Please Remove Warbringer Rune From Warriors

They will be a thing very soon…

Charge alone dispelling roots & usable in all stances is infinitely better than simply being able to charge in combat.

Both won’t. Hate to break it too you.

For warrior dps? Fury absolutely will

If fury is not going to be top dps, that means there will be higher dps in the game which essentially means in end game the scaling of everything from PVE to PVP is going to be out of whack more than it is already and massive adjustment would be required.

Define out of whack? SOD is a drastically different game. Top Dps at 60 is going to be exponentially higher than Vanilla. You aren’t considering new items, tier sets, legendaries or how the runes scale. All this together is a different end game.

Fury DPS will be at the top because of how classic rage works (It will not be reworked)

That’s just the way it’ll be

Biggest problem of wow is they try to play a balance a class’s pve and pvp toolkit instead of separating the two completely. In classic wow that’s impossible because world pvp is a big focal point, instead of instanced pvp. The pvp balance will never work. The only thing to worry about is if anything is broken.

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Of course it won’t be reworked. That doesn’t matter though. SOD is not Vanilla. It’s not even close. You really aren’t listening so I’m done repeating myself.

It won’t be that way. I’ve explained why.

The Dps in SOD will be higher than in TBC. SOD is not Vanilla.

The thing people forget about warriors is how they scale.
Warriors with poor gear have a tough time, whether it’s PvP or PvE.
Warriors with great gear rip and tear in both.

A fresh 60 warrior is a free kill in AV.
A well geared fury warrior supported by 2 well geared paladins becomes a literal raid boss in AV.

What happened in later expansions is warriors became more balanced over time. They lost some of their insane scaling but gained more baseline power and utility.
If they increase warrior’s baseline power and utility in SoD, they have to change their scaling which would mean fundamentally reworking fundamental warrior class mechanics.
And I don’t get the idea that SoD is about reworking fundamental class mechanics at all.

They are making these changes largely through runes, so expect more runes or balancing changes to the existing runes, not sweeping changes on how warriors gain rage and deal damage with their existing abilities.

Sounds good to me. That rune is too expensive anyways.

thats most definitely not true. if you hit the skill ceiling in classic per class (which is fairly low) you would have a different opinion. also any war that chugs will more than likely win any 1v1 rn esp into those classes you listed
most pallys, war and rogues that fap will beat any class in a 1v1 rn

Eh idk warbringer isn’t that powerful because charge in combat alone. The bypassing of all roots and slows on both gap closers is what sends into the stupid sphere of strong. If they make it baseline it will be nerfed and suck. I’d rather not change it.

Counter argument. It just makes it so warriors aren’t free kills where the enemy kills you with 100% HP cause you never touched them.

It’s locked behind the gold sink quests.

I desperately hope they depreciate this rune once warriors get intercept, or at the bare minimum warbringer needs to put intercept on CD otherwise everyone who isn’t a warrior is soon to be in for extremely bad times.

If you’re playing SoD and you aren’t playing a warrior, this should concern you greatly.

I got the rune, so I could charge in Def Stance.

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It shouldn’t.

Why would they nerf it again? What I mean by that is the Warbringer rune is the original Warbringer talent from and early patch in WotLK that lasted for only a month. Mages cried that Prot War could charge instantly out of all roots and 1 shot them. As I mentioned above sadly they changed Warbringer then put a cap on BV to cap Shield Slam.

The Devs implemented this rune FULLY KNOWING it’s history. They know what they are doing and wanted to give Warriors the original power it possessed. It’s exciting for Warriors to finally have what was taken from them in Wrath.

Pvp is rough

Warbringer rune is the best thing that ever happened to Warrior. The sheer panic when they realize their kiting does not work anymore! Throw in a good healer in WSG and its lights out. Charge, fear bomb, smash, charge their back line in combat, cause havoc and soak up damage. That is exactly our role in PvP. Plus we dont even have Whirlwind, sweeping strikes or Mortal strike yet…the future is bright for warriors

Sounds like a bad idea