger on it, BFA had minimal complaints about levelling, even though it took longer and didn’t give you as much choice, the entire process just felt better. I started BFA with 2 characters, by the end of it I had some 15 characters max level characters, but with SL I cannot even be bothered to level more than 4 from 50-60 only.

Do not let this thread die! Keep up the fight. I’m still mad as HECK and need this reverted!


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I just wish we could stay in chromie time all the way to 60. I can’t even bring myself to level my last 2 past 50 because SL just stinks.


I thought it was a “good will” type of temporary buff to get people playing their alts and getting into end game content/covenants. So I was going to level 3 of my untouched alts so I could try other covenants and what not, but the nerf came through in the middle of my first dungeon.

Now I’m just not going to play my alts for the entire expansion like I hadn’t been.


wow they need to def bring that back!!

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truth, why i havent lvled my alts

I only got as far as level 52 before they nerfed the XP. Dude, i have more than 6 level 60s already, i have seen the story and threads of fate, so please let me level on a way that doesn’t suck. They claim they want to make players happy, but their actions shows the exact opposite, and actions always speak louder than words.

If they truly meant it, instead of another lie, about making players happy, the time to prove it is now.


Oh sorry let me introduce you to Korrak’s Revenge, no reason why there shouldn’t be an experience boost when the expansion hasn’t been out for almost a year already.

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Apples and oranges. Korrak’s Revenge was designed to be a leveling boost, and was released as part of the yearly anniversary event that has always had some sort of EXP boost to it. A one off Timewalking event where the EXP is clearly magnitudes higher than normal is not, well… normal.

You’re confusing designed intent, and a bug.

Actually it wasn’t, it was just a “bug” that they chose to ignore for the 15th anniversary. When it came back around for the 16th anniversary the XP was nerfed to the ground.

Except I was just comparing the fact you could get to max level in just 3 runs of Korraks. These things happen in game and it doesn’t break anything or impact the game negatively in any way, so if its not broken, why fix it?

If you can’t see why using a yearly EXP event to justify a monthly event negating the current expansion leveling process is apples to oranges, then there’s no further discussion to be had. There’s no point in trying to argue with someone who has already decided what the answer should be, and who doesn’t care what the answer actually is.

There was not a xp bonus to TW, you were just getting the same amount from them as you were from current content from what I could see. As soon as I saw they changed it to a pitiful 10k xp, I resolved to ignore TW instances with all my alts, in fact, ignore all my alts. SL didn’t impress me the first run through and certainly won’t on any successive ones.

Semper Fi! :us: