Please return survival back to ranged or give hunters a 4th spec

Survival has pretty solid AoE for M+. Kind of confused. It was actually out-dpsing my DH in AoE during the Uldir tier…which was out-dpsing almost everyone else. o_O

Nah keep survival melee. Hunters were actually melee and ranged back in vanilla so

is factually wrong OP.

I get it sucks your spec was changed, but you have 2 other ranged hunter specs. The 3rd was pretty redundant and made no sense, since marks and BM were always better anyways.


Unfortunately I am unable to post links. However, if you go to raider io and click mythic+ you can see how under-represented survival is. Then you could go to a log site like warcraftlogs and sort specs by dps and see that good survival players are doing 10-15k less average dps per dungeon run than good BM players.

The spec simply performs bad. Between tuning and clunky mechanics like aiming wildfire bomb at a trash pack that isn’t perfectly stacked, it just doesn’t keep up with BM or even marks in dungeons.

Edit; its a bit like subtlety rogues right now. They do just fine in a raid boss environment, but they are terrible in m+, and therefor no one plays them. (Again, look at eternal palace in warcraftlogs and you’ll see thousands of outlaw/sin parses and only hundreds of sub even though they perform fine in raids)

A hunter melee-pet spec is awesome. I vote keep it. There are enough ranged specs and classes out there.


No thanks I like Melee Hunter

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Marksman being the main raiding spec is nothing new… We don’t need a history lesson im relieving it again on classic. We’re talking about how you all are acting like it was just a completely irrelevant spec barely anyone played which is completely BS.

This is like saying warriors are melee and ranged because they have heroic throw.

By this logic, locks, mages, and rogues should all have a spec made into the opposite of the rest. I know some rogues want dual pistols but I’m thinking more like a slingshot would be cool, you know? For mages I’m thinking something like a spec revolving around D&D style touch spells. Shocking touch and the like. For this spec to work they of course cannot have anything equipped in their main hand and be in melee range of the target. locks lets make affliction spec based around curses and hexes but they work as auras from the lock that has to be in melee range to be effective.

The argument of, “well you have two specs of one thing, why do you need three?” Is nonsense if you don’t apply it to all pure dps classes.

I feel the opposite.


Ahh I see. So this is an attack because I triggered your feelings. Got it :+1:

People who spew garbage like this can’t help but make me roll my eyes. It just shows how clueless some people are. Ranged SV was nothing like MM.

But, okay, you say that but are perfectly content with Melee SV being literally Melee BM, or a Discount Warrior 2.0.? You people aren’t consistent at all.

“But but, It’s totally MM!” (ignoring that current SV is literally Melee BM)

Ranged SV was the most popular spec in the entire game. It had the most representation across ALL forms of content. Now, Melee SV is this niche garbage that struggles to hit 1-2% representation. If that doesn’t scream failure then I don’t know what does. Despite that, keep your niche garbage spec that does nothing other classes can’t do immensely better. Keep your niche garbage spec that goes against the very fundamental design of what a Hunter is. But at least bring the spec I played for over a decade back. The spec that millions of people played and loved.

Blizzard acknowledged that a lot of people liked Ranged SV, that’s why they put some SV stuff into the MM talent tree. But it failed. To quote our dead friend, “You just keep failing”. Bring the most popular spec in the game back as a 4th spec. Let Survival actually go back to its roots of being a hunter and not a garbage discount warrior that’s trying to be BM.

I 100% guarantee that if Ranged SV was brought back, it would dwarf Melee SV in representation across the board. Like, it wouldn’t even be comparable. If Ranged SV was brought back in it’s, let’s say MoP or WoD design, it would instantly become the most popular spec in the game again. I’d bet my life on that statement too.

Ah, another clueless person.

Firstly, no. Survival was never a melee spec. All hunter specs had Raptor Strike and Wing Clip so that if they got into melee situations they weren’t completely useless due to the Deadzone.(but they were still basically useless). Survival had Lacerate for a bit, sure. But Survival also had Improved Wing Clip to make sure they got back into ranged as soon as possible.

Saying SV was a melee spec is like saying Ret is a ranged spec because Judgement can be used from ranged.


Well they want to return the classes to what they once were so maybe a 4th spec for a few classes is an option Blizzard needs to consider to achieve that. The best of both worlds…


If that what you think what a design for a hunter is then perhaps it’s good you stick to WoW where it’s kindergarten concepts of classes.

Over a spec huh? I mean even if it became range which it won’t. Players would want Raptor strike and abilities back. If you want anyone to blame is the developers for making it full range and not the hybrid fun spec it was. That’s why some hunters went towards survival in the first place. It was something different and something not redundant.

A fourth spec would be nice, but this is Blizzard. They’re not on that GW2 level nor ESO for extra customization specs.

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I’m only making my points. Thats on you if you feel like im “attacking.” You’re also calling me triggered but has been coming at literally every person in the thread making their points that you don’t agree with. It’s okay to scroll by threads you don’t like so you don’t have to come on the forums and project.


The grammar of this statement lowered my IQ by about 40 points. Thank you.

WoW manual. “The hunter is a ranged class”. Doing ranged damage. That’s literally in the WoW manual. So yea, melee SV does go against the fundamental design of what a hunter is. And given that Melee SV has to steal BM abilities and has several BM themed abilities, it’s literally Melee BM but you people don’t bat an eye at that.

So clueless. Like I said, take Survival back to how it was during MoP or WoD. Don’t give it Raptor Strike or Wing Clip(which aren’t needed because the Deadzone no longer exists, THAT WAS THE ENTIRE POINT FOR THOSE, SO HUNTERS COULD DO STUFF IF STUFF GOT INTO THE DEADZONE).

Yea, 1%. Compared to the insane representation that Ranged SV had. Survival went from the most played, most popular, most represented spec in the entire game, to the least played, least popular with the least representation in the entire game. Adding to that, Melee SV has no unique thematic. It’s literally Melee Beast Mastery. Which is a lot of my issue with it. “Ranged was just MM!” apparently, despite being blatantly false and not even having shared abilities aside from Arcane Shot and Multi Shot, but Melee SV stealing BM abilities and BM themed abilities and BM themed talents…that’s perfectly okay and totally 100% unique, eh?

Ranged SV was also much more involved than BM and MM. Lock and Load procs, making sure you didn’t clip Explosive Shot damage, Black Arrow resetting when the target died. So much more in depth than Kill Command spam which is literally 50% of current SV and BM.

Like I said, when the most popular spec is removed and replaced with something that has THE LOWEST REPRESENTATION, then that’s a failure. Spin that any way you want. Melee Survival failed. And will continue to fail. Because despite the fact that 1% may enjoy Melee, the vast, vast majority of people who chose to play a hunter did so to…play a hunter. Not a discount warrior with a pet.

Logs prove this. Open your eyes and stop being blind. You enjoy Melee SV, cool. You are among the 1%. But you shouldn’t say “Screw you” to the 99% of us wanting Ranged SV back.


If you wanna call those points. They’re just your views on how you like a certain spec structured. Problem is you and others have a tough time accepting others when they call it a melee survival spec. It’s range and then it can become melee. Sure it may not have more melee abilities on the hemisphere, but it still works when players goes that route and it does deliver.

It’s not like you had many to begin with if you’re still having a tough time trying to accept others opinions because there’s not close to the righteous one. :roll_eyes:

Pot, meet Kettle.

I’m done with you though, you are purposely trying to incite people in this thread. You attack everyone who wants Ranged SV back. It’s people like you, who give the Melee SV community a bad name. And it’s due to people like you, which is why I wish they’d delete the spec.

But then I think of the actual cool people who enjoy Melee SV and I wouldn’t want that.

So you do you, but stop attacking everyone who wants ranged back. You like melee, cool. However, there is a reason Ranged SV was the most popular, most played, most represented spec in the entire game. And likewise, there is a reason Melee SV is the least popular, least played, least represented spec in the game.


:rofl: Yeah I take that you don’t have much to give anymore. Most don’t when they’re out of juice. Good try though…or so.

Yeah 99% of what exactly? What are the numbers of those percentages? 5 people 6? 100? I know not in the millions. It’s totally the minority because the majority could careless. If they like the spec they’ll play it and think nothing of it. You however will go into deep lore etc on how majestic it was. No one got time to hear that.

Pretty much what you did to me, but you can’t handle a conversation between debates. It’s your way or the highway. That’s your motto which is pretty much a immature kid mindset. Perhaps when you grow some bones and handle yourself better then comeback.

Wow, hostile.

I left the conversations hundreds of posts ago, and you still drag it back out. :woman_shrugging:

In my opinion Ranged Survival still wasn’t much different than MM to me. I personally think melee survival has more flavor, and I already said I wouldn’t care if they brought ranged Survival back, as long as the left melee Survival in the game and renamed survival to something else.

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That’s how much it means to them not realizing how silly it makes them look. They want to bring in points, but why when it can be countered so easily without any effort.

A spec was annihilated in order for it to become a melee spec.

From Cata - around 6.2 in WoD when they started to break it so it could become a full on melee spec ,range surv was probably the most popular spec of that time for hunters.

Rsurv was great for kiting adds , doing dot damage.

All they would have to do to bring the range aspect back is let people pick from the talents with options for either range or melee. It would be a win win .

Melee surv get to keep their spec and those of us who had our spec annihilated would have a version of our’s back.


Lol, pathetic. “Me attacking you is okay but because you have a brain and don’t want to derail a thread you are a spineless coward”. Did I read that right?

My stuff is based off logs. Seriously, do some research. Look at SV representation for raiding and PvP. Look at SV representation just on things like realm pop. The simple truth is, when SV was ranged, it’s representation was insane. It was literally the most played spec in the entire game. More people had a Survival Hunter alt than any other character. It had great raiding representation and great PvP representation.

Now? Melee SV has basically no representation. It’s literally 1-2%, on good nights. And has become one of the least played specs in the entire game. It’s fighting for worst with Subtlety.

That is my biggest issue. Blizzard took the most popular spec that literally had the most representation out of ALL specs and classes. And killed it for a spec so niche that it’s representation is 1%, the lowest of the low.

Like I said, keep Melee for those of you who like it, but again, why should I have to be content with the spec I and millions of others played being removed?