Please revert elite set completion to 1.8k

Read something as something other than what it was why I deleted cause I am dumb.

I agree with Mud simply because I am afraid of him viciously one shotting me and dancing on my lifeless corpse.

Hard disagree. Pve is 100% scripted. You know EXACTLY what’s gonna happen, when it’s gonna happen and where it’s gonna happen.

In pvp, you may load into a player who is many times more skilled than you and seems to have an answer for everything.

Imagine doing a normal raid but one of the bosses is secretly a mythic boss and you don’t know the extra mechanics…It’s kinda like that.


but mah RPG! :confounded:

almost 5 days of this thread and 0 response from blizzard. How nice of them. Specialy since if it wasn’t for wowhead we would not even know about this stupid change no one asked for

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They actually have a help screen tip that suggests to go to wow head if you’re stuck on a quest lol

the problem is that the elite set is way too good of a reward for the work u have to put in to get 1800, this will especially be true next patch when they start making class specific sets which have way more detail in their design. realistically it should be the pvp enchants that are being used as an incentive to get 1800 and the elite sets should be at 2100 rating. its the same people who complain about us not having challenging systems like the mage tower in the game that are ones saying that 1950 is too high of a requirement for the set, do u people not realize that even in legion the 2k elite sets are still looked at as a prestigious and cool reward for each class from back then? the mage tower stuff was cool because it was limited and challenging to get for a while. hypocritical af…

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I routinely see Glads and R1’s called bad by their peers. Gonna hard doubt anyone considers something prestigious that only required 2k to get.


Oh, it is what it is, I just think people are romanticizing these sets a bit. lol

its somewhat prestigious, what ur not considering is that the old elite sets used to be class restricted so a lot of the cool factor was knowing maybe so and so got 2k on warlock in a season where warlock wasn’t very viable. also bringing up the glad and r1’s opinions are pointless, because according to all the casuals in this thread, they’re out of touch because they’re such a small percentage of the population, we should be looking at what the casual players think of 2k rating reward, definitely very prestigious to someone who regularly only hits 1600 every season perhaps, a very good incentive for even the worst pvper’s to try and break out of their noob shell and try to improve to get up there. an armor type based elite set that everyone has because its only 1800, isn’t doing much for motivation at all, especially when so many people have it from buying carries for it because of how ridiculously profitable it is for boosters to sell that, hence why its a bad reward in the first place, those sets are way too detailed for that low of a rating. u dont see blizzard handing out full mythic pve sets for killing the last boss of the normal raid.

not from any standard of skill, but one set i personally romanticize is that paladin set from cata. the red version of i think Cataclysmic Gladiator season? that set was just good. T2 from that tier was 10/10

I mean, do you derive your sole sense of accomplishment from the fact that you have an elite set and someone else doesn’t?

  • 2100 Prestige Cloak, Elite PvP Weapon Enchant, “Duelist” Title

They could just have easily split up the weapon enchant and prestigous cloak they are proposing and/or the title in order to round out the 1900, 2000, 2100, without negatively impacting anyone below that level.

Lastly - how about we do something about boosting? Oh that’s tied to tokens and this will create more sales? Got it.

But sure let’s do nothing about the brutal grind that is honor farming and gear upgrades, because the elite sets is definitely the complaints the community has been talking about since 9.0.

Oh and let’s move those goal posts mid season too … because rofl why not.

So much for “the devs are listening” … that lasted what about 6 weeks?


I just want my elite vicious set back man

Blizzard is on vacation now lol

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Yes and not only 2k but everything at once at 2k, no progressive system of obtaining it

patch is here still no reply by blizzard. nice communication with community changing such important stuff behind our back:)

To all the people who are saying “Get Good”.

In previous expansions I would agree but in the last two expansions Boosting has gotten out of control in arena. So trying to get ratings agains R1/Glads AND they are in better gear is just terribly bad game design. So bad that many people are driven out of PVP.

So to the Get Good crowd either fix boosting and watch PVP die OR adjust the rating to reflect the NEW reality.

just today i had several groups who were boosting in arena and rbgs. Its soooooo fun to go against people with 70k hp who look at you and you just die. And now to put another 150 rating on top of 1800 is absurd

well na servers are up. they actualy made set finish at 1950. thank you blizz for screwing your playerbase once again

it’s 150 rating