Please Remove Warbringer Rune From Warriors

Instead make it baseline. Warriors without that rune are basically free honor to all other classes.

Warriors being able to charge in combat without sacrificing a chest rune would do wonders for pvp, it might give us a slight chance of actually killing someone 1v1.


No thanks… next!


also please nerf all warrior dps down to below hunters.


They should be, warriors have no mana bar and wreck in melee and anchor teams with a healer. The tradeoff is that they’re kitable. The warbringer rune is a terrible addition in general and should not only not be made baseline, it should just be removed from the game.


Warrior’s without this rune can’t touch anyone, and this rune is one of the hardest runes to get.

At level 25 warriors are D tier at pvp, making this rune baseline will help, bliz can balance for the later tiers if needed.


Why would they make this rune baseline when they haven’t made any other runes baseline?


Actually just eqip new chest armor without the rune…

agreed. they need to make warbringer baseline.

Yea Warriors have a lot of problems with their Runes and slots they take up. Victory rush should heal on any target and be on a 15 Sec CD. They need a Second Wind Rune for some sustain healing but it needs to be MoP Second Wind.

Hopefully they got some better Runes coming for when Glad Stance Rune gets here. Then these runes need to synergize together and not compete with each other so Warrior can be fun to play eventually.

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What’s that? You want it baseline? Well it already exists.

It’s called retail.


This rune is straight up broken and will probably get nerfed when the level cap increases.

Asking for it for free is hilarious


Good joke, i havent heard that. did you think of that yourself?


I don’t have to make these jokes up for myself.

Retail is enough of a joke as it is. :rofl:


I don’t get the push back.

Blizzard made it so hunters could place traps in combat, just as a baseline, no rune needed. That was a great change. I think they should of done the same thing with charge.

Hunters were already great at this level bracket, warriors are struggling.


It doesn’t. Warbringer Rune existed for only a tiny bit in patch 3.1. The root break on it was soon changed cause Mages were crying too much. So it’s nice we finally have Warbringer back but it takes up important slots and is required. Which eliminates other rune choices.

Wish we had this Warbringer in Wrath again.

there are no combat traps in season of discovery


You are missing the context that Warbringer was only ever a talent deep in the Protection tree.

Now it’s available to Arms/Fury builds AND it dispels slows and roots.

It will be completely broken at level 60, when Warriors have all their abilities. Maybe even before then. Enjoy it while it exists in it current state because I don’t think it lasts forever.


then you’re doing it wrong

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You are missing the point. I have played Prot for nearly 15 years. Warbringer rune only existed in a short patch for like a month. It was then removed cause of Mages crying. Which is a shame. It should function just as it does now and is required. So other rune slots can’t be used.

Believe me if we had Warbringer Rune in Wrath I’d be playing my Prot Warrior right now lol. Instead of the watered down version Wrath has.

So the rune, as it currently exists was too strong for deep Protection Warriors… but it’s totally fine for Arms Warriors in Classic to get it?


This thing is totally broken. It will not last. Enjoy it while it’s here.