Please revert back to Personal Loot / Here is why

I’m fine with group loot but your post was thought out and well done.

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And they absolutely will.

Group loot is not master loot.

Sure control-freak guild leaders/officers may get upset if player X doesn’t want to pass on an item that’s an upgrade, or doesn’t want an item they think he should have. But it’s still ultimately the players choice. No one can actually force them to pass on an item they want, or take an item they don’t want.

Except it’s not. Because that same system tells people they cannot help their friends if something is not an upgrade for them but is higher item level. In organized groups, this is atrocious and does the exact opposite – it feels unfair. Personal loot is not perfect, nor totally fair. There are many problems with it as a system.

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When a player breaks the established loot rules and steals an item from the group.

If no rules are set, it’s effectively a free for all.

They have clarified how need rolls will work, and the effect of every single player rolling need on every item then can in all situations is just PL.

why cant we have all 3. why cant there be a toggle for all them. master, group and personal.

why does blizzard got to have caveman mentality still where history constantly repeats itself with failure and lack of options.

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Thankfully this is not a thing happening in group loot for Dragonflight.

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While I do think they should have kept pl as an option, just find a guild of decent people and you won’t have any issues with gl.

I agree. It’s why I’m extremely excited to go into DF with this loot system. Being able to help my friends again will be a welcome change.

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Make personal loot tradeable no matter if its an upgrade or not… # problem solved

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People begged for that since PL was implemented. People also begged for an option, and the personal loot crowd told the ML / group loot crowds “tOuGh LuCk NiNjA!1!11!!”.

This new system is worth trying. If it’s bad, feedback will be provided. Until we know more and have actual testing capabilities and can apply this for a season, there’s no reason to contest it. This new system appears much more intelligent with proper ideas in place.

Not really though, because when it came to personal loot, some folks were getting so tired of getting pestered for loot, that they just left the loot on the corpses of the bosses, where it would be mailed to them later and they wouldn’t have to get badgered about it.

You can basically create this system in group loot, except with the problem of never getting items for underrepresented classes flipped to getting too much loot for underrepresented classes.

Just throwing my support for personal loot to come back!

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You really think people still can’t need on something they don’t actually need? Granted you can get duplicates of items, but at least that’s the system doing it… not the player.

Will there still be spec specific loot? Where I can go in as healer and receive DPS gear? If not, that’s a major problem… we’ve become accustomed to a nearly perfect design, with a few tweeks like unlocking the ilevel trading non-sense.


All items will have a list of eligible loot specializations, the same way they do now.

If your loot spec is set to DPS, you will be able to roll mainspec need on the DPS gear for your class. If your loot spec is healer, you will be able to roll offspec need on the DPS gear for your class.

PL has its fair share of problems, you just need to play at a reasonably high level to notice them.

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I am talking about LFR not your raid groups. I am pretty sure this group loot will be biased against LW again in normal/heroic and mythic but that isn’t anything I pug so I don’t care.

So mythic raiding? If that’s the case, then it’s perfect because mythic raiding is 1% or less of the player base…

I stop at heroic raiding and I’ve yet to see a single issue.

Well can’t speak for anyone else’s experience but I saw the most SELFISH loot behavior doing Heroic Uldir back in BFA. There was one person in the guild group (yes, guild) who if it landed in his bags? It was either sold on the AH if it was a BoE or disenchanted to make money.

How many copies of the ring from the nine dropped before you saw the tank trinket?

None of that is ninjaing… selfish sure, but it’s their item, they have every right to do what they want with it.

So trying to use drop percentage to make a point? Some items are more rare than others.

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