Please revert elite set completion to 1.8k

Leave it as it. 1800 is fine, it’s rival and probably already only 10-15% of the participating population gets it.

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Not sure 2.2k was easier to get then when the r1 cutoff in many of those seasons was like 2500 but I mean

Honestly, with how elite sets from raids are easily farmable in future patches…the only alternative I would recommend is to keep it at 2k if you so like…then once that season is over…drop it to 1400 for previous season…this gives players who couldn’t get it past season another reason to queue up, and another milestone to reach.

But who really cares anyways…its just a set. It’s been a LOOONNNGG time since anyone walked around in an elite set to /flex. Gladiator mount/title should be enough of a flex imo.

but 1800 is too high right? Itll hurt participation. The 1k rated player might see that as impossible. change it to 1400. (sarcasm)

goes both ways

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In BFA, I could queue prot war/ret and hit 1800…I hit 1800 on most things I played just passively playing.

This season, I’ve only hit it on this lock because gear matters so much more than it did then. I have a few alts and all but 1 are undergeared.

I know aff is far from meta in 2s but I feel like I’ve tried harder for this 1800 than I did for 2k in BFA.

The point is, it was at 1800…and no one was complaining or arguing. Why change it now?


It was. My highest rating is around 2.3k in arena. I don’t push that high anymore. Arena easily had 10x the participation then. This is the lowest I’ve seen it since it’s inception.

I just argue these types of changes aren’t the right ones to be making. I can’t see anyone making a statement that makes since that this helps arena participation and it’s objectively it’s lowest right now.

Is this the nail in the coffin? No, but it’s another slice when it finally dies from death by a thousand cuts.

Yea and it was 2k. Change it back to what it was.

No thank you. Not hurting anyone where it’s at.

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No, that would further hurt participation at a time when it’s lower than it’s ever been.

I think we can all agree that participation is in the toilet because of all the systems that are required to be farmed to be viable.

The sets are a nice reward for playing this stupid xpac :joy:


if you think it will hurt participation then you should advocate it to be moved to 1400 because that will boost it the most.

I think the main point that is being missed here is that participation is almost directly tied to rewards in most cases and that certain ratings meaning certain things to certain people will cause participation to increase around those markers.

For example, the people who q to 1.8k and stop playing because they achieved their reward, will now instead q to 1950 and stop. Rating is not set, it is not fixed, it is not the same every season and it will most likely inflate around 1800-2k to accommodate a change like this, realistically imo.

I think the fixation on the actual rating number is weird here, people will participate until they reach their goal, typically.


Only been player for a year, the thing that deters people from trying Arena right now is definitely the difficulty to be good at PvP (no other game can mimic WoW arena), and the glaring gearing issues. If they just made a set of honor gear and conquest gear, people wouldn’t feel like they are fighting an uphill battle. Then the incentive behind PvP isn’t so much getting the rating for gear and pounding your head into a wall, but just playing to get better and get the rewards. And 1950 isn’t unachievable, things should take some effort and practice to get good at. Not saying they should change it from 1800 though.

Sure, if everyone did one arena and got a set then like 90% of WoW would have it. I’m saying 1800 was fine, I’m arguing this hurts participation. Even if you don’t agree with that I would like you to inform me how this helps arena. If it doesn’t help, do you think arena is in a state where it can afford changes like this?

We’ve given you actual examples of people that play LFG multiple toons to get 1800 sets and won’t bother now.

Maybe if I didn’t run into people like Mud, Xaryu, Vanguards, Pikaboo, Absterge, etc. in the sub 2100 2’s bracket then increasing the rating for the elite set wouldn’t be as big of a deal. But you know, let’s dangle fruit here and pretend any of you actually care about the xmog in the first place. lol


I don’t think they understand what arena is actually like right now for those that don’t have a bnet full of people to play with.

This doesn’t help lol. I’ll be playing one room if they do this.

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Yeah, I can’t tell you how annoyed I was about running into pika when I was about to hit my first 2100…

All for him to just make a $. I don’t blame him for making a living, I blame blizz for allowing it to happen in the first place.

I mean, it’s not the end of the world. I can probably hit 1950 again next season, but Jesus Christ how much harder does this game need to get for entry level players? lol I’ve literally queued into some of the best players in the world this season in mundane brackets–and now I gotta struggle bus an extra 150cr just to get something to show for having played after season reset? Actual nonsense.

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Interesting point, and you could very well be right but I don’t know for certain that people will always participate until they reach they’re goal.

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