Please revert back to Personal Loot / Here is why

I thought crit and haste were elemental primary stats because mastery doesn’t bring in as much dps as critical strike due to the fact all spells deal 250% more damage in crits instead of the original 200%. Meaning not just lava burst but every spell that crits does that extra 50% making crit important. On top of that haste to make those crit spells happen faster. But i could be wrong but i think thats what icy viens said at one point this year.

Not for single target, for AOE in m+ its very important though…

You can not make a Lava Burst crit more then 100%, which is achieved when you have Flame Shock on it… Thus you want to hit/cast faster (haste), more often (mastery) and harder (versatility).

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In dragon soul - with group loot you had guild groups going into LFR and need on everything they could and then just passing the loot around amongst themselves. If you were a solo player in there your chances of winning anything was really really small.

I just quit doing that content for that reason - I would wait in queue go in there time after time and get nothing.

People doing LFR never asked for this system so why force it on them.

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idk how it works tbh but from the little information and guess work i have. I can simply just craft tier sets with professions and getting the special materials that turn them into tier sets from raids or mythic plus. So basically i’ll never need to step foot into a raid to get raid gear. Sounds like all i’ll need is some dedication to material grinding on professions and a total of 5 people for mythic plus (which i have) and i can do it that way.

now people have personal loot and STILL get nothing lol.

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yes but it is less annoying because the system is fair - knowing the system is stacked against you is another ball of wax.


yeah I haven’t got beta so I have no clue how professions are working and generally they are still changing them at this stage anyway

As far as I know Professions can craft gear thats of heroic and even mythic item level from raids. However you need mats… that drop from said raids to get it to that item level. Then there is this whole thing in shadowlands thats coming into dragonflight that turns gear into tier sets. Idk how that works cause i can’t even be bothered to get past having a robot baby following me everywhere.

So if the said mats that drop from heroic and mythic raids could also drop from mythic plus (this isn’t confirmed this is where the guesswork comes in) you actually wouldn’t need to ever touch a raid to actually get your tier sets.

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At least from what I have read. We will still be able to create tier sets from M+ loot and have items crafted. It will not be as bad as it used to be. But FFS the amount of times I have had someone Ninja an items from my raid and when we reported them, Blizz was always like. “You should be a better judge of character for the people you invite into your raids.” Not going to lie, I still have PTSD from Group Loot.


It’s still fair, it just looks like it isn’t. Besides if you have friends that can trade, the odds are in your favor.

I want to give this new group loot iteration a try. I disagree with your post.


?? Master loot.

Yea, blizzard sadly doesn’t care about their player-base abusing loot systems, even though they have a system currently on live in place that takes ninjas out of the equation but you know, blizzard… I feel if someone is proven to ninja, players should receive permabans.

make em tie their account to their phone number so if they get banned they would need to find a new phone number to come back!

Yea thats fair.

Honestly, Group Loot this time around will be different for a few reasons.

  • Classes cant roll on gear they cant use, like a Plate class rolling on Leather Shoulders.
  • Main Spec will take prio over Off spec, so healers cant roll on dps trinkets for example. Though I think this can be worked around by just choosing to set your loot options to the other. Will have to see, uncertain on this.

My biggest concern is Ninja Looters if pugging. Outside of that, if your in a good guild then there will be pretty much zero issues. Not counting the time waisted having to sort loot out. The way things are now, people get their loot, they move on. If they have something they dont need, they just announce in raid ROLL (item name) and then trade along the way to the next boss. Its faster and zero drama for the most part.

Master Loot is a older system used in Classic era where 1 person in the raid can be designated Master Looter, that person gets to decide who to give gear to. This is the system used in GDKPs that so many hate.

Is no more a thing than in PL.

How is that any different than a player not wanting to trade an item they got from PL but nave no intention of using?


Again, how is this different from someone refusing to trade a PL item they have no intention of using? You can’t roll need on something your class can’t use, and it will only let you mainspec need your current loot spec.

If you roll need, the gear is still tradable until you equip it. If the guild kicks you for not following their loot rules, that sounds like you were a bad fit for that guild.

There is so much wrong with this sentence I don’t even know where to begin.


What? Please elaborate on that…? Unless I’m misreading atm because I’m tired… sounds like you’re saying you can’t ninja in GL.

We don’t know if this will happen yet. It used to happen with the old need/greed system, but this is a far more intelligent system with new rules added to it.

A player can only roll need if the item is an upgrade for their main or off-spec. If they already have the item, at the same ilvl, they can’t roll need at all for it. (only exception is if the item has a tertiary stat or a socket, then it’s still considered an upgrade and can be rolled need for)

And if it’s an upgrade, then honestly? That isn’t ninja looting.

You can’t really. When the item pops up for loot, every player has the same 2-3 options: need, greed, pass. That is all you can do.

You can only need on items your class is intended to use, and it will count items for your current loot spec as mainspec need.

Once everyone has selected their option, or the timer expires, the game checks for any mainspec need rolls. If there is one, it has all of them roll, and automatically gives the item to the highest roll.

If there are no mainspec needs, it will try offspec need, then greed if no offspec need.

Please explain how this allows people to ninja.

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You need to look up what Ninja Looting is…

OK reading over your post, it seems you think someone getting an item and deciding to keep it for what ever reason is bad for you. It may be BAD for you, but an unbiased system awarded them the item vs. a system that can be manipulated by the players.

In what way? If a WoW Head BiS gear list says X is best, but you dont have the same items and Z drops, which sims out as the best item for you. Then why shouldnt the player been able to roll NEED on said item.

There is no telling how many times players have tried to tell others what gear is “best” for them or what talents are “BEST” for them, when in fact they are wrong and if you listened to them you would end up doing thousands of DPS less. Which is why Loot Councils are hated so much. The PLAYER should have control over deciding what gear they NEED… Not someone else… If you cant understand that, then your likely part of the problem.