Please revert the TW experience 'bug'

Man some of you people really have a distorted view of Blizzard.

You really think they sit in their offices going “muahahahaha, how shall we destroy their fun now??” like some sort of supervillain?

They don’t want us to gain entire levels from one dungeon in the 50+ range. It’s that simple.


I’m leveling my Gnome Monk right now :smiley:

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No, I don’t think they sit in their offices and say that.

I think when they see too many people engaging in an activity, they take a look at the activity and figure out why so many people are engaging in it. If the reason has anything to do with fun, like higher than normal exp gains from dungeons, they nerf it. Which is true.


Breaking an unintended bug is not “nerfing fun.”

Leveling through timewalking was overpowered.

And yet we did it for how long, through how many expansions, with no complaints from the players who were having fun both leveling when TW was up and people running it for the weekly TW quest completion?

Yeah… your argument holds no water.

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I can’t get over how many Blizzard white knights still exist even after the lawsuit.


The great thing about that is that they have control over making the experience better. Leveling has become more of a right of passage than anything now. It’s just something annoying you have to do before hitting max level and playing the game. You’re paying the company to give you a good and fun experience, not a bad one.

Comparing real life to a video game, lmao.

Your lengthy post doesn’t answer what you quoted. You’re confusing human desire for efficiency with whether or not this would have made sense as normal game design.

This reminds of my missed comp stomp Arathi Basin fun. :slightly_frowning_face:

I think there was an opportunity to RP the experience-gain in TW dungeons as a kind of “hindsight is 20/20, so enjoy heightened experience gains as you reflect on passed deeds for the first 3 dungeons per day, per character!” Or have some fun: mog your character with items ONLY attainable from TBC content to get 20% (20/20) more experience in TW dungeons! (Coin of many faces, mirror toys, etc do not count!)

Just go level. The game has always involved leveling of some sort. If you don’t like that, WoW is not the game for you.

Many aspects of this game involve little doses of reality. The game was designed by humans. It’s not farfetched to compare the game to reality. If they wanted a completely fantasy game, humanoid toons wouldnt exist at all.

But hey, don’t let reality get in the way of your crying. The salty tears taste great om popcorn.

That actually sounds really nasty.


You’re completely missing the point…

Nah. I am not.

Just go play the game and stop whining a out a bug you want to exploit.

There are worse things in life LOL oh wait, im not supposed to mention the dreaded “reality” word

… ok.

I think your attempt to be clever fell flat and was just gross.

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Honestly, just be quiet.


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Honestly, this is a public place. My bad for having an opinion that doesn’t agree with or stroke the ego of the OP. I forgot I have to be a group thinker or the masses of sheep will come for me.

Hard work pays off.

Your logic is the logic of sheeple and the irony is no doubt beyond your comprehension. I genuinely pity you.

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I mean… okay… first, y’all don’t want me to mention reality, and then you come after me for being facetious lol

Im happy w who i am and what i said. Its ok if you don’t like me or what i said. Ill live.