Please return survival back to ranged or give hunters a 4th spec

Ghorak Is flavor a buzzword used to excuse poor design and justify it?

Only if he was replying to the same individual with every quote in that post.

But since he actually replies to multiple other posters at the same time. It does not apply here.

Here comes the personal attacks…

You do know how ridiculous this makes you appear right?


By asking you questions? I’ve said nothing against you in that.

Do you use weak arguments in your wall of texts?
is flavor a buzzword used to excuse poor design?

I’m asking questions man.

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Yeah, and I’m not the one who made that statement. So why are you asking me that?


I’m asking you to verify. Can you verify, is it a buzzword used to excuse poor game design?

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A thread that will hit 500 replies and over 3000 views about the 2nd lowest played spec in the game. This thread probably has more views than SV hunter mains.

Which should be an indication that something needs to change, right?


500 replies with maybe 10 people contributing about 50-80 posts individually?
Small sample size


And I ask again, why?

You and me were debating if Bepples was using “gish galloping” as a technique to disguise poor arguments.

We weren’t debating the arguments themselves…

I wont comment on the actual arguments themselves any further since I’m not the one who voiced them.

Now, having said that, I don’t see a reason for us to continue with this particular discussion as it has nothing to do with the main topic itself. It’s essentially only the two of us, arguing for the sake of it.


Its really troubling you can’t lend your opinoin to one question, but will spend most of the day arguing about Gish Galloping.

I’ll try one more time,

Is Flavor a buzzfeed word used to practice poor game design?

ill even throw you a bone so you can see why its relevant.

Would you yourself make that argument? Why?

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What I meant was the fact that no one plays the spec should indicate it needs to be reworked.


Keep in mind that most of this thread is about the topic of RSV (SV back before Legion). Not about current SV.

But yeah, I would agree that something needs to change(as in, giving us a 4th spec).

And there would be no more debates in regards to this.


Let’s look at

Pretty weak argument. This person prefers Melee DPS therefore their opinion is invalid. In that response thread he speaks to Joylux.
That response clocks in at 1,169 word.

That argument is 18 words or 1.5% of his wall of text to Joylux.

Mind you other people like reading what he’s saying to other people so they can point out his fallacy if that’s the case you’re at 4,334 words.

That weak argument is only .41% of his wall of text.

If you’re going to refute awnser this

Do people who prefer melee dps not get say if melee dps hunter gets to stay?

Is my math wrong?

On a side note

I find it sad you’re willing to defend someone this toxic.

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There was never enough of a difference between Survival and Marskmanship, you just played whichever was simming better. I’d much rather they made SV a tank spec, cuz they specialize on survival y’know.

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Honestly thats part of the problem. Melee Survival wasn’t designed for hunters. It was designed for nonhunters who enjoy melee. So it alienated a large majority of its existing playerbase.

So, naturally the people who have only played Survival since it became melee don’t really have a say in a discussion regarding bringing OLD Survival back. They haven’t played it. They aren’t even invested in the hunter class a whole, only the discount warrior trying to be melee Beast Mastery aspect of it, currently known as MSV. Especially because as most of us have said multiple times, we don’t want MSV removed, because it does have a niche community. We just want our old spec back as a 4th.

And nothing wrong with long posts. I type a bit but never intend to. But when you are passionate about something, words can flow pretty freely at times. Doubly when responding to multiple people as well.


The point was someone said the Manual did not mention anything about melee hunters. Well, from the launch of the game there was melee abilities. For some odd reason you were triggered by my response. To add more salt, on certain encounters hunters had to utilize their melee abilities believe it or not. Guilds and hunters understood their range issues in these encounters so they began to equip Nightfalls. After performing this duty over time from parsers Hunters were the best to equip with a Nightfall. That point is arguable but it does show hunters having a higher proc rate and ability to keep it rolling.

I have never liked Survival in any form. Feeling at first having to play it at launch of Vanilla because hunters were broken. Survival was the only spec working appropriately until a patch I cannot remember. Anyways, I do not care how they change Survival to be honest. I never played BM until I believe was WoD because of how dominate it was compared to MM.

I vote 4th spec because I too currently like M SV


There is absolutely nothing wrong with long posts!

There is a problem with being toxic, and using horrible arguments inside your long posts. The entire debate was whether Gish Galloping occurred.

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I think they could perform a 4th spec but more likely it will be similar to how Bear/Cat is done. Possibly throwing the prior Survival into the MM talents.

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I don’t think Bepples is toxic. Personally, I’ve always enjoyed his/her/cousin it’s long posts. Despite what some people may think, they really are very knowledgeable when it comes to Hunters, Survival specifically.

Do I think they are overly blunt at times? Sure. But I imagine a lot of that is due to being jaded by a lot of the MSV crowd always spewing “lul RSV sucked, its dead jim, get over it”. You know? And I dunno if you’ve read through the insanely long RSV thread in the Hunter section but a looooooooooot of the replies are just that. Adding nothing, just insulting and inciting to incite. It takes a toll on those of us who played RSV as our main for over a decade. It’s not as bad for me, since during MoP my guild needed tanks so I swapped to ensure we could keep raiding but I still miss my Hunter, Survival specifically, more than words can express.

So blunt, absolutely(again, likely largely in part to being jaded about all the RSV hate from people who have never touched the spec, much less the hunter class as a whole prior to MSV in Legion) But you can’t really deny the truth in his words. They posts logs, provides links. They do a lot of research on top of having existing knowledge. Again, could some things be phrased better to not come off as so aggressive/jaded? Sure. But that could be said for a lot of people on these forums, doubly so for a lot of people in this thread.

Ultimately, that’s all the vast majority of us RSV lovers want, is a 4th spec. MM and SV are too different thematically to really make it work via talents though. Blizzard even tried that in Legion, giving MM some signature SV things like Black Arrow, Explosive Shot(an abomination of Explosive Shot but I digress), and Lock and Load. It just doesn’t work. They’d have to alter passives and abilities of MM so much that it’d no longer be MM.

Which is why we advocate to bring RSV back as a 4th spec. It keeps everything intact, while bringing back our beloved spec that was ripped out from under us to appease people who didn’t even play hunters. Besides, completely removing an entire spec and alienating so many players was an unprecedented thing for Blizzard to do, so in this particular case, a 4th makes sense to bring it back.


I understand and MM is bad compared to its glory day. Pretty sad my Hunter is BM only because I do not like the feel of MM any longer. I would prefer old MM back with Armor Piercing brought back into the game as a stat. This will never happen but it would be nice.

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