Please revert elite set completion to 1.8k

Idk, I was 2100 by like second week of this season, and have fluctuated right around 2100 ever since. I suppose I’ve just gotten worse as the season has gone on though?

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I mean, it adds more potential people being boosted. If you were a player that could just barely hit 1800 without a boost…well, you’ll likely need (or think you’ll need a boost) to get 1950 lol.

Unless this inflation happens that a few have said would happen. I’ve struggled to hit 1800 as aff. I’m not gonna lie, it was easier to hit 2k in season 3 of BFA than it has been to hit 1800 as aff.

:laughing: :laughing:

Weren’t you the one begging for someone to boost you like every other day on these forums cause you were hard stuck “Rival” as a priest? No one took you up on your offer so you had to purchase one on Blazing Boost is what ive been told anyway. uh ohhhh :astonished: :astonished:

Can you elaborate? Boosting is a rare occurrence in arena.

Be gone Filthron!

Ah, so you ignore the argument and refuse to give evidence.

Don’t recall ever asking anyone for a boost, and I hit 2100 playing with Sockems, but whatever makes you feel better. lol

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I’ve never put anyone on ignore but I’m getting close…

I’ve never understood why anyone would need to purchase a boost to 1800. Isn’t that automatic for most players. Not trying to be rude but is 1800 really THAT hard to achieve for most players?

It was for me. If you look at the numbers, it’s the top 10%. I’m not gonna come on here and be ashamed about telling the truth.

I’m just a dude that queues spriest/aff 2s though.

I don’t know what I would be able to do in 3s because I’ve literally never put effort into 3s.

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1950 is fine. now they just need to make good looking sets

Seems it is for you when you struggle as arms/ww/x


That’s interesting. Where are you getting these numbers from? 1800 being the top 10% sounds wrong. Again, i’m genuinely curious not trying to be rude.

It is hard for some players, but almost no one buys a boost in wow.

Those who think boosting is a common occurrence is just mad because they are losing games.

I just checked. It looks like you’re in the top 10% at 1917cr now. It’s inflated a little bit.

I mean, based on the percentages…it sort of is. There is a lot to know to excel in arena. 1800 is challenging enough that you should have a pretty good understanding of your class inside and out, a good dps rotation, a basic understanding of other classes/strategies/compositions. You will need to know how to properly use defensive/offensive cd’s (without being amazing at them). You should have decent macro’s, keybinds, addons, and understand basic strategies of your composition among other things. You should also have a pretty decent computer/setup so you’re not running 30fps or a latency of 200m . And of course, you will need decent gear, with hopefully the proper gems/enchants etc. There are quite a lot of players that don’t have all the above things set.

Not to mention that if you have all the above, you will still run into some players with 2100 gear, and players doing boosts along the way.

Yea reading and logic is a little hard for you.

Bringing up +15 is irrelevant, the hardest PvE content is mythic raiding which rewards the same sets that 1800 does now.

Think about what you’re posting before you go “hurr durr he said PvE” because that bfa example just reinforces my stance

Why should I care if ~2k is the top 10% when ppl stop trying at 1800

You play lock, do you think once you hit 2k and improved by 10% you’d be as good as Snutz/Swapsy/Maldiva?

We’re talking about 150 more rating for helm/boots, with how granular the system is now. If you’re legitimately climbing thru the ranks you should be motivated to keep going since rewards and titles are far smoother than hitting 1800 and then seeing this 300 rating road block

I stopped reading at this point. Common courtesy goes a long way.

I’m not 1917cr in any bracket. You must be talking to someone else lol.