Please revert back to Personal Loot / Here is why

Why does GL get conflated with ML? They’re not the same thing :roll_eyes:

Most players dont, just few nuckle heads insist that players are confusing the two just so they can argue.

To be clear, most everyone understands that when ML is selected on Classic, the Master Looter can only loot the corpse (while others can only see the loot) and the ML decides who the loot goes to (or what ever loot system they are using like EPGP, DKP or loot council).

What we are getting NOW is not Master Loot.

The argument and issue players have with Group Loot is that even in its 2.0 version, is that it can open up the chance that players could argue with each over on who should be allowed to roll Need. Not who could roll Need. With PL loot, if you get an item the raid leader cant argue that you should or should not have it, its yours they can go bite themself. But with GL, there opens up that possibility. Not saying its going to happen to everyone, but there is that chance. From my experience, GL in good guilds isnt going to be an issue at all. If it is, find a better guild. Heck join the one I am in. No drama here… But in PUGs like LFR, yea everyone that can will just roll need and just prepare for the toxic drama to come.

Remember that personal loot was replaced by group loot. You managed to make a list where every point is completely false. Why is this being up voted?

There is no Ninja Looting on group loot.

No, personal loot is full of trade restrictions. Group loot is far easier.

Group loot also self admins

Group loot is the only system that prevents that. You can loot funnel on personal loot by stacking the same class over and over, and you can also funnel through master loot.

That is the only advantage of personal loot. Well, kind of. You can make sure that all items are equip able by having a diverse set of classes and specs, which is a very good thing to be incentivized

I don’t get this one.

So does group loot if you have a diverse set of classes and specs, which is a good thing to incentivize.

Yep, that is a pretty big con

Which is a good thing.

There are restrictions for rolls now, you can’t need on an item that you don’t need. And if someone does something like this, they can trade the item afterwards with no restriction.

How is this not a thing in the other loot distribution modes?

No, there are no trade restrictions after rolling. This is not personal loot.

I’m not saying a false statement, here. This is literally written in your own OP.

This is not how GL works. And, I’m not arguing. You, literally, misrepresented GL, in your own OP. Despite saying this:

It’s moot with this very statement:

This assumes GL to function this way, when it doesn’t.

Will see…

This was in regards to raid leads not having to worry about loot distribution.

In a way yes, but some guilds may not want one single player racking up on 5 items a run, while others get nothing. This is why those in classic and classic era before normally restricted players to one need role per lockout until other players have had a chance to win a roll.

Personal loot is non biased since its the computer randomly decides.

In regards of some guilds running loot council. Telling players they should or should not roll Need on items if the loot council doesnt think its good for you.

Hopes this helps clear up a few things.

And, the concept of “ninja looting” is so funny, to me. 'Cause you (specifically) say something like this:

Well, the item being rolled for, you (generally speaking) haven’t “gotten it”, yet.

You (specifically) can’t have it both ways. Either it’s “your’s” upon winning the roll or “your’s” before the roll.

It doesn’t

And that is why there are no trade restrictions. You can run loot councils with no restrictions, and you can optimize the loot distribution anyway you want. Guilds have full control now, where under personal loot they were heavily restricted.

No it is not, you can change the odds of an item dropping by changing the group composition. You can’t do that on group loot.

You don’t need to tell players not to need on items, they can need all they want. If a group is running loot council and something goes to the incorrect person, the item can just be traded with no issues. This is better then personal loot in every possible way.

I’m still not a fan of GL and wish PL remained for PuGs and to have ML be an option for Guild Groups, only. Hopefully, this GL change will lead to that.

Group loot just makes things simpler in pugs, instead of asking the overgeared player to trade it to you before they leave the group, you can just press need, while he wont be able to.


Yeah, I’m sure that whisper addon is equally as annoying as those guild invite ones.

You can’t ninja an item when everyone has to roll. Winning the roll /= ninja.

Imagine making up scenarios that are bs. If you’re in a pug and you want an item hit need.

That can happen with pl and gl

Don’t get me wrong, I still believe in “ninja looting” and believe it to still exist even with PL. But, that’s a whole 'nother conversation to be had.

I just don’t want to make a hypocritical/double standard stance about it which is why I applied it to PL, as well 'cause it is my opinion about it.

I just think PL breeds the worst of it. And really changed loot etiquette.

And this is why I continue to say you don’t understand how the new loot system works.

Your comments show you lack understanding of how it works.

If someone doesn’t click need in a pug then that’s your own fault.

Somewhere down the line I think your confusing yourself on what I said…

Yea I agree, but you know how controlling some people can be. If people are experiencing this in the guild they are in, they need to find another guild.

In PL there is the restriction that you can not trade something that is an item level upgrade. Which I have admitted in a number of post in this thread is a double edged sword. There are countless times this expansion alone that I got something that was an item level upgrade, but a net DPS loss (rings, necks and trinkets mostly) that I wanted to trade to a guild mate, but couldnt. And same for a few items others got that would have been better for me, but they couldnt trade for the same reason. At least with GL 2.0, this will not be an issue going forward.

Then explain it.

re-read it… S L O W L Y

This reason Alone is why GL is better than PL.

That’s not even talking about the other reasons.

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Oh, we’re being condescending, now. I tried my best to explain the irony, as politely, as possible, but I’m not surprised by the PL fandom. You’re (generally speaking) so predictable.

Blocking now. We’re not going to get, anywhere.

As I have said over and over GL 2.0 for good guilds is going to be a positive… THE only argument was that in PUGs (LFR is also a pug) it could and would be abused from my experience. Not as bad as it had been in classic and classic era before, but still… Maybe I am being pessimistic, but I am hoping for the best. I truly am…