Please revert back to Personal Loot / Here is why

Options are good, options are best, but I will admit I am getting some joy to see some of the people that were nasty when we asked for ML to be an option now being sad they lost their option.


This is why imo they should put primary stats back on jewelry, without it gearing gets needlessly complicated due to secondary stats not being equally valuable for all specs.

What is good for the game at large, is more options. Some people like ML, and prefer it. Some people like GL. Some like PL. Why not make it a possible option for groups, especially guild groups?

So far the only people I see advocating for “whats best for the game” are those who solely only want PL to be a loot option.

That’s literally missing their point.

If 80% of the group is leather, particularly earlier on in a tier, they don’t want enchanting mats or 50 gold. They want drops that are upgrades for someone to drop.

And it doesn’t matter what they want, according to Blizzard.

I gave a possible solution to their dilemma.

No, personal loot is a dumpster system. You get less loot in the long run, and you are less likely to even get loot even if tradable because of how the loot pool works with it.

Personal loot was only added to force progression to take longer.

I think that group loot is better in certain circumstances, and that personal loot is going to create headaches in certain other circumstances.

example 1: Pre-made groups. Let them pick, group loot probably works better for them, and it’s great for them. This can go as far as to groups that PUG in chat or in the pre-made groups tabs of the group finder (i.e. normal raids+)

example 2: LFR/LFD. This should absolutely be personal loot in almost all cases. There’s circumstances to consider such as mismatching of armor/weapon types (i.e. bows dropping with no hunters, cloth dropping with no cloth wearers) as well as cases of individuals trolling the system by bringing back “ninja looting.” In some cases, it literally just strips gear from people who don’t know to expect certain things (i.e. the old adage “always roll need on the mount”).

Literally all of that is fixable without bring back Group Loot.

  1. Up drop rates and/or remove loot caps.
  2. Make all gear tradeable.
  3. Remove the raid wide broadcast of loot so people can’t be pressured into giving up loot by point 2.

If blizz is trying to bring back group loot because a more popular MMO (FFXIV) has such, they should note the controls the more popular MMO has to ensure that people don’t abuse it (i.e. you can only ‘win’ so many piece of loot each week).

No its because classic has been doing it now and i would wager that classic probably has more numbers in the game right now then retail does.

If you look at all the things coming back, its things that were what people opined for about classic. Talents, Prof, Group loot now.

Of course it does, Wrath just launched and SL is at the end of its life cycle. This doesn’t take a genius to figure out.

That’s fine and you weren’t speaking for yourself originally… you said, “EVERYONE” and that’s fine that you don’t like PL, I feel the same way about ML and GL… ML is made for greedy people who feel the need to hold power over others… the whole system is trash and there is ZERO good reason for it to be part of the game, one person should NEVER be in charge of all the loot… GL is just a bad version of PL.

To each their own though.

If it is a friend, sure… but I don’t trust people and they’ve proven they can’t be trusted.

Perhaps, and the other things are (tentatively) actually things I think are great (I like the idea of the talent trees, and specialization in profs is absolutely needed), and I even think GL is fine if it’s done in the right context, but the point is the right context.

I would not like all loot tradable via personal loot without restrictions. Giving away stuff is worse than not having it in the first place.

Slight disagreement re: ML.

There are cases where ML is in fact beneficial (I personally used it regularly when leading raids while it was still a thing)…as long as it’s not abused. The problem is that it’s too easily abused. GL does not suffer that flaw, but has other flaws in its place. PL, similarly, does not suffer that flaw, but has yet other flaws in its place.

All of them have places where they’re beneficial, but all have their problems, too.

Fair enough, I don’t agree in the least and there is literally zero good reason to have it, I’m not rigid on many stances, this is one I will never bend on.

Oh, that was in regards to those who wouldn’t let those advocate for the option back in BFA for pure guild groups to be able to run ML. Now some of them are backtracking with this announcement asking for options. XD

I mean thats fair, I’ve heard and seen horror stories (all those ninja looting videos back in vanilla). In the end the best solution for everyone is to give them options. So those who want to run PL, GL, or ML can do so.

Then don’t trade it? Without the loot caps and without the loot broadcast there is no way to know how much loot was awarded and to whom. No one can force you to give it up.

Even if they did this to personal loot then… what’s the difference? It’d literally just be the same system as the proposed group loot.

Also the idea that changes need to be made so people don’t feel pressured to trade loot is absurd. If someone or multiple people are hounding you to trade something then find a different group/guild to play with. It’s simple

removing loot broadcast too? hell no, that would make it boring.