Please Remove Warbringer Rune From Warriors

sounds like it’s just not for you, warrior has a specific niche in classic and is notoriously weak outside of that, unless you want retail wow wearing the skin of classic I don’t think it’s the right module to play warrior.

Warbringer rune is the original version from Wrath. I’m a Wrath player which is the pinnacle of WoW. So we are heading into good class design with some of these runes. What I’m hearing in this thread is that SOD might not be for you!

SOD isn’t going to be anything like Vanilla. So if you are looking for Vanilla Class design SOD isn’t it. That’s why I’m here and players like me are here.

Your brain is confined to Vanilla. This isn’t Vanilla. Thank goodness. Warrior design and every other class are going to get abilities from MoP, Legion, WoD, Wrath and various expansions in future phases.

I’m here specifically for Glad stance warrior which was in WoD. The best Dps spec to ever grace the game. I know why I’m here. Do you know why you are here? Cause you might be investing time into the wrong type of game. This isn’t Vanilla. This is SOD and a culmination of a lot of expansions Class design.

Oh my warrs arent free kills to mages and hunters anymore so u want them to be nerfed.

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you’re just projecting what you want onto the developers, the only thing they have confirmed is what we have now and their designed philosophy, which they have said that they want to stick to the vanilla design as best they can.

I’m not confined to vanilla, it’s what this game is at the core.

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You would be surprised what I actually do know. Maybe you should give what I have said some thought. I wouldn’t want to see you blindsided. Again I know why I’m here and playing. I’m in the right game. This isn’t Vanilla and with each phase will get farther away from it thankfully.

Even with Warbringer, you’re still pretty much a free HK to most classes in the game right now without a backup healer assisting you or a sizable gear / skill difference, assuming neither person had an initial advantage. That’s just par for the course with the lvl 25 cap.

That being said, Warbringer is too powerful to give out baseline, and we’re essentially set up to be too strong in future phases as-is. We also do well in group PvP settings, and are fighting for the top spot as both tanks and DPS in PvE. Trying to buff warriors for PvP RN is a mistake that would most certainly backfire spectacularly later on.

fury is going to blow the socks off a theoretical glad stance, unless there is some redesign of how rage operates, the design of glad stance from wod is fundamentally incompatible with what we have here.

edit: this is a point to why this is still vanilla, wod and other expansions warrior rage had transitioned into the more or less homogenized builder and spender design.

Which is infinitely worse than Charge/Intercept/Intervene usable in any stance and also dispelling all slows and roots.

There is a redesign of everything. This isn’t vanilla. The game at 60 is going to be drastically different than Vanilla. Which is a good thing. This is the new version of WoW many of us needed.

Rage?..where we are going we don’t need Rage…

Sorry back to the future pun.

It isn’t and will continue to look very different from it. Are you telling me that a Druid casting Wrath for zero mana and regenerating mana while spamming it is “Vanilla” since it cost no mana it doesn’t register as a spell being cast.

SOD is reshaping WoW Class design and exploring never seen before design. It’s going to get real spicy with the new runes in future phases.

Feel free to bookmark this thread.

I’m sure we are going to get new abilities, but they aren’t going to be re-engineering the fundamentals like how resources operate such as energy and rage.

If you are expecting that I think you will be disappointed because the sheer effort it would take to make those changes, and the amount of problems it would cause with pre existing systems is way out of scope.

you should try fighting a mage sometime.

thats a hot take because we don’t know what other runes are in the pipeline. Warbringer just gives warriors a fighting chance against anything ranged alone without crutching on a healer to keep them going.

You don’t have too re-engineer. You can completely bypass it. Just like they did in my Druid example above. They also didn’t have to re-engineer Life drain for locks they just made it a Dot. So if you think a Glad stance warrior is going to be rage starved well then you don’t understand what is happening in SOD. What makes you think Shield Slam is going to cost rage?

SOD is going to be a very different game. I’d say by 60 it will resemble Legion expansion but with the old world feel. I’m excited with where this can go. SOD has a lot of potential.

what you’re saying would take a ham-fisted approach to resources to make glad stance viable, which still would not scale with gear and buffs like fury and the normal rage system does. No one wants that tbh and it would probably suck later one.

hardly matters at level 25 classic where intervene and intercept are not a thing

warr is bis in everything in classic other than fighting a mage

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You have no idea what fury will be like at 60. It won’t be anything like it was. You aren’t comprehending what is coming. The new runes, Tier sets, Legendaries. The game will be crazy and I’d say feel similar to Legion expansion to hopefully give you an idea.

Glad stance is the most requested feature for warriors since it was removed. Warriors want it and it was the best time to be alive playing a warrior.

What he’s saying is they won’t change the way talents are or the way rage works in classic

Fury will be the top, guaranteed

And what I’m saying is gameplay and feel of SOD will be similar to Legion. So you aren’t listening. You don’t have to change talents or rage for that to happen. It’s going to be exciting.

You are basing that with a Vanilla mind and you need to use a different mindset. Everything is going to drastically change. SOD will be the culmination of several expansions talents. New gear, tiers sets, legendaries ohhh my.

or a shadow priest.
or a hunter.
or a warlock

I will bet you several thousand dollars that fury will be the top raid DPS spec and that glad stance will not

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