Please revert back to Personal Loot / Here is why

There is no argument. There is just raid leaders or friends making excuses that ‘x’ needs gear and people just accept it because they don’t really know

Not at all. the new Group Loot (or GL) system is essentially going to be PL 2.0.

The only difference, is you are the one who has to push the roll button instead of the system. So in the case of you rolling for an item that has an upgrade like the same item but with a socket? You can’t blame it on the game for giving it to you.

Nor can you hide the loot on a boss’s body and have it mailed to you later.

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If this were a relationship advice column, the advice would be ‘you two are not a good match for each other, and should probably break up’.

I can see a flaw in this already because they haven’t made a single adjustment for the group composition. If you have a group with 80% leather wearers - 80% of the gear dropping isn’t going to be leather. Whereas with personal loot - that was taken into account.

With GL, same as with PL, players can only do that if the raid lets them.

Not necessarily, upon joining a new guild, it takes some tie before I decide that guild progression is better than personal progression. PL enables people to do stuff without voicing disagreements.

First two to three weeks of a guild where people are getting a feel of each other? I certainly don’t care about loot distributed per benefit of the guild.

It’s not that people aren’t a good match, it’s personal interest surpasses guild interest temporarily usually.

why are you so concerned what happens in LFR?

Well in the case of its a group of friends you are playing with, you can send it to the enchanter for DE and stockpile enchanting materials for later.

In the case of a pug, a greed roll will determine who gets to vendor it.

Because it’s a fun place to mess around with alts/offspecs/troll builds. Also, they indicated that one of the possible LFR specific changes that would go with group loot is a potential increase in the number of items that drop.

that’s predicated on if people rage on the forums.

what a stupid reply

I see so you plan to abuse the system so that they increase the loot so you can abuse it more

Well, that seems to be an issYOU. Not an issME.

it is a you issue because I identified a problem with the system and you come back with oh they can vendor it. Of course people can vendor it but people aren’t going into a raid to get gear they can vendor - they are going into a raid to get gear they can wear

How? What “abuse” of GL are you suggesting is possible for 1 person to pull off alone in an LFR?

hey some people think loot belongs to them, and other people winning represents a malfunction.

True, the “abuse” that they are thinking of is probably something like rolling need for transmog.

Well I mean I just gave you the solution I would use personally. If you want that to be fixed you might want to take that issYOU all the way up to the individuals at blizzard who make the decisions on such things.

Also do you happen to have a source for where they said GL will potentially drop useless loot as compared to PL? I just got done reading through the thread on the beta forums and have seen no mention of it, other than GL has been massively improved upon seeing what people are and aren’t eligible to roll for.

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You are fighting extremely hard for this to be in LFR when your main focus is mythic raiding. It should make no difference at all if LFR was still personal loot if you planned on playing solo.

loot drop rates are different in a GL system.