Please revert back to Personal Loot / Here is why

You do realize main stats like agil and int swap back and forth depending on spec right?

And evokers but that doesn’t even matter.

All hunters shamans and evokers can use any mail gear that drops.

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It won’t cause any more problems. The people saying it will cause problems don’t understand how it works.

Or people in progression raid teams that want to have loot go to the person that needs it most.

Tell us you have never raider at a decent level without telling us you have never raider at a decent level.


Then – Groups didn’t have to use ML.
Then – They did so anyways.
Now – Groups do have to use GL
Now – They will require you trade all loot so they can loot council anyways. Open trading rules make it exactly like ML.

Just press need or get a new guild. Sure, those are makeshift solutions. One that will cause unnecessary drama in pugs and guilds with poor leadership.

Leadership is a skill. Wow players largely don’t have it. Instead they often choose the Machiavellian approach and use fear and cut throat competition to secure compliance and control.

Anyways, ML / GL works great in highly structured environments where good leadership is present. I contend the above does not adequately describe the majority of guilds or groups present in world of warcraft.

There was going to be more … and this isn’t very timely anymore… But I have to get back to work.

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This is so true and sad at the same time… LOL I know of a couple of guilds that will likely implode after about a month of raiding when DF comes out just for the reasons you mentioned. But I think that will be a good thing as good guilds will become more sought out after and will grow larger.

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How is that a good thing when more guilds disappear/disband? You know, guilds can grow extremely large, but raid groups don’t. There’s only a limited amount of space in these groups.

Players from the guilds that happen to fall apart can join guilds that grow. Then you have more players in those guilds to create multiple raid groups. Larger guilds generally have 2 or 3 different raid groups. Like the one I am in for example. Even with the amount of players taking a break before DF, our guild is still running Mythic and having to pull players on and off the bench.

I like the idea of group loot on the premise that it takes a step into the direction of fostering a community. Personal loot, in my opinion, is just another slippery slope that leads to the destruction of what makes an MMORPG worth playing; having a sense of community. Isolating players from one another takes away from that whole vibe, which I feel personal loot contributes to…

This change in loot is my nightmare scenario. I just won’t do groups with it. As it stands now Dragon expac looks bad for my enjoyment. These little uncalled for changes are why this game loses players. I’d love to be a fly on the wall to see who is initiating these things.


I am going to go out on a limb and play devils advocate here… I do not think the updated Group Loot will be as bad as many of us remember for various reasons. #1 the updated changes, #2 gone are the days where fury warriors using leather or ele shamans using cloth. #3 Hunters only need ONE weapon now, no more rolling on my rogues daggers becuz stats… and lastly #4 we now have way more sources for loot then we did before.

Honestly see many raiders pushing more mythic keys for more gear then before and honestly with +20 keys actually rewarding more appropriate loot. I will get off my lazy bum and do 20 keys then. Plus when you take into account the creation catalyst will still convert dungeon gear into tier pieces. Its going to be easier then it was before.