Please revert back to Personal Loot / Here is why

If i were in a guild group other than my own I would play a team which is group loot if I know them and don’t need the gear but if I’m solo single with a guild group -personal loot for myself would work and if it doesn’t effect that guild I’ll go that route < balance is important.

Any reason you might come up with that I can’t roll need on things even if the game lets me do it.

If the game lets me roll need, it’s a need.

Why would I want pugs to die? Pugs are inconsequential to me. Doesn’t mean I want them to die. I give no cares what happens in a pug environment because I have no control over what happens in a pug environment.

If a pug winds up in my groups, I do my best to treat them fairly and I give them ample opportunities. That’s all I can do.

They don’t understand the issue based on that.

It is pointless to have mail gear drop when there is no mail wearer. It is also unfair when you have a group with 80% leather wearers to only have 25% of the gear that drops is leather. A lot of more social guilds don’t try and force people to play ‘x’ class but so they take whatever people want to play. It doesn’t mean those people don’t want to clear heroic though and the game shouldn’t hinder them in that aim by not accounting for the raid composition.

I even mentioned in one of these threads wanting an option to auto-pass on all loot, so I don’t have to deal with the roll windows.

It’s clear you can’t be reasoned with though, have a good day.

I mean it depends.

Even if I “needed loot”, early in the season, I might still join a raid group where I get nothing if it helps me push my “io” (i.e. get aotc faster), so that joining groups subsequently is much much easier.

(as a mostly solo pug player)

Also - a lot of those guild groups would not bring a pug. Since PL loot that goes to the pugger is loot that is not staying in the guild.

I’ve been pugging mythic with a CE guild for almost all of S4 and their GL told me this about their heroic runs. So food for thought.

Keep telling yourself that.

It’s very amusing that you implied I was “ugly” for being amused by people complaining after they were directly hostile to me. Yet, you somehow don’t get that depriving someone, who did nothing to you at all, of something they need simply because “the rules say I can do it” is unfathomably ugly.

Like… am I in the Twilight Zone?

You’re the one that wants to impose your own rules on others.

Me, I’m just following the rules in place.

I didn’t say ugly, I said petty.

You’re right, in its form it currently does.

All you have done though is shown how petty you are willing to be.

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No? You’ve already admitted that you behave the same way/do the same thing under the current system.

Personal loot is effectively the same thing as each player being forced to roll “need” on each piece they’re eligible for, whether or not they actually need the item anyways.

Essentially, if you choose to roll need on everything out of spite, that’s the worst case scenario…which is only as bad as the current scenario we have. Considering that there are better scenarios (“I got a ring off of boss1, another off of boss 3 that’s better, who needs my boss 1 ring?”), you can’t really convince me that you’re doing a favor for anyone, or that you’re affecting the system in any meaningful way negatively.

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For following the rules ? I’m not petty at all towards others. I truly wish they had options.

Seems to me it’s you who wants to impose rules on others though. Blizzard made the rules. Blame them for people following them.

I wouldn’t consider someone playing by the Blizzard imposed rules a ‘garbage human’ as you put it. When these very forums ok things like DE’ing stuff in front of people for the crystals who whispered you that it was an upgrade and if you didn’t want it could they have it, or for the gold, or the mog piece… Then you also have to agree that if the system is designed in such a way for you to roll need, it is acceptable to do so.

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Really? I’m also not going to be rolling need on everything across the board that the game lets me. Not my style, I will go for loot I DO need, and pass on the rest.

Except for mounts, those I will need XD

How can you ninja when there is no ML?

Loot drops.

Roll need if you want it for an upgrade/transmog/whatever, it’s your chance at loot.

Rolls happen.

People get loot

Guilds that want to coordinate loot can, and it’s still impossible to ninja.

Unless you feel entitled to a drop because you feel you’ll get more out of it than someone else?

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I am not ok with people that do that. He is the same as those people.

I would never in a million years keep something to sell/de that someone could actually wear. Hell, I would never even keep something for transmog and that is probably more socially acceptable.

So yeah, I will call anyone who is intentionally rude to someone who did nothing to them a garbage human.

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I can honestly see the repercussions for this change being that everyone now hits need if it lights up period.

You do you. Don’t come crying here though when you start seeing people just pressing those dices as soon as they light up.

You’re not ok with people following the rules ?


I’m not. Currently I haven’t even decided whether I’m going to get DF, and by the looks of things my sub is set to expire before pre-patch goes live.

It’s not against the rules to sit down in front of a homeless person and stuff my face with food either, but doing so would still make me a horrible person.

There is nothing strange about that.

Sir, we’re playing a video game here. No one is homeless on WoW. We all have PCs with Internet.

To compare not getting loot in LFR to being homeless is pretty garbage behavior on your part.