Please Remove Warbringer Rune From Warriors

uh huh. keep moving those goal posts i guess.

priests and locks can still fear us. free actions don’t stop fears or polymorphs.
Hunters on the other hand can still go either way if they can widen the gap, and give their pet time to munch us. assuming they’re also chugging.

this 100%…

I don’t think it lasts a week with MS.

An important difference.

Warriors deserve to be D tier in phase 1. In later phases you will be tier S++.

Sit down for 6 weeks.

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Didn’t say it wasn’t important.

I played and PvP on Warrior in Classic.

Warbringer will be ridiculously overpowered at 60.
Even without any other runes.

Yes, but the manner in which you stated that being the only difference served as an attempt to handwave it while acting as though it means little. Granted, you having deleted your post only minutes after doesn’t help.

EDIT: Or editing immediately after I respond. :laughing:

No, because I wasn’t talking about whether it was good or not. Just how it functions.

I edited before you responded.
While you were typing, yes.

But I finished before you posted.

I also deleted the original post before you replied to me the first time.

Sure, whatever.

zerker rage? ya wars do not have it right now but everyone already knows how wars are in regular classic. like idk why i even have to explain this too you you gotta be trollin or have absolutely no classic wow knowledge/xp it kinda just speaks for itself

yup you got me. warriors are just the best 1v1 class in the game. free actions and warbringer just mend all of our problems and everything will cowers in our presence. the skill cap in classic is just so low that the average person can bump their head on it but im only 3 feet tall.


Just like they knew how powerful explosive shot would be? And kill command? And mage healing with arcane explosion?

They’ve said multiple times they’re testing things, and don’t quite know how things will play out. I’m fine with warbringer for now, but I’m absolutely under the expectation it won’t survive forever, notably when we get into later phases. It got nerfed for a reason once.

Warrior is F tier and doesn’t become a decent Class till ICC in Wrath. I just hope they fix the other issues with Warrior’s terrible design in SOD. Victory rush needs to be useable on any target and heal for 25% HP. Warriors also need a good sustain heal like MoP Second wind. Then spell reflect. Possibly heroic throw adding a ranged damage/silence.

Then we would have a decent looking Class for SOD and tool kit for when they add Glad stance.

When they add Spell Reflect they should make it unique. A combination of all the different versions. Have Spell Reflect bounce back ALL spells for 5 secs and they do 50% more dmg when returned.

Wouldn’t mind seeing QoL on Shouts too. They last 100% longer and no longer cost Rage.

I smack on my Warrior and I don’t need Warbringer. Honestly its a lousy rune. I would never choose that rune over Raging Blow , ever.

Next Phase everyone who isn’t a Warrior or Warlock is going to have a real bad time.

Warriors get kitted next phase and we will become unstoppable.

Also, there was never a need for Warbringer. You just need 1 good hit on a mage in Battlegrounds with the Unstoppable Force and they get sent back to lumbridge. So i’m not worried about it. Warbringer is for lazy Warriors who don’t know how to Stance Dance.

Yeah sure Warriors arent that great pvper before they get Intercept but Warbringer is a very op rune, there’s good reasons why it’s usually a deep prot talent. Only a retail player will have the idea of making it baseline and call it a day.

People who think warriors were bad in vanilla clearly never saw what well geared fury warriors can do with healer support.

Everybody died. Didn’t matter who you were you died.

I agree. Remove the rune. THE END

Disagree. There was always a need for Warbringer. It’s good they brought it back. Not being able to charge in combat is bad design. Also a Warrior not being able to break root is also bad design. Their rage should break roots as they charge their foes.

Warbringer only existed for about a month in Wrath then they removed it cause Mages who were bad at the game complained. If Warbringer is giving you a hard time it’s honestly a skill issue. You know you can dead zone charge right?

I love my warrior but this would probably be too good, they would need to increase charge cd for it to be baseline.

Warriors need better self sustain if anything, like someone else already said, second wind or victory rush on a short cd.

everythings on gcd and the gcd is slow asf might as well be final fantasy. classic is 10% skill 90% gear for every class did you watch the cdl or the mok gora tourneys? and classic pvp is very rock paper scissors. so idk why ppl even complain about imbalance to begin with its literally classic wow thats how it suppose to be and what makes it fun and entertaining