Please revert back to Personal Loot / Here is why

Achievements don’t lie.

Its group loot not master loot. All your pro listings are inaccurate. Raid leader doesnt hand out gear you can only need on gear that fits your spec that you dont have.

Well just because they’re not in one group doesn’t mean they can’t play. What do you think everyone else does that’s not in a group with pl? They find a different group.

I am fully aware the difference between (ML vs GL) as I have ran both loot types raid leading. No and no I am not inaccurate. Just clearly more experienced then half the commenters on the forums.

Personal loot feels good, but a little but of pain makes the game feel good.
A little bit of trust in your fellow player is what makes getting that loot that much sweeter.

One good thing I can see about this, is not having to manually trade items I don’t need.

One bad thing I can see is, I won’t be able to hide what I got if I want to.

Not sure if that’s a wash for me or not. We’ll have to wait and see!

Do what they did in legion: Make the loot choice of group loot and master loot available for full guild runs, then make everything else personal loot… This allows progression guilds to distribute the loot as they see fit (which is reasonable).

I think personal loot is the best method for pugs to be honest.

if Blizzard just removed the restrictions from trading personal loot drops then there would literally be zero cons for keeping it.

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Since the end of WoD. During WoD there were constant complaints about ninja-ing pug raid leaders who changed loot type during the raid, or lied about it.

I’ll never get blizzard’s actions…

‘‘I don’t like blue…’’
‘‘We hear you and have removed every other colour’’

Working as intended :sunglasses:

This will not go well.

At least with Personal Loot, it’s all up to individual RNG.

With Group Loot, you are competing with someone else. People will be inspecting each other, complaining that they didn’t need to “NEED” on something, it wasn’t a real upgrade, it was a transmog roll, etc…

It will not go well.

They heard the top end wanting ML back, and saw classic doing well so they looked at a past iteration and worked on it. Blizz just is allergic to options.

People at the top of the heap can’t even imagine what it is like to be an average player. Their solution is “guild-hopping”, just keep quitting guilds until you find one that is perfect for you. Just show them your purple parses and you’ll have no trouble short-circuiting your way to the top.

what’s the difference between personal loot and group loot again?

You could just find one that’s a fit for your skill level and schedule too, instead of hopping.

What do you want to do. AotC and stop ? AotC + few Mythic bosses no biggie ? CE late tier? HoF CE ? Find a guild that does that, that you can show up every raid night for, and you’ll have found a home most likely.

Most guilds are pretty chill, talk to them first.

I feel the average player has a pretty distorted view of what happens at the top. People at 2600+ IO in 23 keys suck as much as the 1200 guys in 12 key do, trust me.


Sometimes the issue is once the guild hits a certain point, like AotC for instance, a few members want to push farther yet not all in the guild are on board and this causes riftts to form or some try to push the guild one way and get push back from those satisfied with how things are. That is provided members don’t quit till the next major patch/raid.

I am one that think a guild should be a group that likes to do content together, yet there are those that only see guilds as stepping stones to their own personal achievements. It is the latter that is more likely to guild jump as soon as the guild they are in has “served their purpose” to them.

Likely true, but it does not help when the people closer to the top come in and come across as deriding those lower then them and come across as if they are better. Just something that can be countered by “I understand how you feel, as that one that wiped your group when they goofed up a mechanic in a 10? I have to deal with similar in a 23”. At lot of times distortions are aided by people not relating to those different then them.

I mean, have you seen how you guys talk about high raiders and keystone pushers ? “Sweatlord” ?

You kinda reap what you sow.


Yes, but have you seen how high raiders and keystone pushers talk about casuals and such? “Baddies?” “whiners?” “trash?”.

It does go both ways here and all it does is further divide the player base. so as far as the “you reap what you sow”, it is hard to tell who fired the first shot, but it needs to stop and the only way it will stop is if one side or the other decides to be the “bigger person” and not resort to trying to drag the other side down.

To top it off, this seems to be the general attitude some seem to take:
those who do more then me are elitist sweat lords
those who do less then me are baddies
those who do similar to me are playing the game as it is meant to be played

You’re using Casuals to mean bads again.

High end raiders and Keystone pushers can be casuals.

Yeah, you reap what you sow. “Elitist” “Sweatlord” “No lifers”, etc…

The funniest thing being that some high end raiders play less than the supposed “casuals”.

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Yet when those “casuals” want more from the content they do, or more content to do, the high end raiders/keystone runners come in and pull arguments like “you don;t need better gear because you don’t do the content”. I am one that thinks those that put forth the time and effort should get the best gear (mythic), those that put forth the effort should get the second best (heroic-low mythic) and those that put forth the time should be able to, in the course of a patch, get up to heroic gear, even if the last bit is just in time for patch drop.

Can you not see why some are peeved that those that play less then them get better gear with no way they like in order to catch up or shorten the gap?

Not my fault that some raiders/key runners treat all requests from casuals, or solo players, as if they are asking for hand outs. The bads likely would be asking for hand outs, but calling someone a “baddie” just because they ask for a way to progress their character in content they like is what lends to an increase in the “elitist”, “sweatlord”, “no lifers”, etc. no one likes to be labeled, but everyone seems to be willing to label others.

There’s plenty of content they didn’t do. It’s called Raiding, M+, PvP. If you’re in the game 8 hours a day farming herbs, take 30 minutes off to run a key.

You might actually learn you enjoy it.

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