Please revert back to Personal Loot / Here is why

It’s not, it’s based on prior patterns from blizz themselves prior to personal loot which they stated did not change, they only changed how who got loot was selected and which subset of the table they could roll against.

Moreover not every boss drops a glaive… so it’s literally impossible to get the same weapon type three in a row in the same week.

Regardless the chance of a raid team getting the same <1% item every single week would be highly improbable.

The straw-man you’re attempting to erect simply doesn’t hold up statistically. Realistically groups will get the same high percent drop items as they do now which nobody wants or needs. This is because blizz already weights items that can be equipped universally heavier than items that cannot.

So arguing the impossible is not helping me believe you have a valid point.

The fact weapons are <1% is a thing you made up and your source is “Trust me bro”.


Perception wise, seeing the Resto Shaman win the 1H AGI Axe is going to sting people more. You can set your MS to whatever specialization you want.

PL that mattered less because it was the hidden role, GL it matters far more because it’s open roll. Even if there was always going to be a “roll”, be it open or behind the scenes, seeing is believing and more people will be upset because of that.

I remember back in Wrath Pug groups would let you roll different MS if you asked (sometimes) but it didn’t mean people spoke up when the healer trinket they thought was a sure thing was taken by a DPS. It’s going to happen again.

Which can happen with PL.

Only if they have their gear drop spec to Healer… As a Shaman I do this for my guild mates all the time when a boss doesnt drop anything I want. I set the spec to Mele (Enhance) or Heals (Resto) to help my team out.

I am going to say I am not sure if this will be the case with the newer Group Loot rules. Not sure if you have to be in that spec or can still choose what loot drops for you.

I can say if you have to be in that class spec to roll need. That is going to really suck. Often players set their loot spec to Heals, Tank or DPS depending if they plan to switch roles in the raid.

Just like people changing their main/off spec choices in the new GL.

Very possible. I am still unclear on if the player has to be playing that spec to roll need yet… If someone in BETA can comment, I would really appreciate clarification.

Transmog didn’t exist until Cata. At which point guilds were just using master loot to funnel to loyal long members of the guild, people hording there guild currencies like dkp. Or some other ninja loot moments in pugs. Not to mention, not inviting certain classes to groups to not compete again or it wasn’t seen as an issue since pugs could use masterloot and “reserve” items. You see reserve groups all the time in wotlk right now for exmaple.

Transmog is something I will roll need for. Since I like battle healing I will be rolling against dps for that dps ring, or dps trinkets for example.

I remember doing lfr for the mogs back then when I raided. People assumed I wasn’t going to roll need being heroic geared. I was only in lfr for the mogs : 3

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Playing since 2005 didn’t bother to read how the NEW group loot works before posting to the forums. Definitely your average wow player here.

Most gear is not nor will be spec locked. Most rings and necklaces can be used by anyone. Many trinkets are the same way. Most gear is class specific, so DPS or Healer or Tank can use. For example on a piece of leather chest piece which has +int and +agi, any druid , rogue, or DH could roll need on it with priority. By the same token a plate chest piece can be placed on priority for any Paladin, Warrior, or DK .

Universal rings, necklaces, and trinkets will be the worst. A player has a small percentage chance of ever winning if the guild officers tell everyone to roll and whoever wins to funnel the gear to their favorites.

No, since the healer trinket isn’t on the boss’ corpse. There isn’t a set number of healing trinkets that can drop once people start looting, and if DPS won loot anyway, the healers didn’t win loot.

PL rolls winners first, then generates loot for those winners only.

GL generates loot first, then players pick what to roll need on.

There is a massive difference in the 2 methods and the resulting psychological factor.


I think this is an exciting change for the game. And atleast Blizz is showing they have some balls making impactful decisions that result in some semblance of player agency, even if it means players will lose in order for others to win. This gatcha slot machine design of personal loot is soulless.

The stories of WoW should be influenced and told by its players, not by its systems…

Both have rolls and I get an item or I don’t. Doesn’t matter to me which happens first or if I have to press the button myself. :person_shrugging:

When you see the item on the corpse, you inspect your “competition”, see you’re the only one it’s an upgrade for, you hit need, you already see yourself with the item.

Once it falls into the hands of someone else that you didn’t think would even rolled, the feeling you’ll have is crushing despair.

This is so well documented, that there’s even parodies made of it :


I guess the issue might be your uncontrollable urge to tell everyone else how they feel when you have no idea. I have real things to worry about. Loot isn’t one of them.

Yeah so much mine there’s a 7 year old parody video about it. I guess I’m carbot or something.

At this point, I half suspect you of just padding your post count by feigning ignorance on something that’s pretty obvious to everyone else.

That hit me right in the feel feels their Missy Sunshine. It makes me want to go around the campfire, pass along the peace pipe, and sing songs about love and joy. If I wasn’t clear this is sarcasm. Take from that what you will.

Or just give the options for personal, group and master.

so more player based control is a bad thing?

That is where communication and loot trading comes into play.
If you only run in groups where you fear that loot is forcefully taken away from you, you might want to consider changing groups.

In a volatile environment where tempers can flare and there’s no single cohesive units, like in LFR and pugs ?

Yes. Yes absolutely more player control is bad.

If someone rolled need, they won’t trade it back to you.

You can’t change the nature of pugs and LFR.

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