The nerf is unnecessary and unpopular. It’s an easy slam dunk to revert it.
No. It was the right change to make. Get over it. It’s not happening.
Please post your comments in the proper forums, Dragonflight isn’t released yet.
Thank you
It’s not a nerf. It is a pre-launch design change.
its super popular and i wish they would remove the ability for does dragons to fly. They should be wingless dragons like the thicc boys with 4 legs.
You can’t post In Alpha if your not in it
If it makes something weaker, it’s a nerf, whether it’s in the alpha or not.
They had an easy win with Soar and Dragonriding, they decided to dictate the fun to us again.
They will never learn.
Their arrogance prevents it.
How them boots taste mate
Shh… let him savor the taste before he has to render his verdict.
I like the descision Blizz made on this.
The last thing I want to see in the new expansion is one tank and 4 Dracthyr because Blizzard made a ‘super race’. This is one of those times when Blizz should NOT listen to the feedback.
Why are people so upset over 30%?
Could they at least give Dracthyr normal flying instead of this wet fart of a nerf? I’d be happy with just that.
Because the reasons given were that it allows Dracthyr farm do raids faster, pet battle faster, and level through Chromie Time faster. All of which are completely false. Being that
You can’t use Soar inside instances, getting to old raids/dungeons means literally nothing, in the case of new raids/dungeons, regular dragonriding already beats out Soar before they nerfed it since it has bonuses from a specific talent tree, and even if it did benefit- you would still be waiting for the rest of your group before being able to start the raid anyway.
I don’t think I need to explain this one, but pets are not exactly in short supply as far as wild hunting for exp or capturing, additionally, when traveling at max speed pets/mobs do not appear on the minimap because they do not have time to load in.
For Chromie Time, Dracthyr enter the world at 58, meaning a whole two levels in which they would be able to have the possibility of the proposed advantage. Under the conditions in which dragonriding (A very fast version of gliding) would allow, and only once per 5 minutes, to which would likely only be used to travel from zone to zone maybe two or three times. (Again under the assumption you had high enough place you could leap from for it to be of any use)
Every subsequent tier’s counterpoints also include all previous reasonings.
No it wasn’t.
Unless you’re actively testing it, please don’t say it was right.
It is very noticeable and in its current state, Soar will join the lights of Forge of Light and such as racials that never get used.
Honestly even at it’s OG speed it wasn’t going to be regularly used.
Pretty much. I used it mainly cause I enjoyed not having a giant dragon mount in my face, and that was just about it lmao. Dragonriding will always be faster and more efficient, and outside of the Dragon Isles, Soar didn’t save enough time to make it worth it, cause there’s barely any inclines to gain speed on.
I HAVE been testing it on the Alpha.
Is it slower than it was? Yes.
Do I still use it (Especially in areas outside the Dragon Isles)? ABSOLUTELY.
Is it fair that it’s slower than Dragon Riding (the biggest open world game play feature added in over a decade)? YES.
It’s still amazing in old zones and much better than most racials. Tbh I still even use it in the Dragon Isles just because it’s fun. And I love the animation of launching off the ground.
How them boots taste mate
Not nearly as good as your tears.