Please revert elite set completion to 1.8k

I would like to see more higher rewards in general.
A 2700 2s achievement and a 3k 3s achievement would be nice to see.


I’d like to see class/spec specific rewards. Something like “the top 1000 Aff locks get this title” kind of thing.

It would improve comp diversity bec you wouldn’t have to see a bm hunter or an arms warrior every other match.

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that would be 96cr rn
top 50 affi locks is already under 2100 lol

2700 2s acheivement? That would be like top 6 players only lol. 3k in 3s, is just about rank 1 anways.

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not for eu
na doesnt push 2s
i wish we did

I mean, it wouldn’t though because many more affliction locks would be playing. Even if top 1000 put you at say 1800, you better believe it would be VERY difficult for the average lock to get that.

Can I get it? Sure. Will I push for that on multiple toons? Nope.

I really don’t see how this pushes participation up, it just makes the small percent that play at this level feel better about themselves I guess. Arena needs more not less. Throw in more cosmetics at higher tiers, don’t restrict what little is there.

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Counter argument

Legion had more participation and it was 2k and you had to farm it each week or wait until next season for it to be added to the vendor.

So did every other xpan had more participation having 2k for elite set. It wont hurt it trust me


Yeah everything in society has improved because of the everyone gets a trophy mindset /s

Honestly it all comes down to gladiator and rank 1 being unobtainable in 2v2. The original s1-s6 had rank 1 achievable in 2s. Sure there was cheese comps, but only the best, of the best, of the best of those cheese comps got it. Sometimes, it opened up more opportunities for classes to get rank 1 that might not have extremely good comps for 3s. You can argue that 2s is dumb etc etc, but if they brought back glad/rank 1…you would see extreme competition at the highest levels again.

It doesn’t have to me that number but something reasonable.

Let’s say, top 100? I believe it would go a long way to improving the ladder. Imagine queueing into arcane/outlaw or mm/mw more often than once a season.

That was because you could queue arenas almost instantly and had nothing about the 2k arena sets rofl.

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More participation makes it easier to get 2k. I played around 2k-2200 in legion…I don’t think I ever saw “famous” players. I routinely (every q session) play against at least 2 multi-rank 1 players at 2k-2200 in shadowlands.

It won’t help participation. Only hurt it

Not sure how you look at current state of arena and 1) think making something harder to get doesn’t hurt participation and 2) that making anything more restrictive in arena right now is the right move.

How often do you use LFG? It’s dying. This doesn’t help.

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This won’t hurt it however to increase participation the gearing needs to change.

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then what will? Make it 1400 so everyone can get it. Technically this boosts pvp participation dramatically. Would you like that?

This would not boost participation. Participation this expac has NOTHING to do with the elite set requirements.


Anyone remember when elite sets were 2.2k …

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It can guarentee you it was easiler to get 2.2 then, then it is now to get 1950.