Please rethink the soar nerf

Personally, I don’t understand the nerf–or the need to make soar ‘different’.

I’d love to see soar just be a cosmetic version of dragonriding, only allowed where dragonriding is. But I admit, I’d love a cosmetic ‘normal flying’ version, too, since Blizzard will be keeping normal flying and seem iffy about keeping dragonriding. Let people who want to be a dragon… well, feel like a dragon. The worry about people not engaging with mounts over it is untrue, people will still sit on their shiny mounts in hubs and cities to show them off as they do now.


Right back atcha.



…Right. This is the first time I’ve spoken to you about this. You’re the one who came in here and selectively responded to parts of my post. I don’t think you understand what I’m saying and you’re just saying “ditto” to be witty.


Okay. When? The post you responded to is me quoting and responding to a different person, so I assumed you were either an alt of that person, or were just randomly responding to me out of context 22 days later.

When? Because that’s not the post of mine you responded to.

You’re right. I don’t know why you came in here and randomly responded to a post I made 22 days ago replying to a different poster, acting like you were tired of trying to explain something to me (when you had never tried, because, again, this is the first time we’ve spoken).

So you started a conversation with, “I’m tired of trying to explain this to you and you keep ignoring me” when neither of those things are possible because we haven’t been having a conversation. You obviously didn’t want a real conversation, so I figured throwing your nonsense back at you was appropriate.

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How so? Didn’t hurt anything. Was nothing wrong with it. Was just fun. This is such a stupid hill for blizzard to die on.

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Nah we can post here. Thanks!

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This is a non issue lmao. This would never be a thing :joy:

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necro away, you are undead…

the literal selling point of this expansion was that dragon soaring and riding dragons and theyve…lmao…already butchered it.
Leave it to knights in here to defend ruining more of this game while we’re at it, lol


you are legit mentally ill

Ok. I see the confusion. When you made that reply to the other person, you had repeated points that we had long gone over and refuted in the previous pages of the thread.

It doesn’t matter though. Take care

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It was an over budgeted racial. People keep trying to compare it to class abilities like portals and flight form when it isn’t a class ability. It’s a racial.

You’re coming off as a petulant, entitled child. It’s not a good look.

I’m sorry you feel it’s “ruined” because a racial ability is flying at 600% speed instead of 900% speed. But on the alpha I’m still having a ton of fun with both soar and Dragon Riding. And the selling point most definitely wasn’t the racial ability. It was Dragon Riding. And so far the only tuning they’ve done to Dragon Riding has been buffs.

Stop getting your facts off of reddit and twitch.

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ignored, clown
taking your white knighting trash to someone elses comments
BOTH were in the brochure son…END of discussion

Then the reverse should be true.

Unless OP is actively testing it, which he admited he hasnt/isnt, he shouldnt say its wrong.

Except he’s echoing people he trusts that have tested it.


Dang few dozen more brown nose point and can get something from McDonald’s $1.00 menu .


Excellent rebuttal and brilliant use of the English language. Looks like I hit a nerve. Must have hit a little too close to home.

You don’t even know what a brochure is, “son”. Else you’d know that marketing materials show pretty much everything that is coming in an expansion. Being in the marketing materials =/= “ThE LiTeRaL SeLlInG PoInT oF ThE ExPaNsIoN.” You’re actually just embarrassing yourself now.

Just because I’m still having fun with the ability on alpha and don’t absolutely lose my mind because something that we don’t even have yet was tuned, doesn’t make me a “white knight”. You kids call anyone who isn’t overtly toxic and insulting to Blizz on every single point a white knight.

It’s probably a good thing you put me on ignore. I’d like to have a civil, constructive conversation about the topic but it’s clear that that isn’t in the cards. But even if you lied and you didn’t, I won’t reply to you again as you aren’t interested in having an actual conversation. But feel free to get the last word if it makes you feel better. We know your type. You need it.

For those in this thread fighting for more nerfs, or keeping current nerfs:

What do you think of soar becoming, not it’s own ability, but purely a cosmetic version of dragonriding, meaning it benefits from the talents? That includes being unavailable in content that dragonriding is disabled. I think this would fix the complaints of it being unfair, as well as making it better for those who want the fantasy of a dragon flying as a dragon.

I’ve been popping up in every thread I’m able trying to advocate for this, in hopes it’ll be seen. I resubbed, and got my partner playing as well, purely so we can fly around as dragons. We’re not raiders, I admit, and not that into ‘current end game’ so sadly we’re not the people Blizzard wants to cater too, but I’m hoping they might see the value in this path.


This would be fine.

It’s only redeemable for Blizzard products, unfortunately.