Please revert back to Personal Loot / Here is why

1: group loot is very easy to turn into something that is just PL with a different order of operations.
2: answer the question:

The fact they never mentioned it is cause for concern because the previous systems for group loot never considered group composition. That is a major change from personal loot which did by default.

GL shouldn’t consider group composition because that’s the benefit of GL. You don’t have to stack stuff for loot to drop.

This isn’t the same group loot though. It takes into account roles (dps, tank, heal), what type of gear you can wear (cloth, leather, mail, plate), and what current items you have equipped etc before allowing you to roll for said gear.

The 24th copy of the same ring is exactly as useful to the raid as a bow is to a raid with no hunters.

The first is a near certainty under PL, but not GL when you are running a consistent team over a farm period.

I can tell you never raided on a LW in legion. It should consider group composition because if the group is 80% leather wearers it makes it very hard for those people to gear up and if the group has one plate wearer they get all the plate gear that drops. In legion, the raider leader often made comments about they had no mail wearer so all the loot got d/e.

Blizz could announce they were giving everyone a million gold and people would still be raging about it in the forums lol

And yet with pl we still are deing a bunch of stuff that nobody needs after two weeks. Tomato tomato.

I played a druid, didn’t have an issue.

They did. And basically said that they think this helps players who’s loot table is underrepresented in the raid. If your raid only has 1 hunter, their odds of getting a bow just went up substantially.

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Aw you showed them the post.

I was trying to get them to find it themselves xD

I think it’s fun to present certain people with hard evidence that they are lying.

Also notice how they still haven’t answered my question about what “abuse” is possible for a single person to pull off.

Probably ran away when they couldn’t make up something that sounds mildly credible.

You are completely right. However, the guild centered funnel/ML crowd will never listen to logic. The simply want what’s best for them and not what’s good for the game at large.

They want to gear at the maximum speed, faster than anyone else. Why? So they can come to these same forums and screech about content draught.

It’s like arguing about the color of grass. You know it’s green. You can prove it’s green. The funnel/ml crowd wants it to be purple. They will relentlessly attack anyone who dares argue that it isn’t really purple.

Just know you are right and the vast majority of players (no citation needed) agree with you. Grass is really green.


You are completely right. However, the guild centered funnel/ML crowd will never listen to logic. The simply want what’s best for them and not what’s good for the game at large.

ML existed before alongside personal loot but people wanted it removed rather than find places where they agreed with loot distribution.

In the past, master loot was rarely used as a tool to get over on others and I only ever pugged into raids. It happened, yes. But it wasn’t all the time or causing issues that often. People seemed cool.

Perhaps I’m lucky? Or it’s being made into a terrible thing for those rare occasions for some reason.

This also ignores the fact that if the loot rules is everything tradable is loot counciled off, the PL only trick of not looting the boss and having it mailed to you is closer to ninja looting than almost anything that’s possible with GL.

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That’s funny considering the ones crying about nothing to do have been casual Cal open world and LFR players

Nothing is set in stone yet. We may see it during pre patch and we will take it from there.

We will learn to get thru it.

This has to be the most ridiculous part of the plan. Get ready for 25 need rolls on every item, even from Mythic Geared people who want to vendor the drops.

I am a fan of Personal Loot. I do not like the changes for the reasons the OP described. But Blizzard has tuned out the Player Base, in favor of the Streamer Culture and their hand selected Community Council Echo Chamber. And those people want Master Loot back, so they can award themselves the best items.

As much as it saddens me that Blizzard is making the wrong choice about Loot, I am just happy they did not go with the full return of Master Loot.

Not so much a compromise. But if Master Loot is a 1 on the scale of ways to distribute loot, and Personal Loot is a 10, this Need/Greed system is about a 3.

At least it is not Master Loot. Just a bit shy of Master Loot in all but process, but Players still have some power in keeping their loot if they choose.

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This has to be the most ridiculous part of the plan. Get ready for 25 need rolls on every item, even from Mythic Geared people who want to vendor the drops.

This happens under PL, just by the invisible hand.

Not so much a compromise. But if Master Loot is a 1 on the scale of ways to distribute loot, and Personal Loot is a 10, this Need/Greed system is about a 3.

Need/Greed is similar enough to PL, it’s just different cosmetically.

We will see it during prepatch, because it’s being added to the SL raids. This is great, it will give people a chance to see it in action while also hopefully letting Blizzard see if there are any edge cases they might have overlooked and get that sorted out.

This isn’t the same Group Loot, I’m willing to get it a shot so Blizzard can get a season’s worth of data from it and see what happens from there.