Please Remove Warbringer Rune From Warriors

Lol warbringer once warriors have intercept is going to make them a nightmare in the later brackets. Especially alliance ones with freedom. They’re just going to be charging around one shotting everyone. I wouldn’t worry about being free honor rn.

It’s called “Intercept.”

You’ll get it in the next phase.

Yeah, will have to see as everyone is getting more runes though. People seem to forget that every class should be pretty different than normal classic by the time we hit 60 and unlock everything.

Yeah but warrior is already miles ahead of everyone in raw DMG. In group PvP they are monsters in classic, with warbringer they will be jumping from target to target deleting people at 60, it should definitely not be baseline.

I just don’t think people are truly grasping the magnitude of the devastation that everyone who isn’t a warrior is going to experience at the hands of warriors in later phases if something isn’t done about Warbringer.

This rune totally destroys the balancing act between warrior gap closers and the other classes ability to create space. If nothing changes with Warbringer its absolutely GG for literally everyone at the hands of warriors.

Sure, it’s a nuisance now, but it will quickly become a death sentence for all of us later.

Warriors are getting Intercept, fear break and two weapon damage abilities next phase (MS/WW) while also having arguably the strongest loot for the bracket (Scarlet Monestary blues and Whirlwind Axe) until we see the new raid gear, which will no doubt be even more powerful AND Warbringer to top it off, making them the most mobile class in combat, second only to druids (IF they have enough mana to spam cheetah form)

Tough it out, I promise you warriors will be an absolute force to be reckoned next phase.

They should make charge and intercept work in combat baseline. Warbringer should still exist with giving it the remove immobilization and allow you to use it any stance. People think you’re asking too much for the rune itself to just not exist and make it baseline. The reality is that without charge being able to be used in combat makes warriors easy to clean up for ranged.

Lol… I swear. It’s like people think fair is “I win”.

Please play retail instead if you’re so bothered by this. The changes to classes in Season of Discovery should remain in the rune system and gear. The baseline of the classes’ talents and skills should not be touched.