Please revert back to Personal Loot / Here is why

How is this any different than a Raid leader or Master looter putting the loot wherever they want to put it?

Everyone is fine with it until it affects them.

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PL forces this to be the case. And it’s not minor drop rate differences, but up to a factor of 20 (1.25% vs 25%) in certain cases, before any drop rate shenanigans from blizzard. Under GL, both items in this case would have a drop rate of about 7.5%.

OK reading over your post, it seems you think someone getting an item and deciding to keep it for what ever reason is bad for you. It may be BAD for you, but an unbiased system awarded them the item vs. a system that can be manipulated by the players

PL = System rolls for you, and gives loot to you. (Which you can’t see.)
GL = You roll against others, and system gives loot to you (if you win.) It’s the same really.

How is it not different? ML is literally one person deciding where all the loot goes
 PL is random behind the scenes sorting of items, determined by spec specific loot.

Speak for yourself.


Give me a raid comp and a boss in any SL raid, and I’ll do the math on the drop rate discrepancy of each item if you want to check the work. These numbers are assuming a 20 player raid, average of 4 items for each loot spec, 13 items in total. only 1 person can loot the low drop item (rogue dagger), and everyone can loot the high drop item (ring)

That the group was OK with handling the responsibility of loot distribution to. That’s the whole point of ML. Consenting the distribution of loot to a single individual/group (in the case of loot council).

I am, I gave you a personal example of why I think PL is a bad system. I never had a bad experience with master looter, but yet the moment I’m forced to use the fair and just PL system I run into the most selfish loot-hog ever? Who would rather DE items for money instead of trading it to other guilds to further progression?

Not only that, but back in 2018 when everyone was discussing why ML should still be an option for pure guild groups, they were told to kick rocks or quit if they didn’t like it. Funny enough reading through those threads I see a LOT of above level 60 players, which means those characters haven’t logged in since the level squish of BFA.

I am, I gave you a personal example of why I think PL is a bad system. I never had a bad experience with master looter, but yet the moment I’m forced to use the fair and just PL system I run into the most selfish loot-hog ever? Who would rather DE items for money instead of trading it to other guilds to further progression?

Unless if you literally were the master looter or knew the master looter, I think one bad experience isn’t far of a stretch.

How often have people went along with the raid anyway while disagreeing with the loot rules when PL has been in place? The answer for me, is more than once.

I have been repeatedly told that I’m a bad person who only wants to exploit/abuse others for asking that we have the option for guild ML return a while ago.


My desire for raids to be able to use ML or not depends on my current guild situation: Good, if the guild is good. Bad if in process of looking.

Ah yes, forgot about the personal attacks as well. Its been a while.

LFR doesn’t have this. And in Legion 80% of my guild group was leather wearers. If you look at most of the people strongly in favor of group loot or master loot they are plate or cloth wearers or play a tank that often would get priority on gear. They benefit from those systems at the expense of leather wearers

tanks don’t get priority on gear. It’s the worst role to gear.

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can you speak for every group because some of the groups I was in they would

Did you read the actual blue post?

Any group gearing tanks beyond a basic survivability point is wrong. The group gains more from the extra DPS after that point.

stop joining bad groups?


Some kids don’t like to be taught the important lessons and effects of accountability. Join a pug and something gets ninja’d? Leave
 Join a scrub guild that isn’t fair with loot? Leave

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That’s the thing I don’t get. A player and the rest of the group getting into that big of an argument over loot is a red flag. All it signals is that it would probably be mutually beneficial for that player and that group to go their separate ways.


After reading that, it feels like it is going to be personal loot on a whole new level, and I think it would be better than all those annoying whispers and open trade of people thinking they are entitled to the loot.

If in process of searching for guilds, attachment to the newfound group isn’t that strong. Or because the guild made a stupid decision and the person is in process of searching for a new guild.

Settling vs searching for a guild that’s fun to play with.

i see - so we are back to a loot system that will be abused and people will blame it on the victims for joining a ‘wrong’ group.