Please revert back to Personal Loot / Here is why

It helped curb toxicitiy honestly.

Just playing say overwatch 2 and seeing new and old people.

Playing with random people you honestly see alot of toxicity.
In a guild you have a social structure that discourages it and have things like threats of being kicked from the guild to worry about that random pugs don’t. It really is better for guild groups or pugs with friends then random strangers. Personal loot did address many previous points of toxicity and conflict with pugs. The option of not looting and getting it mailed in your box really did make runs go more smoothly.

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Not group loot in pugs and LFR no.

Why are you trying to sell guilds like a used car salesman to someone who raids with a guild ?

My brain hurts all of a sudden. Did I misunderstand your post ?

Yea I meant personal loot helped the problems that group loots did.

ah gotcha, makes more sense now.

Generally online gamers are ‘friends’ in the loosest sense of the word. More apt to say, online playmates. As soon as some conflicts of interest arise or things start to go bad their relationships folds as quickly as a piece of tinfoil. This is not to discount people who had been playing with each other for years and have a lasting bond outside the game. This does happen, but those groups are few and far between. Most who want Master or Group Loot so they can get a bigger slice of the pie. These very entitled folk want more rewards for themselves (all) and their small circle of friends, less (none) for others. They may as well just throw back in MasterLoot and further reward the most selfish slime bags of the community and encourage everyone to be as selfish and ruthlessly cutthroat as possible.

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If I’m healing, 100% will need one handed weapons for my melee offspec, these are very hard to come by.

Completely understandable, no one wants to world quest as Heals. But you will need to set your loot spec to DPS or the new group loot will prevent you from rolling NEED.

so you will need if someone in your group has actually need for the weapon?
are you talking PUG or guild group?

Yes, I set loot spec to windwaker & enhancement while healing as mistweaver & resto. Getting two good one handed weapons is quite hard, which I NEED. This is still up to roll# though.

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Yea I do the same thing since I got most all the gear I need except for a couple of mythic raid items.

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Im just describing the strategy I use with PL to gear multispec. Its really difficult to get the weapon slot for some reason. I know it is not rare to do this.

Oh, how wrong you are.

He can still roll need if his loot spec is set to healer, but he just can’t WIN it over a DPS that rolls need.

At least Ralimer went after the flaws with the MS/OS priority set up instead of using false information.

I only know what the devs have posted.

  • In the past, Need/Greed only knew if something was equippable or the right armor type, not if it was meant for your spec or not. This is now changed.

  • First off, you can never Need for anything your class cannot wear. No warriors sniping cloth robes with a need roll and giving it away or trolling.

  • We also have mainspec and offspec functionality built-in, which changes based on the current loot spec you set.

  • Main spec takes priority, then Off spec, then greed. So while a Ret paladin can’t off-spec loot a shield away from a main-spec roll from the Tank, anyone rolling greed could never win it over them. This also means that if you swap specs for a specific fight, like going Holy, you can still main spec roll for your desired items if they come from that boss without having to worry about hurting yourself by being flexible to your group.

  • Players won’t be able to win multiples of the same item - say that 2 sets of Shoulders drop. While you can roll Need on both of them, winning one will ‘remove’ your roll from the other.

  • Additionally, players can’t Need on a piece of loot if they’re wearing the exact piece at the exact item level, though in the event where this occurs but the dropped piece has a Tertiary stat or Socket, that roll would be possible (as those are upgrades).

  • Lastly, even after winning the roll, items remain fully tradeable without restrictions to any player that was eligible as a looter - as-in, if you weren’t locked to that boss previously. Inversely, this means that players who have already killed Boss 1 on Normal for the week can’t join for that boss and have loot traded to them (similarly, the need/greed pane won’t appear for that player).

So if I understand this correctly there will be a NEED MS and NEED OS both listed under just NEED. With MS>OS obviously… So you still need to swap loot preferences to win it.

I just don’t understand why it’s not going to be optional for groups to set, rather than be 100% forced.

It would work well for groups who want a focus on loot, but god…

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Yea, this is what hurts my head the most. Why force the option. Let guilds choose what they wish to use.

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because it creates a needless divide of the dwindling player base and there is no clear indication which loot rules you are going to be using.

they made changes to how group loot works compared to the past. this version seems interesting as it might work out better from a game play loot drop perspective.

as far as ninja looting. it wont work because you still have to win. you are rolling the dice of getting ejected from the group win or loose. odds are not in your favor.

second. a guild group could simply let it work as the text says. everyone who needs it rolls need. the loot can still be traded after. it doesnt insta soul bound. the raid lead “could” request you trade to to someone who needs it more for a higher average improvement for the raid but it would be your choice at that point. you can’t really ninja something that was yours.

guilds can choose how they run things but this group loot is better than master loot because it still lets you function as a master loot group if you happen to be in that 1% of 1% where it even matters. and they system it self lets you decide if you want to trade it away if you happen to win.

i want to see how it plays out in season 1. i think it could be fine in lfr if they just bump up the drops to ALWAYS have one item from each armor class… wait. why cant that just be a thing. always drop something from all armor classes. 1 int trink and 1 Str/Agil trink

the main thing holding group loot back is the number of items dropping at the base level. :thinking:

remember, with personal loot. you can have nothing drop for you personally. its not much different than a bow dropping and there being no hunters.

Hey Snoty, pay attention to Kittsuera here… This is how you make a valid argument without being a troll.

Well when you can make a valid argument without calling people trolls then you might get a valid response.

Also name calling is pretty comical and just shows you got mad because your points are weak.

Only if there’s a DPS that needs it. They wouldn’t need to switch if only another healer or tank were rolling on it for off spec.

I would say you realize your comments where just trolling remarks first, but then again. You prob dont… So I digress.