Please revert elite set completion to 1.8k

Okay…I’m pretty sure you know what I meant but you do you…

You insulted me first by reducing my entire post to stop comparing PvP to PvE, could care less if you can’t read.

My responses are for anyone else who’s glancing over this thread.

Wild, if you had a conversation with someone in real life and just reduced an entire conversation to one minor line they’d be just as wide eyed

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Not everyone stops queuing once they get 2100, or once they get their elite set, just because you do.

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That’s what partners like Mastercard/visa will do for you.
And you were sub 1800 yesterday in 3s. Buy a boost that fast?

I’ll agree they do need to make good looking sets…I honestly don’t think blizzard has any clue how much the “coolness” factor of a set is tied to time played. It’s probably the number 1 motivator overall for players. People will do things they HATE in this game for a set they genuinely love…while they will just unsubscribe if the set is crap.

Blizzard needs to put A LOT more of their efforts into cosmetics, sets/mounts/illusions/ weapons…that’s the main motivation to push in WoW for the majority of players and I don’t think they truly grasp that.



Pointing out that people climb past my 2100 ceiling is the legit antithesis of this thread and everything you posted up until this weird “gotchya” post

sadly there’s also vocal minority who’s been going off about not wanting limited sets because they’re too bad to get them. this is mostly prompted because of mage tower sets. thankfully, blizz is doing the right thing and ignoring the cry babies.

Fair enough, the point is they need to add incentives and rewards, not simply move them up the ladder. If you’re arguing that people (and yourself) don’t really have incentive to play after achieving 2100, then an incentive should be added at say 2250, not simply removed from 1800 and moved to 2k or 2250 etc.

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This is literally adding an incentive and people need to break up this carebear echo chamber

You get rewards at 1k ffs

Honestly who cares. I mean, are you that proud of your 2k achievement from past expansions that you have to lord it over everyone forever. What if you didn’t play a certain class at that time, or missed that season but really like the look of the set and it’s been a couple years? Raiding doesn’t have locked sets, and neither should pvp. Also, early on BC, Wrath you were able to get the previous seasons set…

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They changed the requirement for the elite set from 1800, to 1950. How is that “adding” an incentive? Adding incentive would be to keep it at 1800, and add some other incentive at 1950, and perhaps another one at 2250.


Could not agree more.

Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times

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raiding should have should have a locked reward now that you mention it lol. not the typical mythic sets, but prob something simpler tied to CE

btw idk if you know this, but bc and wrath didnt even have transmog so…

Yea, we definitely just have different opinions on this i guess. The game just isn’t where it was in classic through Wrath. It’s not the same game anymore, and 98% of players are casuals. They don’t have the time/ability/drive to push Mythic, and/or 2200. You can say, fine, then they don’t deserve the rewards…but then 98% of the player base would have little incentive to play. Epeen flexing because of your set/epics/mount (other than glad mount) are a thing of the past.

I’m aware, I played back then. Still, pieces that had rating tied to them originally are available to transmog today.

Reading this thread is like chewing on glass.


‘Hey, we heard half the PVP base quit over rating gates and gear gap, so we thought we would add twice as many brackets and push the xmog up 150cr. We listen.’

Personal opinion on what/where things should be aside, is this really not resonating with anyone else as kind of hysterical?

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You must chew a lot of glass then if you hang around this place for more than a minute. Ever wonder why the devs / blues dont even bother trying to post here anymore since like what Legion?

Exactly, they’re making PVP LESS accessible for the average player. This, at a time when arena participation is at the lowest it’s ever been. If I knew lowering the elite set to 1600 would double ladder participation, and this would continue throughout the season…I’d implement it immediately. The elitist’s would rather arena die apparently.

Hard times also create dead men lol. Or in this case, a dead ladder.

And a dead game