Please revert elite set completion to 1.8k

calling it “fomo” is just applying your negative perception

incentivizing participation doesn’t have to be a negative thing
it can be incredibly beneficial to the overall health of the game to have time limited rewards

i’m not saying blizzard SHOULD be lazy with content but unique time sensitive reward collecting is content when there’s not much else happening in the content cycle


Awful change for casual players. I already didn’t do this time around because of the burst meta and that certainly doesnt make me want to do it again.

Despite what a lot of people may say, 1800 is a feat that a lot of players can’t reach without a lot of grinding or even at all. Raising it only makes it even harder. Arguable people will likely defend that kind of change but PvP already feels like some of the most exclusionary content, at least to me, and this type of change doesnt help with that at all.

By all means raise it, but expect less participation than before.

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It isn’t incentivizing participation if someone joins the game now and wants a legion set, if anything that would just piss them off. If people knew they could get better and attain an awesome set that they saw from a past expansion there might be even more participation, I sure as hell know that is true for me and people in my social circles.

Having difficult and challenging rewards THAT ARE NOT REMOVED is even more content.

Yea people who think this is good are just out of touch with the general player base. 1800 was a perfectly fine requirement for the set with the other unique things being higher.

I have two words to say:

Git gud.


12 had a lot of red, 13+ they had alliance/horde recolours and the elite sets were just kinda whatever colour, 14 and 15 had the same elite sets and were primarily green with outliers like mage yellow

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Elite sets should only go to rank 1s imo, casuals already have 1550-2.4k achievements and challenger-glad titles and honor mounts. They should probably add more honor mounts and pets but elite mog should be given to the elite players ,there is nothing elite about 1800 or 1950.


:face_with_monocle: :face_with_monocle:


People care far less about mounts and pets than transmog, this would just reduce pvp participation.

Yeah, that’s a terrible idea.

PvE has 4 sets/recolors. What if PvP had 3?

Baseline Conquest set at 0 rating
Mid-tier set completed at 1.8k
Elite set completed at 2.2k

In addition, people that achieve one tier above the necessary level in a future season (2k for mid-tier or 2.4k for elite tier) can buy old season sets.

Gear tiers could potentially be aligned with this so that instead of 1.95k and 2.1k being the next two gear unlocks, it is 2k (duelist 1) and 2.2k (duelist 2) with half the elite set unlocked at each tier.

Elite cloak could go with the first half of the unlock and weapon illusion could go with the second half (or vice versa).

Return glad mounts to being character specific instead of account wide.

This would create a more even flow to rating rewards and significant encouragement to keep pushing up to 2.4k while also eliminating FOMO with respect to armor sets by leaving open the possibility of obtaining them in the future via a higher rating achieve.

Tabard and mount would remain solely obtainable during the season.

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I’m gonna be real with you. If I was a new player and I started pvping this xpac, I’d have quit playing after the 20th game of getting rolled by someone with double my HP.

The “prestige” you speak of can be bought all the way to the top. I can name 3 sites right now that sell 2400 for real money. Put all the rewards at the top .5% level or leave them where they’re at.

Do you realize how low a percentage of the arena community actually attains 2200? In 2s like 2-3% and in 3’s perhaps like 5%.

What % complete the mythic raid armor set during the current season?

Just a suggestion if people actually want a prestige set similar to mythic.

Alternatively, 2k and 2.2k could just unlock a different helm/shoulders with a glow or other distinguishing features but would otherwise just be the 1.8k set.

Just something to add that prestige factor to the armor set.


Depends on the tier.

Most of the time you can complete it early on in the raid.

This expac the gear has been spread out more.

Either way, you can go back and get those so mythic raid tiers is not a good comparison.

A good comparison would be M+ rewards.

Right, historically you can get PvE sets later but not PvP sets. I and some others have been suggesting in this thread that past PvP sets should be obtainable in future seasons via some method.

In my above post I’m suggesting a high rating unlock. Another option is just to make them easily obtainable after the expansion like PvE sets so that the art is readily obtainable later and the prestige factor is limited to the current xpac like it is for PvE sets.

Some people like limited time sets. I’m personally in the camp that would rather see as much art available as possible so that players have as much customization in outfitting their character as possible so that there is more variability in MOG choice allowing for more individual expression.

Making stuff time limited limits options and creates less opportunity for individual expression.

Given boosts and carries and account sharing/purchases, the only true prestige is demonstrated performance today. Not what you have unlocked in the past. So my view is that it’s best to make past stuff available to provide more opportunity for customization and variability in player appearance.

But if people want time limited stuff, maybe there’s a way to do that while still offering incentive sets for newer/less accomplished players via either 3 tiers instead of 2 or via additional prestige unlocks like glow on helm/shoulders.

Another option would be to only have 2 tiers of sets and have the elite set complete at a high rating in the current season (like 2k or 2.2k) but then allow it to be obtained via a lower rating in later seasons or xpacs (e.g., 1.8k). That way newer/less accomplished players don’t have FOMO but still have an incentive to push even if they think they can only hit 1.8k since it will allow them to unlock sets from past seasons or expansions even if they end up falling short of obtaining the current set in the current season.

This gives more accomplished players that prestige factor for the current season armor set while giving newer/less accomplished players something to chase and removes FOMO while incentivizing everyone to push as far as they can for mog unlocks.

There is no proof that making rewards easier to obtain, drives casual participation up. When it was harder to get and glad was % base casual play was at an all time high. The only thing casual wants is to be able to get fully geared thru casual means like random bgs and low rated arena that mean get rid of the current rating to unlock tier and just have 2 sets an honor and conquest.

Having easy to reach milestones that are tied to gear progression reduces the casual participation overall. Think how many players quit after getting or buying a boost for full rival gear. Speaking of boost this also increases boosting because 1800-2100 is so easy to get that an average duelist geared WW can 1v2 there way to it and charge people for it.


Alot of different factors impacting participation. So admittedly it’s hard to isolate the impact of the rating requirement for the set. I can only speak from my experience and those of people I know/have played with.

Due to the speed of the current game, the sophistication of the player base at this stage in wow’s life, and gearing disparities, the current version of arena PvP is pretty unwelcoming to players that are unaccustomed to it.

Meaningful cosmetic rewards at levels that seem reasonably obtainable gives motivation to newcomers to arena to fight through the learning/gearing curve instead of just taking the easier path of gearing through PvE and avoiding arena all together.


I’m an advocate for the transmog set being pushed back to 2k like it used to be.
However, PVP needs to be more rewarding to bring more players in.
If your going to move the set from 1800 to 2k in the same season, please atlease make a change that makes 1800 more memorable again, as 1800 is probably going to be the peak of most casual arenagoers gameplay. expecially with how boosting currently works. getting to 1800, as a learner would be a damn nightmare fighting 2100 geared players.

Put something out there to bring more players in. Please.

When pvp gearing gives good ILVL in pve, casual participation goes through the roof.

The system they have now is severely flawed and actually keeps people from even bothering to play pvp because a casual player isn’t gonna farm 2 sets of gear.

There should be an honor set and one set of conquest gear that you should get at heroic raid ILVL right out of the box. No more of this upgrade nonsense.

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