Please revert back to Personal Loot / Here is why

This is the thing that players don’t get.

While I agree completely… The majority of the player base is narcissistic and thus not how most play the game. Sadly… I wished more would understand that… But they dont…

It also doesn’t apply to pugs. You can’t spend time to actually getting the team to succeed, because there is no team. It’s a revolving door of players coming in and out, and working on anything in a pug that isn’t your own performance won’t result in increased performance of your future pugs.

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Yep, agreed…

I think Guilds should have the choice to use GL or PL… But anything that is pugged should be PL…

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Do you expect things to be different there with this incarnation of group loot?

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Well you can’t leave loot on the boss to hide it, so it’ll definitely be different.

… more of the same pestering then … people then getting just as tired of that as before … people then resolving to doing whatever reduces the pestering in any shape or form … The “difference” would appear to be “negligible” at best and “more insufferable” at worst.

Random groups are stupid to begin with, so it fits.

That’s… not ninja looting?

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Are you suggesting that this is following the tragedy of the commons?

It’s less ninja looting than the current PL trick of just not looting the boss and having the item mailed to you.

Here is the thing… No one here should take my word for how things will be… Just take your happy little behinds over to Wrath Classic and raid for a couple of weeks and see for youself…

I am willing to let group made vie group finder not the queued version, or better yet, the friends list/a community group have a choice. The reason for this is in case they are a group of unguided friends, so technically a pug, in the sense it is not a guild group, but also not a pure pug as it is made from other ways of building a group.

I mean, yes? Because everyone now has a chance to roll on the gear and if they lose, they lose, and if someone doesn’t need the loot they can always pass on it or greed roll rather than get loot they don’t need and deal with whispers demanding said loot.

Are people that isolated from the community? Every guild I’ve been in, ever, has had people sending me DMs or whispers on who deserves what and why they deserve it more then you do. Every guild I’d been a part of had badgerers that don’t respect boundaries until you pull out the stop sign. No mean no, sorry my dude. Sometimes saying no gets you frozen out of group content or a kick. Generally if certain someones are a loot hogs as a main, they also are for their alts as well.


You’ll just get the demand to trade loot straight up in the group loot rules again instead. What a difference that will make.

Sure, but you can then tell that person that no, they had a chance at the loot, and you won it and they need to deal with their loss.

And how exactly is that different to winning personal loot?

With personal loot all the rolling was happening behind the scenes, so even if you didn’t need loot from a boss, you’d still have a chance to get it anyway, because RNG. Then you’d have to deal with people asking for, or demanding, the loot you got.

With group loot as it’s going to be in Dragonflight, rolls will be something you can choose to do. Don’t need an item? You can greed roll or pass. And if you need an item, roll and win, chances are most folks who would have asked you for the loot won’t, because they had a chance to get it, and they lost.

In fact, I can’t really remember, back when group loot was a thing, of many times when I got asked for loot that I won, because everyone rolled for it and I won. Most folks accepted the fact that RNG was not on their side, and that I wouldn’t have rolled if I didn’t need the item.

Omg,so there has to be a combo loot generator for loot now ? Ok,what happen to a set loot per boss ? Oh so that why I didn’t get loot in SoB because of the composition ,nice going Blizzard plus Rng.