Please return survival back to ranged or give hunters a 4th spec

I agree OP. I miss old survival.
The one with Serpent spread, Black arrow + 3 ticks of Explosive shot.

I also miss 2H Frost DK and Gladiator Warrior A LOT.


RSV was good in PvP as well. And it was also more popular in general(in PvP as well).

But yeah, is your argument that MSV is warranted over RSV because it’s good in a specific type of content?

Sorry, what was your question again?

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I say they apply the same “logic” to other classes.

I want a melee spec for Mages.

I want a ranged spec for Warriors.


I’m stating its strength.

Scroll up. It can’t be that hard for you.

Approved :heart_eyes:

i want a warrior caring a Big f&$-$-cking sword and a Big gun on his back

Neither of those are happening anytime soon. Asking for old Survival back is like asking for PvP servers back; they went out of their way to reinvent the spec to make it feel unique, they can’t just press a button and change it back without breaking Legion content and artifact transmog. Some of us genuinely enjoy current Survival, don’t try to ruin it for the rest of us.

It’s strength in one particular type of content.

Something which RSV was good at as well.

4th spec option? In the title.

I agree, it is unlikely that it will happen. But the whole point of feedback is to convince the devs that it should.

If you don’t answer then I’m just going to take it as a sign that you can’t answer and RSV wouldn’t make hunter desired.

Take things however you want them. You have no desire to see RSV return(in any form whatsoever), that’s obvious. But a lot of players disagree with you on that opinion.


There’s no reason for a 4th spec,

Anything that was enjoyable exclusively for Survival ranged is easily implemented on any of the other 2 specs.
It’s very within a Hunter fantasy to hunt with spears instead of a bow, so the option is fine.
Miss Poison Sting on ranged? I believe MM has it, or could be implemented
Black Arrow? again MM fills.
Pet synergy? BM can do that.

There’s literally hundreds of other options to satisfy Hunters that doesn’t need reverting the spec or adding a new one.
That’s why i feel this is more about nostalgia than preference.


Is it so hard for you to say “No, I can’t answer your question because RSV doesn’t add anything new to the hunters kit that would make it desirable.”

I’d be all for RSV if it actually added something to the hunters kit.

I already answered this. Multiple times.

A spec which would be strong at dealing with multiple targets at once, even when they aren’t stacked up, would achieve precisely that.



I Agree each Word.

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Great. Now for the other question. Why would people take a hunter if other classes can do the same thing and more? Other classes can do the same, and they can also do much more with their kit.

Why would you promote a design path which suggests class stacking?

Besides, that would only really be a valid point if there was only 1 spot in a raid group.


Ranged vs. Melee, the battle of the Decade.
You don’t need to guess what side I’m on, do you? :crazy_face:

Why would people take a hunter if other classes can do the same thing and more?

Because raid groups can take more than 1 ranged spec?

Also, your argument is based on the presumed fact that everything has to be optimized no matter how you play.

That it’s all about the absolute top levels.

My argument is based on people wanting to clear content as fast as possible. And hunters lack of bringing anything to the table.

New specs are also extremely unlikely when they have enough difficulty balancing the ones we have already. You give one to hunters, you have to give one to every other class except druids and maybe DHs, but after 15 years, there’s still no precedent for classes getting new specs post-release (druids don’t count, as they just had one spec split into two for balance reasons). If they were interested in it, they would’ve done it already.

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