Please revert back to Personal Loot / Here is why

I’m simply pointing out that the wow community has a long history of dehumanizing people so they can justify treating them poorly and taking advantage.

Great for you. Your experiences and my experiences are different. Go figure. We are different people.

Sure just hop guilds. I’d apply to join yours, but I prefer guilds that finish the heroic raid.

Exactly. Basing the systems off experiences that aren’t universal is dumb.

Oooh tough guy. :roll_eyes:

We’re happy not to have you, but hope you find a place that fits your needs.

I find PL to breed more of this than ML, but we can continue to project :slightly_smiling_face:

Because if you joined a PUG or pre-established team, you could easily be forced to go along with Group/Master loot, meaning there was no choice for you and you could end up raiding so that other players could get all the upgrades.

This is not karma. It’s a bad design decision that is bad for the game’s health. Even the people that are rejoicing now fail to understand that it will be less overall loot in the long run due to the fact that Group Loot ignores actual team compositions.

  • Takes actual team composition into account rather randomly generating items based on an assumed composition.

(For example, the game may generate loot based on the assumption that the typical raid team is going to have 3 leather users for every 2 plate, 2 mail, and 2 cloth users, but your particular team might have 4 plate, 3 cloth, 2 leather, and 1 mail user, and would see more of the needed plate and cloth drops under personal loot.)

If you don’t think Group Loot is bad for LFR, you weren’t there in Cataclysm.

I still have flashbacks…don’t bring us back there Blizzard!


Group Loot is bad for any type of activity except organized/regular raids that have a diverse composition.

Personal Loot was brought in for a reason.

This is just one more byproduct of the WoW development team’s recent policy of catering to organized raiders while intentionally creating friction for independent players.

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Idk why you’re calling me selfish and projecting. But seeing how you got offended and felt the need to be rude, i have a feeling you just called yourself out.

I do plan to need on about everything possible just to show how bad this system is. Sorry to the innocent personal loot fans caught in the crossfire. Loot council be damn

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I think the best solution is to focus loot on personal drop crafting items (whether the items are crafted via the player or traded-in with NPC’s).

As things stand, it doesn’t really matter what the loot system is as people get upset if they go for a week without any upgrades. Getting craft materials will meaningfully allow players to work towards something, so they will never leave empty handed.

I didn’t. I made a comment about how I feel the opposite.

I’m not. I interjected with a different opinion.

By disagreeing with you? :laughing:


I am fine with less overall loot. I am not fine with being told I cannot help my friends. And I am not fine with being forced into thinking about raid comp because under represented classes will get screwed.

So everyone on an over-represented class gets screwed instead? Group Loot fixes nothing. All it does is shift the problems from one subset of player to another.

Until we have live testing, we don’t know that. We just know that underrepresented classes won’t be screwed as thoroughly. Not being favored also doesn’t equate to immediately being screwed. Just because over represented classes won’t have such an easy time getting funneled gear doesn’t mean they’re getting boned.

We’ve done live testing. It was called “Vanilla” then it was called “TBC” then “Wrath” then “Cata”.

None of which had these precautions which are being brought in for the sake of providing people with a better experience, and ignoring the blue post which outlines all of the changes this version of group loot is coming with including with measures to protect players from one another and to provide more options overall is disingenuous.

You’ve pivoted. We were talking about incompatible loot drops and you’ve suddenly changed to topic to loot ninjas. The “new” Group Loot system does nothing to stop incompatible loot drops and is a straight up downgrade from Personal Loot in this regard. The potential for ninjas and abuse just makes Group Loot even worse.

And I said already:

You then brought up how over represented classes get screwed. The measures being put in place that I mention speak about loot distribution, among other things like safeguards for the players. Stating what a blue post encompasses is not me pivoting the discussion, it’s me saying that a lot of thought has gone into this new system and acting like this group loot and the one from Vanilla - Cata is comparable isn’t accurate.

I am not fine with less overall loot.

Raiding is dying, and bosses need to start dropping loot like piñatas if you expect more people to raid as a main progression route.

Personal loot can be traded unless it’s an iLvl upgrade. Take the upgrade and help your friend if it drops again, or they may get lucky themselves.

Perhaps trade restrictions should be eased or removed if that’s really the issue.

Group/Master loot does not take actual raid composition into consideration, so underrepresented classes may benefit by having fewer people to roll against, but everyone else is going to see fewer upgrades in the long run.

The “new” Group Loot is comparable to the one from Vanilla though Cata as it still has the same core issues. Blizzard just slapped a few band-aids and a wig on it.