Please revert elite set completion to 1.8k

That’s exactly what I was saying. Leave it at 1.8k and make past season sets available. You want to flex?..get a gladiator mount or rank 1 title.


Wtb a new currency you can earn after 100 wins when you’re already gladiator to pick an old elite set like a vicious saddle and it’d have replica in its name


Thats really not that different tbh.
But theres a reason 1800 is the most common boost paid for. Its cheap for such a reward. It would also lower boosts for being more costly.
Another way to look at it too.


Why have should you have to obtain glad? Most of the past elite sets were obtainable at 2k.


Elite sets need to be at least 2k rating IMO. Back in late cata/early mop the elite sets required 2200 while glad cutoff itself was only around 2400 on bg9 iirc (s11/12). Seeing someone in an elite set (not counting rbgers) meant they were at least semi decent at the game while these days it’s just a participation reward for casuals.

Bring back % glad and keep the elite title for 2400+50 wins while we’re at it.


Honestly, I wouldn’t care about the sets at all if pvp gearing wasn’t complete garbage.

Give me the WoD gearing system…keep your sets. At least I’ll be able to easily play alts then…


Wod was the best

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Although, I disagree with your opinion regarding elite sets, (we’re a long way from cata/mop, and I don’t think that system was encouraging unless you were in the top 3% of players), I do agree glad should be returned to percentage based and “elite” be the title for 2400. There was no reason to change this, and it only watered down what glad always meant. Unlike elite sets which have varied in “obtainability” over the years since BC, gladiator, until recently was always a consistent top .05%.

Yea but rbgs were as busted as they were last season in shadowlands and everyone just got 2200 in rbgs.

Can we all just remember that a higher rating requirement for a reward does not remove your ability to obtain it. It now gives you the motivation to get better.
If you want the reward, set out and get it.


Unforch with the state of the game noone cares anymore about pushing. However 1950 seems like a good number to me.

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Its a weird number just go to 2k.
2k is a huge milestone anyways just is logical to have a reward tied to it.

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its just half of the difference between rival and duelist.

titles should be % tho

Yeah it’s a shame. This season could be one of the most fun/diverse meta ones in ages if they’d just tweak a few specs.

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If 1950 needs to be the final unlock, then just make it the helm. Making boots (a basic core part of using the mog) 1950 means that people who unlock other parts of the set below that can’t really use it.

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technically it shold be shoulders.

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Think it should stay where it is. No point in moving it up.

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While I agree with the general message of “do your best and you’ll get there eventually”, it’s unrealistic in this setting.

Only a small percentage of players will ever reach 2400 and for a lot of us it isn’t from a lack of trying.

You take your friends network, gaming skills and mentality for granted.

Everyone can’t be in the top .5%. It’s literally impossible.

You’re not wrong, but in practice, I don’t think it will work that way. We need more players in the PVP community, and I think those playing at 1200-1600, might just say…“you know what…screw it lol”. I agree it’s the wrong mentality, but it WAS at 1800, and I see no reason they had to make it 1950 or 2k tbh. What for? To make it more prestigious? Is that really going to make it more prestigious? I mean, i don’t think so.