Please revert back to Personal Loot / Here is why

Nah what I meant is I’m not arguing with a dumbass man baby.

The true reason is that DF raid bosses drop very few pieces of gear. If it’s personal loot, most players won’t see anything most of the time. With “group loot,” at least you might feel excited to see the loot in toast windows. However, with so few pieces dropping for so many players, the chance of actually getting something is slim.

YES, because of said issues… You just reinforced my point…

Perception is irrelevant. Perception does not always reflect reality…

The people are the same… What may or may have not caused people to start doing something doesnt matter, its done, now we have to deal with how they are now.

I am 99.9% sure it will stay as group loot at this point. This decision was likely decided by the devs in meetings a couple of years ago. Honestly, I may not like it, but in the guild I am in I do not think its going to be an issue. I got guild mates that love to raid and are very nice people. But how Blizz thought this would be good for PUGs is mind numbing to me.

It’s an MMO. Game design around pugs is stupid.

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You can’t counter the argument so on to character attacks? Great way to defend your point.

You being annoyed by that is a personal feeling, not a fact.

Equip the item. Or just say no and ignore them.

PL would have rolled need for you anyway. There’s no difference there. (And transmog lasts forever, totally a valid reason if that’s what you want.)

Probably the same way you can’t understand that PL need rolls on everything anyway.

Can’t you turn orr incoming whispers or put them in a separate tab and never look at them?

Sounds like a guild issue. PL definitely wasn’t stopping people from doing that either.

So boot the player. Stop keeping guildies who’s goals don’t align with the guilds.


Lol no, it massively hurts lesser played classes it hard encourages class stacking. If you want any sort of class diversity personal loot is a horrible system.

The amount of dead loot likely won’t change because once the most common armor type gets geared all the loot for that group is dead loot while under played specs and classes are left wanting.

Only players eligible to role need can roll need. So if it’s mainspec upgrade they actually get priority per blizz. So if everybody else has passed or greeded it’s legit for them to roll need even if it’s just for mog. So not seeing the issue.

Actually personal loot doesn’t; it statistically weights against unstacked classes dramatically. This is because the second roll for actual loot is only against the valid loot for that spec table. Which means that stacking classes… is heavily rewarded. If you’re the only player of an armor type in a raid you can pretty much depend on the fact you’re never getting loot. The statistics are just brutally against you.


And I have more achieve points then you? Haha pathetic

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I agree with all your points. All that needed to be done was removal of trading restrictions. Most everyone would have been happy with it then.

And yes, there are a bunch of these posts because blizzard is doing the same things they did with bfa and sl, by not listening to feedback. They come up with an idea and assure us all that it’s for the best and we’ll all love it, and ignore all the feedback. How many more expansions is Ion going to transform from a layup to a disaster.

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I’m not sure why people complain about armor type weighting. Most groups are pretty evenly spread between the types that I’ve been in. This may be more of an issue or strategy for mythic guilds but I fail to see the logic in addressing the concerns of the minority by forcing changes on the majority.

Because we’ve been directly affected by it and personal loot absolutely does encourage class stacking which is boring. So not sure why that’s hard to understand. It also applies to weapons. Warglaives might as well not exist for my DH off of raid bosses.

Congrats? Your experience is not universal even at the Heroic AOTC level.

Because it is hurting the majority they just don’t realize it and instead gear up through M+ because they literally can’t get gear in raid. The lack of transparency of just how badly personal loot affects gearing is just atrocious. So no this is absolutely not just a mythic raider issue. It’s seriously hurting everybody.

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What’s funny is that he ONLY has AotC’s from tiers where PL was forced.

I do not chase achievement points. Couldn’t care less unless there is an award attached.

Im just messing with you dont pay me any mind lmao

I have this feeling that feedback is irrelevant there because they haven’t really put forth their actual reasons for the change.

Consider a situation where their “idea” is actually a solution to a problem on their end and all assurances towards the players are secondary benefits at best.

Remember the change to the ‘Haunted Memento’? The reason they changed that item was that it caused so many spawn and despawn actions server side that they considered it harmful for the service itself … now - just for a second - entertain the idea that Personal Loot caused excessively more calls to the random number generator in addition to having other computational overhead when compared to their newest ‘gimmick’.

They certainly wouldn’t tell you something like that; instead they’d come up with a “pleasing” story on this is the next best thing that could ever happen to us.

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Personal loot never allowed you to roll on items. Meaning you could never win multiple items off a boss.

Personal loot gave you 1 roll to determine if you won. If you did, it generated an item for you. That’s it.

Group Loot drops loot. You get to see this loot before hand and decide to roll. You may need on any of the 1 to 5 items regardless if you truly need them or not, so long as you meet the criteria. You can win all 5 items possibly too.

People that say PL and GL are the same don’t quite understand what is going on I feel. If they were the same, there would be no need to change anything.

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Nice to see you enjoy trying to discredit other players instead of actually making a valid argument.

This ^^^^

im sure the raid will happy to see warglaives drop again and again and again when no1 needs it anymore…or if u dont even have a DH on the raid.

The odds of that happening are many thousands to one. Given weapons are already <1% drops.

thats not true and has been explained before the % on wowhead (i guess u get it from there?) are all based around raids that may not have DH , so thats 0% chance of dropping

the glaive from malganis is 0.3% (18 out of 6608) for example , that means the real drop rate? far from it
only addon users count

Requires the wowhead client to begin with. Who even runs that.