I mean you’re just proving my point even more, but I don’t think you can handle conversations well. You’re too much into your own thoughts like the others who challenged me. If anything I can’t even discuss with you guys on a decent level because y’all can’t handle opinions and views differs from yours.
Which is why you attack every poster who wants Ranged SV back, right?
Like I said, do some research. Everything I’ve said is based off logs and raw data. Ranged SV was infinitely more played and more popular than Melee SV. That’s the simple truth.
Regardless, you just want to incite and troll so I’m done with you, welcome to my ignore.
In Legion they gave Rsurv abilities to MM that were in name only and were made so bad that no one used them. Because of that they came into BfA going since no one used them we are taking them out.
If they would of put them in and to be honest only 2 made it to the mm talents Exp shot and lock n load but neither is recommended.
If they would of left the talents as they were pre legion and actually given us that moved to mm the ability to play as some what a version or rsurv there might be less of an outcry to bring it fully back.
Oh and by the way this whiner kid that wants some form rsurv back has been alive since the LBJ administration
If I am a troll then you’re pretty much a troll as well considering all the attacks you did on me. You want survival range to comeback? How’s that going to be done? Did you ever thought of that? I highly doubt that. When I said melee survival I got attack from you guys, but it’s acceptable for you guys right? A ludicrous mindset indeed.
It’s fine you ignore me. I don’t like discussing with kids that can’t handle a discussion well.
Current survival is really fun to play and I like it a lot as a melee spec. I don’t want it changed from melee. I would accept a shift to being a tanking spec, that would be rad. But still melee, please~!
Agree. Like the game needed another melee class.
feral drood
pally ('cept heals)
am I missing someone?
Yep. Needed another melee class…
I feel if they were to do anything, they should take a page out of Neverwinter online (While the mmo sucks, they did rangers right). When you switch weapons your talents/traits change. A range trait gains a melee ability when using a melee weapon and goes back to ranged when a ranged weapon is equipped.
but it does both. It’s kind of an reverse vanilla survival spec. It has range, but focus on melee and the same usual traps. It’s a combination spec since you have your pet helping.
But hunters still have 2 ranged dps specs. I like the versatility!
Combo spec or no, I liked the original survival spec. I did think it needed tweaking, but I so preferred it before the great pruning in Legion.
These “class fantasies” never worked for me at all, since after playing since almost launch I had a pretty good idea of what my class fantasies were.
OK how about they take one of the non tank melee warrior specs and make it a range spec. Say your spec how would that sound to you ?
Hey it would give warriors more versatility
It’s ironic that they used this as justification for turning Survival into one of 5 gorillion other melee specs.
Would depend on the execution. It could be good if they did it well!
I’d personally like a second ranged class altogether: the Ranger. With elemental arrows, DoTs, etc. and no pet. One spec could be Bow based, and the other could be Thrown weapon + Shield based (like the Night elf huntresses or High elf spellbreakers).
And, for good measure, a Tinker class as well, based on guns, turrets, bot pets, etc. With a DPS, heal, and Tank spec.
The current problem with hunter is that it’s trying to cram every single range fantasy into one class. Imagine if Warrior / Paladin / DK / Rogue had that problem, and they were just specs of the same class. Or if Mage / Warlock / Priest were the same class, just different specs. Seriously, “hunter” is just crammed.
I play DK, warrior, rogue, monk, paladin, and both brands of hunter. Survival does not feel redundant to me with any of the melee dps specs of those other classes. It has a unique feel which I enjoy a lot.
Why do you think I said reverse vanilla survival spec?
The first prune was in Wotlk which was the slow birth of full range survival spec. Legion is where it started to bring back talents that it lost before it went full range.
Technically go with something you like right? Players who spec to upgrade raptor strike in the early days then in survival spec.
Sorry … “reverse” confused me myself
I have to sort of disagree. I don’t dispute anything except that Legion “started to bring back talents” because in fact Legion only repackaged core moves as talents. I have hated ALL of my toons since Legion.
I loved the original talent trees and always felt that instead of expanding them, just add ranks/multipliers to them.
I think we’re on the same page?
All good
When you put it that way I can totally empathize that. Even though melee has came to survival spec in Legion. It wasn’t enough to bring me back into playing it. Vanilla / Classic survival spec was my vibe and I know how to rock with in both worlds. Close quarters and long distance, but this new survival is still unappealing.
Hope they make BM a tank spec. This will make hunter have 3 roles. Tank (BM), Range (MM) and melee dps (SV). SV is very fun and here in saurfang a big part of the hunters i see while doing my WQ are SV. BM is still the most popular atm because it is really ez mode and can tame exotic pets while MM is very rare despite it still being my Fav.
It’s kind of hard to take you seriously when you spew out nonsens like this(below):
I answered this which you posted, with the following:
…and I’m still waiting for you to provide said logic.
In just about every single reply you make, you’re being dismissive towards everyone who does not share your opinion. You ignore most arguments made against your claims. You mock and taunt other players just to get a rouse out of it.
You time and again post about how we(those who are) should stop advocating for the removal of current SV. But at the same time, you(and others) have no problem saying that the spec which was taken away from the class, a spec which A LOT of players liked, should not return.
Some others like yourself, who prefer MSV over the other specs, have no problem saying that we should opt for implementing a few of the old RSV abilities into either BM/MM. And that in itself shows how little you/they care for other player preferences.
Basically, you’re saying “Don’t you dare touch my spec, but go ahead, change the other specs”.
We have already told you. Multiple times.
Can understand why.
The same goes for many players that prefer BM or MM. And they wouldn’t want their specs(core playstyles) changed/removed.
Which is why adding in RSV as a 4th spec is the best option.
You’re acting as if SV in Vanilla was a defined hybrid spec as well. Which it wasn’t.
It actually wasn’t a spec at all. We had no specs back then.
What we had, was the default/baseline toolkit made up of mostly ranged abilities using a ranged weapon, along with some other stuff which were meant to be more situational.
Our talents back then, no matter which category you went into(be it BM/MM/SV) only added to that default/baseline toolkit. Nothing you got from those talents, changed the default toolkit.
And the talents you referred to in regards to being melee-abilities, those were entirely situational and in most types of content, would barely ever even be used. As they required you to be struck by an enemy, followed by you successfully parrying/dodging the incoming attack.