Please revert elite set completion to 1.8k

its alot for most of us. specialy for already hard to get rating with all boosting going on

boy you guys would have hated it back in TBC/WoTLK when 1800 was for t1 glad weps and 2k was for shoulders to complete the sets.

not to mention cata/mop/wod and legion’s ratings for elite sets.

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i played that. i got that. back then it was not people literaly 1 shoting you with convenant abilies like today. You can’t compare now and then

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You can’t compare now and then but you can adjust.

So you’re basically saying because you can’t adjust to the game you should have the rating requirements reduced?

That’s silly.

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nah just changing them mid season is stupid


still no response or reverting stupid change. Come on you cant do this mid season so all who did it prepatch keep whole set and rest of us get finger

I see the full set unlocking at 1.8k - looks like the datamined change was false? Am I missing something? I have 6/8 pieces unlocked (got chest from winning 1 game at 1600+, which is something new, so they def shifted things around) and just missing helm/shoulders which show they unlock at 1800 in the game UI.

You could at least eventually complete those sets (next patch or next expansion). The way it is setup now…you miss 1800 (now 1950) during that season…say goodbye to ever getting that set. I mean I could care less, if the requirement was 2600 to get elite set (although I’d argue it’s ridiculous), as long as you eventually have the ability to obtain it. I’m not a fan of sets becoming permanently unavailable so a few guys can flex.

This is not true. Elite sets have always been obtainable in that season only. If you mist it, it’s gone forever. And yes I agree with some of the old timers in here in that back in the day, you need 2200 to get elite sets. Imagine the outrage if blizz would have done that today? LOL!! :astonished:

Depends on what you consider “elite”. I have sets from TBC, WOTLK, CATA era that definitely required a certain rating at the time…(and I did not attain that rating). So you’re not entirely correct.

Elite PVP Set’s becoming permanently unavailable (after said season) didn’t start until I believe MOP, and even then the elite set was just a simple recolor. I think it was somewhere in WOD, where the elite set started getting clear visual upgrades/additions compared to the regular pvp set.

Regardless, you can get s1-s11 pvp sets that once required rating. You can get just about every Mythic set that’s ever been available. A season, or expansion should be enough time to /flex with your elite transmog, after that, make it available for other players. Besides, getting your elite set, whether its at 1.8, 2k or 2.1k isn’t really all that impressive that it needs to forever remain exclusive anyways. Like wow, you hit 2k in legion season 3…no one gives an F now.

Well yea, there would be outrage today, because they changed it a long time ago. Had they stayed with the system of requiring 2200 to get the full elite set…I don’t think anyone would be complaining because that would be how it has always been.

One of the biggest problems is that blizzard continuously flip flops on many issues in WoW and how they handle it. It starts off one way…then they change it even though no one was complaining about it…then people get used to it…then they change it again. And that’s exactly how this situation is with going with changing the requirement to 1950. Just leave stuff alone that literally no one is complaining about. Or at least have some sort of philosophy and stick with it.

No, it was Cata they became unavailable.

Before that, WoTLK had t2 weapon skins and tabards that became unavailable.

TBC glad mounts and going forward were exclusive as well.

Exclusive rewards have always been a thing and are a good carrot on a stick, for most people earning said rewards is a “feelsgoodman” feeling that a lot of people chase.

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No, elite set recolors started in Cata pretty sure and they werent just cosmetic, they actually had better stats. I think in MOP is when blizzard started making the elite sets cosmetic only. In wotlk i believe the only item that would get a recolor was the weapon at 2250. Again maybe someone who played back in the day can chime in. Regardless, the point is 1950cr is nothing.

If you are at very minimum average and play a strong class, you can get 1950. Now I will warn you. There is one hurdle that you might not able to overcome and it’s not your fault but the games and that is a lack of experienced players right now. Seems like trying to find someone that has at least 2k+ xp is very very hard to find right now. Again, this is why you want to push your rating as high as you can at the very start of the season. For example, I pushed two characters to 2100 Duelist early on cause I knew after 3 or 4 months, the player base would deflate as it always does.

Ok, but again, they were simply recolors. This also goes for WOTLK skins, and most people care very little for tabards. Yes, glad mounts were exclusive since day 1, and they should remain so.

I feel like the truly “forever exclusive” rewards should be the mounts, titles, and achievements, and sets should be temporarily exclusive. That’s just how I feel. We can disagree and thats cool.

There you go again with that “average” statement. I don’t think you understand what “average” really is in terms of arena rating right now. Average would be like 1600 at most right now, if you break it down to the very middle. I agree, 1950 isn’t that hard, but I play regularly at 2100-2200, so that’s my perception. If they suddenly moved that requirement to 2400 though…i’d very likely think it is very hard, while a player like MUD might say “Get good” and play better…despite 2400 being like the top .3% of the 2s ladder.

At the end of the day, I just don’t think there was any problem with it being at 1800. If anything, it encouraged more players to step into rated pvp/arena at a time when participation has been extremely low. And with less people in arena, it only makes achieving 1950 that much more difficult for many players. I’m also not a proponent of “forever exclusive” sets. Just how I feel.

I just wanna say; the elite set still completes at 1800 still, so it’s quite pointless to still be typing in this thread besides the sheer purpose of arguing with each other.

Unless of course you’re including the cloak. Nobody uses the cloak.

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Elite sure 2k is good number but only if they all different for all classes. As it stands now they should be 1600 since they give no identity of any kind.
Titles are good where they are.

Well that’s exactly how they we’re previously, I believe in cata they were 2200, then we’re reduced to 2k, and then turned to 1800 when they removed the class-specific sets. That’s precisely how it is now, even too this day.

Elite sets matter less now 100% because they are so generic. They aren’t flashy, or even class specific anymore. People had more of a reason to push to 2k and 2.2k when the sets looks really good. Especially the Legion class sets.

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