Please return survival back to ranged or give hunters a 4th spec

Talents could be added (drain soul for example which reemplace shadow Bolt in warlock) ln order to make mm more Mobile and dot based.

Nothing brings on the table to add a 4th spec. I would rather to get bm and mm fixed since both specs are boring and trash

Can you clear a dungeon or a raid at a decent pace even though your group isn’t fully optimized? And by that, I mean the group does no consist of only the metas.

I hate to break it to you but…there can only be 1 at the top.

Just because or, would additional specs actually be warranted for every other class?

So people would bring hunters just because? Great for PuGs, but for serious raiders? Why bring a hunter?

Considering top tier raiding guilds rosters is not a valid point of argument.
Hunters are ok for doing any type of content. If someone enjoys hunters they can play it, because it gets the job done.

The argument here is not about viability of hunters for a world first race, it’s a claim that Survival Hunters as melee are undesirable, wich is not true. Many players enjoy it, i even only started playing one because it got a melee spec, i don’t enjoy ranged whatsoever.

Why bring a hunter to anything these days?

We’re not the best(top 1) at anything.

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You don’t. Other classes have the same strengths and much more.

So…we should scrap the entire class then?

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Might as well.

And reverting SV to ranged or adding a 4th spec won’t solve that.

Ah, I see your logic now.

Been nice talking to you…

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If that’s all you can understand from me then there’s no point in continuing this.

No, but it would make us more desirable. And again, it’s not about only implementing things which achieves the goal of getting something to the top.

Also, if you happen to be the top dog(reach the number 1 spot) you’re not going to stay there for very long. So why would that matter?


Hunter thread I know but may we paladins have our seals back too :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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No it wouldn’t, that’s the flaw in your logic.

Anything any of those choices could do to make Hunters more desirable can be done without the need of those options. MM and BM are there for fulfilling ranged gameplay and anything a Survival could have can also be implemented in those 2.


Yeah perhaps, but that would require vastly changing either of the two specs you mentioned. Who’s to say that the players who are currently happy with the two would be so with major overhauls as well?

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Is anyone going to mention that MSV is one of the least played specs in the game?

If it’s so great, why is no one playing it.


There’s no need for overhauls, just new options.

Every class is getting a lot of stuff back next expansion, Hunters included.
Anything can be added to help certain aspects of gameplay without the need to rework a class.

Why not rename current survival to shadow hunter spec and then add a fourth survival range spec ???

Which is exactly what I’m suggesting.

True, but they have said nothing about adding in enough things to achieve what you’re talking about/thinking about here.

And honestly, I’m not entirely sure how they would add in enough things for the class as a whole in order to achieve what people want, in regards to RSV. It would not work class-wide. Nor would it work to tack on X different abilities +effects to for example MM or BM.

No, you’re suggesting a new spec. I’m suggesting new skills on existing specs.

They haven’t said a lot yet, we’re not even in alpha yet.

My point is, instead of arguing for a new spec or reverting one that gives an option others enjoy, argue to fix them by giving the tools you want to be effective on the other specs.

There’s no need to be “Survival” if you want ranged options and have effective tools. That’s why i said this feels more like a nostalgia rant than a preference claim.