Please revert elite set completion to 1.8k

It’s particularly bad the way it is now because M+15 gives 252 for both pve and pvp. And M+15 is pretty easy. Rated pvp is harder and gives worse rewards unless you hit 2.1k in which case it gives slightly better PvP ilvl in exchange for worse PvE ilvl.

So you can either sleepwalk through M+15s for gear that is 252 across all content or try to fight your way vs other players to 2.1k to get slightly better PvP gear that is still worse for PvE.

There’s no reason for PvE players to mess with rated PvP in the current system. And it’s questionable whether casual PvP players have a reason to mess with rated PvP either when PvE offers a better and easier path.


It’s actually tragic that blizzard thinks reaching 2100 in pvp is the equivalent of completing a mythic+ 15. :flushed: :flushed:

I might argue that being because Glad’s had to play their own brackets to get their titles instead of get their 50 2400 wins then spend the rest of the season trolling in 2’s. lol

But yes, I would say not having an avenue to a fair gearing system is the major contributor for there being such low casual participation in rated PVP.

You’ve convinced me…BRING BACK % GLAD SO THE 2s TROLLING CAN STOP!!!

You shouldnt even be able to get any elite sets or anything from 2s, should only be 3s with % based titles. However the problem with shadowlands has nothing to do with the rewards and everything to do with the gearing system which is slowly killing off the entire population whether it be high end pvpers or low end pvpers.

Because removing things from the game is good for it… :man_facepalming:

I bet it’s harder to climb in 2s right now than it is in 3s.


Not for certain classes which is the entire reason 2s doesnt have glad and for many expansions didnt have t2 aswell.

Idk the Elite set is ok at 1800, but I could see the argument for 2k. But ya titles should be a % again. I agree with that 100%. Al least gladiator at minimum should be. % imo would keep the ladder more active…maybe. I would be for Elites sets at 2k if they were class specific and actually cool. Right now they are generic and the Elite set is just a color change basically from the regular set.

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It’s harder in the sense you see way more carries in the 2k and under range. 3s is where people actually push so you will more people your gear range at your rating than 3s.

Then shouldnt we go back even further and let RBGs be the only way to get titles? The stigma that used to exist in 2s isn’t warranted anymore.

Using the argument that certain classes have it easier in 2s seems odd to me since certain comps in 3s will always be superior.


Doesn’t 3v3 have like 2 or 3 comps that are more of less considered the best comps for 3v3 right now? Not even trying to be argumentative here, just really don’t see the difference.

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Blizz trying to kill pvp so they dont have to pretend they care.

I really wouldn’t act like M+ gear just hands you loot that’s ideal for PvP with easy to pick pieces.

No one waits a week to open their vault and hurries off to arena with a 252 crit mastery.

S1 participation is always stupid high, was even higher this expac since gear was much harder to get compared to bfa and a PvP vendor for gear was a no brainer to PvErs.

I’d argue it a wasn’t a surge of PvEr interest in arena and if we had a WoD system participation wouldn’t have been nearly as high s1.

2s is Polarized because there’s less factors at play to break up the rock, paper, scissors.

Not to say 3’s is the most balanced thing in the world but its one of the reason you’d see DH’s in BFA be 2700+ in 2s and legit capped at 1600 in 3s.

For years some specs borderline couldn’t even step foot into 2s.


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I agree bring back 2200.

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Coming from someone who casually runs +15 and higher keys on my main, I can honestly say pvp is MUCH more difficult than any pve content.

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350+ replies because it got move from 1800 to 1950 which means inflation will just make 1950 the new 1800 :crazy_face:

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My big gripe here is the change mid-season with no announcement from Blizzard beforehand or now. We got less than one week’s notice and it had to come from community sources.

We got info on the gearing changes way ahead of time. Say they have their reasons for 1950 being the new tmog breakpoint for elite set - make that a 9.2 change. Moving the goalpost on something we’ve been able to earn all this patch for less is weird af.

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:grimacing: :grimacing:

uh ohhhh Mikey…

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In fairness, this change was as far back as one of the first, if not the first PTR build. Nobody talked about it for some reason, but I’ve been telling people for weeks to get their 1800 set now before it gets bumped up to 1950. I even resubbed weeks ago just to knock out the last set I needed for that very reason.

It’s really stupid that Blizzard didn’t say anything official about it, and even more ridiculous that they are making a change like this in the middle of a season, but it’s not news.

Personally I think the full set should be bumped back up to at least 2k, but there should be a pretty sizable addition of new rewards for the casual players on the lower end of the bracket before even considering that. I’m not convinced that trickling in elite-pieces for random slots across a wide range of ratings is particularly incentivizing to people who aren’t already at least moderately invested in PvP. Right now the only thing they should be focusing on is trying to get more people into the game mode, both in terms of rewards AND addressing the monumental barrier of entry.

Whatever they do, mid-season changes like this aren’t the way to do it. With or without warning.


It isn’t people gearing in dungeons for pvp, I’m fairly certain they were referring to season 1 where pve players were playing arena for gear and then going to raid since you could technically get mythic ilvl gear week 2. Vers really isn’t that bad for many classes, its actually quite good even if boring as a stat.