Please return survival back to ranged or give hunters a 4th spec

We’re not talking about classes in general. We’re talking about Hunter specs.

IF the above is how you judge potential additions, then how much sense have either DKs, Monks, or DHs made as new additions for the pool of classes?

Tanks, healers, DPS specs, we already have them?

Spread cleave, not stacked.

You have such encounters every new raid tier/season.

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So can MSV.

My only real experience with hunters is as survival. Therefore, this post can go to Hell, in my opinion. My ‘main’ is a survival hunter, I should mention.

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WTB Direbeast abilities as non-WM talents.

Direbeast: Hawk is a beautiful thing that I wish I wasn’t stuck only using in Open world warmode. :frowning:


It can multi-dot, but it’s not strong at it.

Hunter always had been boring to me until they Made msv, I boosted a Hunter since then. MN

Ranged sv can go to hell.

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You’re not the only one playing the game(or the class).


Define spread cleave?

Because If we’re talking about having two targets near each other, but not stacked, Chimera shot is basically what you want? BM can tab target bleeding shot (or whatever it’s called serrated arrows or something?)

Magic immunity, self healing spam, and brez.

Tank, Dps, healer. Tank has stagger, dps can aoe stun and self heal and has that ability to DEBUFF the enemy allowing for more dmg to be dealt. Healer is strong ST and AoE healing.

Super easy to heal. Immune to most forms of dmg with their kit. And a really strong tank with lots of self healing.

There’s more to the game than that.

Hunters have a 3 min healing CD and that’s it. They bring nothing to the group.

Could someone tell me what MSV is? LoL.

Melee Survival.


Look at the polls kid and stop whining .

Surv Hunter is clasified as the third most fun spec in the Game behind havoc and Fury warrior.

h ttp://

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Thank you kindly, sir or miss. :slight_smile:

Ivw been hunter from early bc up to wod. Legion i had reroll cause i lost my main spec ranged survival. Unlike you im not spiteful enough to tell melee survival to go to hell, thats just childish. Cause of changes i can no longer enjoy my hunter enough without leveling a new class over and over to find a new main. I been main searching since legion cause what they did.


I’m a duelist survival hunter who loves how it is now. Asking for a fourth spec is okay but asking for a spec to be annihilated purely based on your own anecdotal evidence is bad juju.


How about this. you guys can have Ranged Survival back, when Warlocks get Metamorph back from DHs.

survival hunter is one of the most fun specs in the game you just are unwilling to give it a chance because of your own stubornness. it will not be removed.

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That’s not what people refer to when saying spread cleave. But even if the targets we’re closer together, comparing chimera shot to a spec which is able to apply multiple damaging attacks to all enemies at once, beyond just plain AoE abilities, it kind of makes a spec such as BM(and it’s Chimera Shot) pale in comparison.

Yes there is. For the Hunter class as well.

Besides, most of the things you mentioned here, some other classes can bring as well. To varying degree ofc.

Strong self healing? Others can do that.
Damage mitigation? Many classes can do that, incl other tanks.
Stuns? Debuffs? Same.
Immunes? Same.

We already talked about those polls in another thread. You just ignored the replies.


I have tried it. A spec which relies on melee combat, will never suit me. IT doesn’t matter how long I play it. That won’t change.


I don’t think blizzard Will ever add a 4th spec to Hunter and if they do so they would add a tank to give the class more variety.

If the whiner kids want their rsv back they need to give more creative ideas about providing more gameplay variations to the current mm so it would feel more like old survival.

play the other 2 then

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