Please revert back to Personal Loot / Here is why

It’s been designed in a way it can’t be abused.

If you qualify for the item then you hit need.

It’s not a pop up and everyone can roll need on it.


Players will always find a way to abuse something… They are crafty that way… :laughing:

How does one abuse it though? If you need an item and win that’s fair. If you greed and someone needs and you lose, that’s still fair.


About the point of making sure loot is equip-able, here is how easy it is to make sure all loot is equip-able:

Having at least one: Plate str, plate int, leather agi, leather int, mail agi, mail int and cloth (7 spots)

The rule above will make sure 95% of the loot is equip-able, and it is a rule that it is very likely to already be in place by just picking random people, maybe with the exception of mail int, which is exclusive to 2 specs of shaman.

However if you want extreme levels of loot optimization you can continue further:

Having a warrior/paladin tank adds coverage for strength shields, and adding a hunter adds coverage for bows. (2 slots). All other nieche weapons are covered by having the basic armor types, for example int mail guarantees usage of int shields.

You might also need to check if your team comp happens to not have any users of a commonly usable weapon type, like 1H agi swords and things like that. Unless you are stacking feral druids or something random like that, you will probably cover all of those without even thinking about it.

On raids it is very unlikely that an unequipable item drops, this however might be a problem in dungeons which might justify an increased number of item drops.

Don’t forget evokers, should be no shortage of those.

Oh sorry, I thought they were leather for some reason

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In a PUG, the raid leader can say (not saying they will say) but they could say, “do not roll on that item WE need it for our healer, tank, whatever”… Which does not stop you, but then you run the risk of being booted from the raid. Which honestly, I would NEED just out of spite regardless if I needed it or not. Cuz screw those types of people and their attitude. In LFR, there is the possibility of getting voted out of the group.

You are describing a very strange scenario. Why would a raid leader of a PUG feel entitled to ask for loot from people outside his guild? Are you on a guild tryout? I’ve never seen this happen in more then 10 years of playing this game.

You are on a PUG, you rolled for an item, the item is in your bag, they can cry all they want, the item is yours. If they kick you for it, they are insane.

Also, how would this be different in personal loot? Wouldn’t they be able to kick you for refusing to trade the exact same way?

Exactly. They can’t force you, this “abuse” is imaginary. Roll and move on. If they boot you you’ll still have the item and you’ll probably never see them again anyway. If they announce “reserved” items before you start just drop group.

And, you could always start a group and let everyone roll the way they want.

Nobody in LFR is agreeing to reserved loot. C’mon now. You’re trying so hard to make villains out of this and it just doesn’t make sense.


Lets just say we can revisit if it is or is not “imaginary” in 3 months time…

The system is going forward weather anyone or myself likes it or not…

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In 3 months time do you think Blizz will have changed this to ML? If not then it’ll still be imaginary because nobody will be able to control me pressing the need button.

What’s stopping the many people who prefer PL from starting “fair roll only groups?” There’s no reason you should have to be worried with such a large pool of players against GL.

We are not talking about ML…

ML is the only way your scenario works. GL prevents your concern by giving everyone the ability to need on the drop.

Not sure you understand how ML works, because there is no ability to NEED or GREED in ML…

Great post, group loot will cause so many more problems for people. The only people who favor ML or GL are those that want to control other people’s loot.

who has control over your decision if you press need or not?
only blizz as they designed the system to include Ilvl, specs and armortypes


Well Ion thought so in 2018:

“Yes, there are a number of high end groups out there, tight knit guilds that have harmoniously awarded loot over the years . . . but what group and master loot often mean for many people is that they are at the mercy of others in ways that often aren’t fair,” said Ian Hazzikostas, the game director behind World of Warcraft, during a Developer Q&A back in April of this year. Master loot, players had recently discovered, was to be removed in patch 8.0.1 in preparation for Battle for Azeroth.

As per usual, this change was made under the banner of what is “fair” – master loot, Hazzikostas explained, unfairly leaves players (and especially trial raiders) at the mercy of others. Everyone deserves loot for killing a boss, he went on to say, and personal loot would allow players more control over their fates.

He pointed out that personal loot has been the default in 5-man dungeons for numerous expansions, fortuitously forgetting the discrepancy in gear quality and prestige level between dungeons and raids, and added that if the change just so happened to discourage Cutting Edge guilds from split running then, well, Blizzard wasn’t complaining.

This was a quote from an article on invenglobal dot com from 2018 when the change was made. There were other articles posted as well.

Your “ninja scenario” only works in ML, when individuals have no control.

In The coming GL, everyone gets to roll. Your whole scenario is null at that point. Nobody can ninja an item when everyone gets to roll on it.

everyone that meets the requirement can roll

I consider that implied since it’s been explained several times in this thread to refute the “Ninja” arguments :stuck_out_tongue:

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