Please revert elite set completion to 1.8k

I dont think this will hurt participation and keeping it 1800 doesnt buff it.
Having % titles does keep a more active season so we should be pushing for that instead of arguing over a small change of moving boots and helm to 1950 lol

There’s a middle ground here. Trivializing rewards too far will not boost participation.


Elite set is supposed to be a rare set, kinda like Mythic set of current expansion Raids.

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I think the %titles for gladiator will boost participtation at the top of the ladder but not necessarily anyone playing around 2200 or below. Likely top .05% would be somewhere around 2800 cutoff? (just guessing). I think most players at 2200 or below are realistic enough to know that cutoff is well out of there skill range…for now.

[quote=“Tyrannicus-kelthuzad, post:104, topic:1122280, full:true”]

There’s a middle ground here. Trivializing rewards too far will not boost participation. But honestly, I’d be fine with reducing the requirement for elite set anyways. I view the titles as the rewards, not the set. Most people just want to feel cool playing their character, and to like how their toon looks. I still think you could keep it at 2k for the season, then make it unlockable by everyone (regardless of rating, the following season). It would keep the prestige for the current season (like raiding) but open it up to those who couldn’t get it later.

I think you’re mistaken because gladiator was .5% not .05%.

I just checked and if it was % glad the cutoff would be 2728cr

My complaints are for boots being 1950, not the head. Which makes sense. Hell even shoulders at 1950 makes sense. But not boots. Instead of taking the prior distribution and then stretching it out over the new breakpoints, this feels purposely targeted to drive something they aren’t seeing. Or to cover up something they don’t want metadata to show.

Wait was about to add something from ludus on here and that site is shutting down in a few days.

Wtf is going on with everything in this game. Wowranks is dead too.

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Except noone is saying that.

What we are saying is that 1.8k seems like the right balance to encourage participation while also incentivizing people to work at rated PvP.

At the very least, lower the rating for boots and just leave helm at 1950 so people who unlock other parts of the set can actually use it.


And i disagree. I think the right balance is 2k. I was showing how the arguments you’ve used were flawed and could be used to advocate it lowered to 1400.


Well, at least that’s what you think you were showing I guess.

Wasn’t/isn’t hurting anything at 1800 so I’m not sure what the change is for. There’s other things that matter, this change is just not needed or anywhere on the list for things that need fixed.

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This is really the key and what blizzard absolutely SUCKS at. Changing things that no one was complaining about or asked for. They’ve always been good at “fixing” things that aren’t broken. Judging by subscribers and participation, it’s seemed to have served them well…lol.

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They should definitely be 2k and glad not being % based is having weird issues with the bracket. People who can’t get r1 have no reason to push any higher so they either quit or bully lower brackets which just causes artificial deflation.

Elite sets need to be made way cooler looking again, and set to 2k. Not sure the current elite sets are worthy of 2k though so I wouldn’t even bother with it this season.

Yes the bfa ones were so awful they look like they should be the blue honor set esp dread season.


This is kind of funny cause elite sets used to require 2200 and 2250 for the wpn. all I can say is your lucky blizzard didn’t change requirements back to how they used to be in Cata / MOP . If you are just slightly average, you should have no issues obtaining the elite mogs. heck look at me. i’m terrible at this game and managed to get 2100 on TOO characters. :laughing:

Another issue i see with “static” rating requirements like 2k, is that as participation declines, those numbers become more difficult to obtain. I would argue that 2k now is more difficult to attain now than in legion and expansions before that.

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Good idea…now itll be the same 6 teams playing against eachother from 1800 up to hoth/hota ^^

I don’t think 2k has ever been hard to achieve since i’ve been playing. Not even 2200 is hard to get to if you are just slightly above average. It does require a huge time commitment though and a partner who is also slightly above average as well. But no 2k is NOT hard to obtain even with deflation.

First of all 2200-2250 in 2s, would be like top 2% of players. In 3’s probably like top 5%. There needs to be more reasons for the rest of the 95% of arena players to queue, and for others to even give it a shot. You may be terrible compared to those better than you, but on the whole (percentage wise) you’re well beyond average. Average would be about 1400-1600 believe it or not.


What you perceive as “hard” is relative. What you perceive as slightly above average is incorrect, based on the known percentages.

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