Ok? No one claimed this.
Is this Naham’s alt or something? This line of reasoning only works if you can actually demonstrate how any of my points are horrible.
Uh, what? Are you listening to yourself? On any single issue when it comes to this game the majority of the playerbase fits into the “don’t care” column. This is common sense and no one disagrees with this. Most people have nothing to say on the Survival matter.

Enamored with melee? I play every class multiple different specs. That is why I like class and spec diversity. I made a new worgen hunter to try melee survival. It sounds interesting.
Seems more like you’re enamored with the old survival ranged spec. I like to try tons of different classes and specs. The only reason I even thought about survival because I think a melee spec with a pet seems like a cool option. Otherwise, I’d just do beast again.
… if you play every class you would realise that taking one of three ranged specs to add to a pool of twelve melee specs is taking away variety.
I don’t care that someone who has no attachment to Hunter or any class for that matter only likes Hunters because there’s a melee spec now. The spec should not have been removed and replaced for the sake of people like you.

Actually players back then viewed them as combat rogues in mail due to deterrence and counterattack being activated when parrying. That riposte vibe
Melee Hunters were routinely mocked from Vanilla itself. SV was remembered as the PvP control spec.

No it adds flavour and variety to the hunter class. They have always had the ability to use melee weapons.
And they have never lacked a ranged weapon, either, yet the current Survival does.
No Hunter spec before Legion was primarily a Legion fighter. You can’t excuse this away by saying “it adds flavour”.
Firstly, “flavour” is a meaningless catch-all buzzword used to justify all sorts of terrible design; it’s the positive equivalent of “clunky”.
Secondly, “variety” is not an excuse. Making one of the mage specs a physical melee fighter would certainly add variety to that class but I don’t think I need to explain why that’s a terrible idea. There’s adding variety and there’s replacing an existing choice which something that doesn’t fit either the class identity or the wants of the people of the class. Most Hunters rolled the class expecting ranged weapons so it was nice to have a variety of choice with ranged weapons. Taking away the ranged weapon from one of the specs is, for most Hunters, removing variety.

Nope. SV with harpoon resetting on a kill give it an amazing utility - i want this change to a warrior’s charge instead of waiting on a recharge.
This is nonsense. Harpoon being reset is only an asset to a spec that has to be in melee like Survival. The other specs don’t miss it at all because they are ranged and therefore do not need a charge. Meanwhile, Survival is the only Hunter spec without one of the best solo questing tools in the game: Barrage. Hey, it had that when it was ranged. Guess that’s just another way the spec is a lateral downgrade over what it used to be.

Congrats - BM is still that amazing solo spec. If you always are going to play BM why does the SV change to melee affect you?
Looks like you’re getting confused. The point of my mentioning this is to further debunk your ridiculous argument that Survival is better off in solo content for being melee.
Go look at how ranged Survival was played in solo content. You could pull a ton of enemies with Barrage, DoT them all up with Serpent Spread and then kite them around with shorter trap CDs with entrapment while keeping up the rot damage until they all dropped dead. It wasn’t as good as BM, but it was certainly miles ahead of the current SV. It was also a great demonstration of how SV was a unique spec with its own identity and not just a clone of MM like all the melee types think it was.

Does lone wolf being in MM affect you as such - hunters have always had pets. To add a spec based around no pet would break the class identity more than a melee playstyle.
No, it is not nearly as bad because the ranged weapon is far more central to the identity of the Hunter than the pet.
Note how the most important part is the ranged weapon; the pet comes second.
Just look at how petless Hunter was implemented. In WoD they just added a talent to MM and SV that took away the pet for a damage boost; it made a minimal change to the look and feel of each spec. Then look at how they had to make a melee Hunter; they had to totally remake one of the specs from the ground up. That’s the clearest indicator that ranged matters more.

Unfortunately that’s what you guys are 100% assuming hence why you can’t understand where I am coming from. You don’t fully read, but instead enforce sources to make a point not realizing they’re useless on the matter.
You said multiple times early on that the selling point of Survival in BC was the better melee damage and that people were upset when the spec had ranged stuff added to it and eventually the melee stuff taken away. No one ever denied that we had a minimum range and Raptor Strike was good to use with Savage Strikes and a 2-hander when caught up close in PvP. What is being denied is that Hunters ever deliberately ran into melee – we didn’t.
Regardless, you have also claimed multiple times that the current SV is more representative of that SV back in BC. That makes no sense at all. You did at one point say Survival now is the reverse of BC Survival, which is the truest thing you’ve said but also a self-contradiction. Survival in BC was a ranged spec that situationally had to use melee abilities. Survival now is a melee spec that can still somewhat hold up in ranged. It’s also missing several of the iconic Survival control enhancements that the spec had up until legion like Entrapment and Trap Mastery. Fact is that the last iteration of ranged SV was far more true to the early iterations than the current one – even without the melee weapon.